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Everything posted by CharlesBarkley

  1. Honestly. Looks average but the photos are not the best. The hairline does not seem to be perfect but it all comes to perception sometimes. And I believe, the result in real life it's a lot better than in photos.
  2. Wow. What a transformation. You look just amazing my friend. And that donor? IMPRESSIVE!! Thanks for the update.
  3. What a challenging case. The post-op photos look awesome. As they say, now trust the process and be patient. Time will go quick.
  4. Looking at that number wow. How much, approximately, have you spend on those 14.468 grafts?
  5. Great improvement there. Hair is getting thicker. All goes as planned.
  6. It looks just like a perfect execution. Design is really natural. How many surgery days? How many beard grafts? How much per graft? Scalp and beard grafts have the same price?What medication are you on?
  7. Your transformation is marvellous. It's going to be even greater once you reach 1 year after the last one.
  8. The process and evolution looks great. Were the 7000 grafts all done in ONE day?
  9. Wow. Your donor looks perfect. This doctor is so good. Your result will be outstanding.
  10. Absolutely brilliant result! That new hairline could not be better than it is, just wow.
  11. How is the evolution going? This looks as an interesting case. High Norwood and difficult case indeed but fortunately with a great donor. Please, keep the updates coming.
  12. Thanks for sharing such amazing experience. This hair last transplant will for sure make a great difference. Looking brilliant.
  13. You are exactly within the worse phase of your HT experience. All looks as it should at this moment. Thanks for sharing.
  14. Time moving fast and that new hair is also COMING fast!
  15. Completely agree here with @Melvin- Moderator , the Hair Transplant market is nowadays GLOBAL, not just for an iPhone, but for Hair Transplants too.
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