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Everything posted by CharlesBarkley

  1. You are right, 5000 grafts is a lot for that area. From what I have been checking these past years 3500 grafts would have been great but I mean, it´s your decision. I can guess you have a super donor area. Also, even Dr Hasson commented on the high density... so this will be epic for sure. Does Dr Hasson decreases the prices after a certain number of grafts? Thanks for sharing, can not wait to see your evolution.
  2. What a pity to read all these things. I had Dr Mwamba in my bucket of 6-8 doctors but after following and reading your story, I am dropping this clinic. I believe, customer care is crucial in a business like this and they seem to be lacking big on this now. Do you have any clinics in your mind for the touch-up? What about Dr Pinto, Dr Bisanga, Dr Feriduni and Dr Couto, have you reached out to any? I am pretty sure you have an easy fix for that hairline so do not worry too much. Also, your donor looks excellent. Thanks for sharing your experience and helping others.
  3. What a great result! And his donor is now excellent for a second HT to give some more density in the front and the crown. Congratulations on a superb work.
  4. This is gold. Could you update this at the end of 2023? It would be great to have a chart like this and compared results. The question, who is the Best is always very complicated. We always have different interests and opinions. Also, for example your question about best "athlete" that would include all doctors from any specialty is not the same as if you would ask "best basketball player" which would be just for example HT surgeons. But the thing is that the name "Dr Couto" is always among the 3 or 5 doctors that everyone suggests as the elite HT surgeons...
  5. You already look like a new person. Those temples make such a difference, and you still have at least another 6-8 months of evolution. Please, keep those photos coming.
  6. For just five months the looks are phenomenal! Incredible transformation already.
  7. How long ago did you get your HT? Your design looks great. How is your donor looking?
  8. Why you say you do not have the grafts? I am pretty sure he follows this Forum and he is following this thread as when he does a "Search" his names would pop-up in the results... Your crown is looking so much better now after this hair transplant. Dr Couto and his team did a great job indeed. So you are now just past 8 months of your result right? That would mean you still have months ahead to get better since crowns take some more months than a normal hairline HT. Could you share and show photos with other perspectives. Say the normal photos from the human view. Could you take frontal, back and side photos so that we can see how you look walking around in the streets?
  9. Wow wow wow. Dr Pittella has become the way to go with high NW for sure. Can not wait to see this final result. thanks for sharing.
  10. Thanks for sharing this. I am predicting you will have an awesome result! Will be following closely.
  11. Wow, the change you have had is really good. Those temples are shaping your face again in a very natural way. And the hairline looks quite good too. You are right that sometimes the quality of the photo could mislead, so we will have to see better quality photos to give a final assesstment, but man, I like what I see. And again, your donor is great for another round if you would be up to that.
  12. totally agree with you @A_4_Archan hands are the most important thing when extracting either manual or motorized.
  13. I agree with @Calihome1 that hairline is not good enough for Dr Feriduni. Thanks for taking the honest opinions on the positive side @asvik I am sure Dr Feriduni being a perfectionist, he would agree on this. That hairline would need a touch-up for sure and with the 7000 grafts you have left on your donor wow, you are one of the lucky ones. Keep us posted as how your 1 year revision goes. Thanks for sharing your story.
  14. You were looking awesome at 5.5 months. Could you share an update?
  15. Such interesting story. Thanks for sharing all the details. I can not believe there were already doing hair transplants back in 1989, oh my God! Have you thought a combo with SMP?
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