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Everything posted by CharlesBarkley

  1. Looking like that growth is coming along very good. You still have many months of improvement. But I have to say your case it a difficult one. Thanks for sharing!
  2. As you state, choosing the right clinic is so important. Very happy to see you coming back from the disaster you suffered at ASMED in Turkey. Your new hairline looks impressive @miko Dr Couto did it again, wonderful result 🙌🏻 what a transformation. Congratulations!
  3. Hi is everything looking for you @washingtondc what happened at the end? Did you arrange something with the clinic?
  4. It´s incredible how great it looks already. The hairline is wonderful. Lets wait for those temples to settle in as you still have many mnoths for improvement. Thanks for sharing!
  5. Looking fantastic already. Dr Couto and his temples are something else. Can not wait to see the final result! Thanks for sharing!
  6. Incredible! Beautiful and natural result. That hairline looks fantastic now. Congratulations!
  7. Hey @WalterWhite could we see some new photos? How is all looking now?
  8. You are looking really good. I have been reading the first page and it seemed it could end up very bad but the result is coming out quite good actually. The price is unbelievable, paying 2600$ for 4700 grafts is totally unreal. Thanks for sharing.
  9. If they said "there is a lot more room for growth", so you should be patient. I am sure they will take care of you.
  10. You look terrific already. Just 6 months ago you were like this. And now you are already looking terrific. Keep those updates coming.
  11. This just looks marvellous. Your final outcome will be terrific. Dr Konior never fails to deliver impressive results.
  12. Wonderful new look @JOHN86 I like it a lot in that last photo with wet hair. Congratulations.
  13. Any updates would be appreciated. You are now past the 1 year mark. Hope all is great @Prof101
  14. Great suggestion here by @A_4_Archan Also, from your list I would pick Dr Lupanzula.
  15. I can imagine the "freedom" you feel nowadays without thinking about those scars. Can not wait to see that update.
  16. Your donor looked perfect 9 months after your HT. Maybe it´s also the light and angle when taking the photos. What medication are you taking? Why havent you contacted the clinic to talk about your concerns? I think they would be willing to help you.
  17. Ha ha ... is your wife funding your "crown" restoration! At least it seems she wants to see the best version of Robert De Niro... and it looks like you are on a great way to get there. For 5 months you looks fabulous.
  18. Your density could be amazing. To have 1500+ being triples is just insane, wow. Thanks for sharing. Will be following your updates.
  19. The design looks wonderful. How much did you pay for the PRP session? Would you do more PRP during the coming months?
  20. Looking amazing. And your donor looks really good. Thanks for sharing.
  21. Such an amazing result. What a beautiful transformation! Congratulations and thanks for sharing.
  22. What are the numbers on grafts of your hair transplant? Without the numbers is difficult to give an opinion. And do you have more photos? At this moment, 6 months, it looks like it´s a slow growth case but we have a long way to go. Your donor looks amazing by the way. Why you chose going to Dr Cinik? Did you have a consult with Dr Pinto? I think Dr Pinto is the best we have here in Portugal. And how much is the price for each graft with Dr Cinik?
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