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  1. Good afternoon dntv, thanks for responding, it is nice to hear from you after all this time. All full promotional patients of WMG are offered this, hence why they sign up for promo typically. This is fairly standard amongst hair transplant clinics to offer life-long services with promotional patients who work with the clinic. You're more than welcome to fly back to the UK at any time should you wish to come and discuss your case and progress. Regarding the higher hairline, this is always suggested for gents with your level of hair loss. This was mentioned in your online assessment email before attending your consultation. ''We advise leaving your hairline slightly higher, with a small amount of natural recession in the corners. This will lend itself well into your later years and look age appropriate as you mature.'' The graft numbers we have on file are believed to be accurate, and certainly correspond to the large section of your scalp from frontal third to crown implanted using only 1,800 grafts from your reserve donor bank. Forgive us, though we are skeptical of your own counts and claims during the recovery phase. For most men there's between 5,000 - 7,000 usable grafts in the donor region before the area is considered thinned or 'moth eaten' so to speak. Usually for a large case of hair loss (Norwood 5 - 6) the plan is to plant 2,000 grafts in the frontal third region, 2,000 grafts in the midscalp region and 2,000 grafts in the crown area to give you a rough idea of the numbers needed for full coverage. Hence going higher with your hairline, thus conserving your donor region simultaneously should you need further intervention at a later date. Forward planning is crucial with all our hair transplant patients. Hair loss medication should still be considered. Topical Finasteride is a great alternative to oral Finasteride and has shown to be very effective, by inhibiting the activity of 5-alpha-reductase, which converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), mostly without the side-effects associated with taking the oral 1mg version. It is definitely worth considering for your native hair. As you know the transplanted hair is DHT resistant and will grow permanently. Kindly keep the forum posted at 12 months post-op. Our clinic door is always open for you at anytime dntv. Best wishes, WMG Team London
  2. Dear HRN Forum & dntv We have been informed of this post by our customer base, and advised to respond as there appears to be confusion regarding dntv's treatment and 6 month progress photos. dntv originally signed up as a promotional hair transplant patient which includes life long support and complimentary touch up services should he require further intervention. dntv was unsure about hair loss medication which we strongly recommended for a gentleman in his 30's who may lose more native hair which is not DHT resistant. The transplanted hair is resistant to the DHT hormone, however the native non transplanted hair isn't, hence the recommendation to preserve this through medication. Dr. Sebastian Deme recommended a higher and more conservative hairline at this stage, taking into account possible future usage with how dntv will mature over the years ahead. It is always wise to run the 'just in case' scenario should one continue to lose native hair, hence conserving donor hair which isn't infinite, and only transplanting what is required at this stage to cosmetically improve one's look, plus ensure a degree of future-proofing for the years ahead. dntv underwent a successful FUE procedure and was in regular communication with our medical team throughout the recovery phase as normal. We discovered dntv was upset regarding his treatment via the forum post rather than the post-op email exchanges. We are saddedned dntv has decided to halt his promo and future support as our promotional client, though we respect his decision. Whilst it is easy for patients to focus on the graft numbers, ultimately it is the hair count which matters most, plus the end result at 12 - 24 months once the hair transplant fully matures. It is true that hair grafts are often doubled up in the same lateral incision hole where required as mentioned by other posters in this thread. This is common practice in hair restorative surgery. dntv has had 1,800 grafts implanted via FUE totalling 3,995 hairs which covered his frontal third through to crown area. We're estimating dntv has between 3,500 - 4,000 grafts remaining between FUE and utilising an FUT strip should he continue to lose native hair as he prefers to keep his hair longer, though luckily dntv's hair loss isn't aggressive though the option is there. The FUE graft breakdown is as follows: 370 single FU's 705 doubles FU's 725 triple FU's Total hair count 3,995 Here we attach dntv's 6 month progress report where upto 50% of the final result can be observed at this stage: Typically, from 6 - 12 months is where most of our patients see notable change, with new hairs continuing to emerge and the calibre and texture of the transplanted hairs beginning to normalise, as at first the transplanted follicles tend to grow wiry and wispy. Full maturation of the hair is often achieved at 15 - 24 months post-op which is universally acknowledged amongst hair transplant surgeons. Some patients do choose to have touch up procedures in time should they wish to refine, though this is best performed at 12 months post-op once the final growth is observed. We wish dntv every success in the future, and do hope he keeps the forum updated with his progress approaching the 12 month post-op mark in February 2024. Here dntv will see the final transplanted growth before the hair maturation stage takes effect come 15 - 24 months until fully matured. Best wishes, WMG Team London
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