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Everything posted by Xanadu

  1. If you are three weeks in, just get them off. Use your fingers (not nails). Wet hair is fine if that works for you.
  2. Not necessarily. I went to Eugenix and they said that my donor was excellent and beard not needed. Etwan is another example of a NW6/7 who didn't use any beard.
  3. Yes, I cannot think of a better looking post-op. It looks so dense and homogenous yet natural. Perfect.
  4. This looks like some of the most impressive work I have seen. You said two procedures are planned. But it seems your entire bald area was covered in the first procedure. So what is the second for? Provide density? I thought most doctors preferred to avoid planting grafts in between other tightly placed grafts - just like patients with diffuse thinning are usually not good candidates because planting in between existing grafts risks damaging them.
  5. His forehead completely wrinkle free.. I imagine he never smiles or frowns… because if he does his hair moves.
  6. That's great to hear. Really great! And do share pics after that trip to the Barber.
  7. At 4 months you were not completely happy and wondering if your progress had stalled somewhat. How do you feel now?
  8. When I get to that stage in a couple of months and if I need it, then I'll come for that tutorial
  9. I don't think it is too low. I agree that it should not be lower for sure, but I think it will look good.
  10. Donor management looks good given the very rough starting point
  11. Some clinics seem to be good at certain things, but not as strong at other aspects. For example, Eugenics are generally fairly successful at high NW cases. On the other hand many of their results, while being fairly successful considering the starting point, are not very densely packed. Even the more successful ones like this new one seem to be a bit low density in the hairline: So which clinics are especially good at hairlinedesity? Mr Rolandas seems to have pretty high density in the hairline. So does Mattdominance and many others. Are there any clinics that consistently produce good density hairlines?
  12. Very unlikely to have anything to do with finasteride. It could be minoxidil though.
  13. All the answers about how and why a drill and slits are used, I think you already know. I understand your question, and you are of course right that more is added than taken away. The only answer is elasticity I believe.
  14. Looks good. You are about a week ahead of me with the same no grafts and same place.
  15. Looks really good Karl, and I have always thought that this was the perfect length for you.
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