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Everything posted by CharlesBarkley

  1. Great improvement but I am sure your will get better with meds. I will still wait before deciding on going for the 2nd round.
  2. How is that going? Hope all is getting better. You are right that most of the times things do not improve that much after 6 months but it's good to wait till at least 10 months. Also, checking your donor, it looks amazing to still have another round even though I can understand 2 HT are already tiring.
  3. Wow! This is just CRAZY. Insane result by Dr Mwamba. I have see the video 3 or 4 times, incredible.
  4. Thanks for sharing your experience and current opinion after your result. It is not the best result but at least the growth is there. As you say, adding density and trying to do a repair could bring you the result you were looking for in the first place. How much did you pay per graft? Any idea where you would choose to go for the repair?
  5. Thanks for these awesome photos where we can see everything. Next months willl be exciting. Can not wait to see your evolution. Thanks for sharing.
  6. +1 That smiles says it all! What a change! So happy to see an amazing result over such a difficult case. What are your future plans? Get more density in the frontal area? How many grafts could you have for future HT?
  7. Oh God, this is going to be a perfect TOP result. I love Dr Bisanga results and with your hair characteristics, we can already see and image your new look in another 3 months. Thanks for an extraordinary detailed information. Wish all posts were like this. Top. Thanks for sharing.
  8. Really nice reading all the details. Your case is not an easy one but your donor looks great and Dr Feriduni has amazing results. Eager to see your evolution.
  9. Wow! Just wow! All is looking fantastic. Your evolution is great and your donor looks impeccable. Sometimes FUT, when donde with an amazing doctor such as Dr Hasson is the best option. And you will have so many grafts to still go with FUE in the future.
  10. Completely agree with you @Gatsby these TikTokers are going too far with certain things. I do not like it at all. Society is in danger.
  11. For sure Dr Zarev is doing amazing things with his patients. Excited to follow your evolution.
  12. Looking very good. And you have great hair already so the result would be perfect for sure. So in ASMED you have packages? The one you got is $3/graft and Dr Koray does all the work?
  13. Looks really neat. That new hairline is going to be awesome.
  14. One more for Dr Pittella. And this is massive, oh my god. How many surgery days? How many beard grafts? How much per graft? Scalp and beard grafts have the same price? What medication are you on? Also, could you share some more pre-op photos of your donor area and also general look?
  15. 7000 Grafts in one day? This Dr is doing incredible things. I really want to follow your evolution.
  16. It looks good. I would like to see better quality photos. What are your feelings? Did this HT meet your expectations?
  17. The design looks beautiful. And the density will be amazing.
  18. Best thread ever. What an inspiration for us all. Just an amazing transformation.
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