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Posts posted by Matth

  1. Hello everyone ! 

    Short message short news :

    so transplant was 1 month and 9 days ago. Everything went well. Curently struggling with pimples aspecially on donor area but nothing worrying.

    currently experiencing shock loss,ugly ducking phase ;) 

    Dr Bicer was very (very) reactive each Time i had question (answers in 30 minutes, even less sometimes!!), which is si appreciable ++++




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  2. Hello !

    I can not believe I actually did it, but I finally went through hair transplant surgery ! Here is my experience.

    Brief presentation :
    I am a 30 years old french man and started loosing my hair very early (when I was 16 years old) but quite slowly. I was desperate at the time but did not think it was possible to do anything at the time so I just did nothing (especially no meds) except use hair fiber until recently. I saw hope when I started reading experiences on different hairloss forums and decided to take my chance with hairtransplant !


    Why did I choose doing it in Turkey with Dr Ozlem Bicer :
    I first looked in France but there were no French clinics or doctors in the top rankings hair transplant teams so I chose to go to Turkey.
    I (obviously) looked for a surgeon with excellent reputation (saw multiple different results on here website, on Instagram and on forums) but as I myself am a medical doctor, the most important thing for me was to find a surgeon that performs only one surgery / one patient a day, which is the case with Dr Bicer. I booked my hair transplant appointment last July, almost 1 year in advance. This long lead time was actually quite reassuring, as proof of high demand (in fact, several other clinics offered me appointments much earlier, which paradoxically seemed worrying for me). Nice to notice : her team was very reactive on whatsapp the entire year before my transplantation (especially when I had questions).


    Trip :
    I took my plane on Sunday the 11th of June 2023, arrived at my hotel (which wasn’t the hotel that Dr Bicer’s team recommend / work with as there was no room available because I took care of the organisation part too late :p) at 18:00. I went through surgery on Monday the 12th of June 2023 and then stayed at my hotel until Wednesday the 14th of June, day of my return journey to France.

    The D-Day :
    - 9 o’clock : arrival at the clinic, very nicely received, medical and administrative questions
    - 10 o'clock : medical check-up with blood-pressure and heart rate measurement, electrocardiogram, blood sampling and test with one of the nurses (once again, very important part for me as I am a doctor and see hairtransplant not only as an aesthetic procedure but also a medical procedure which needs to be carefully monitored)
    - follicular extraction in the morning (anesthesia was a bit painful but this part only lasted something like 15 minutes so nothing unbearable), then no pain or discomfort
    - follicular implantation in the afternoon (no pain or discomfort during the whole process), approximatively 3800 grafts, covering front and mid scalp 
    (for me, the most important thing was to cover front +++ and mid scalp, I will maybe go through another transplant for crown but I want to wait for the potential effects of meds)

    Surgery lasted about 8 hours I think, I then went back to my hotel (Dr Bicer and her team helped me look for a taxi and later personally drove me back to my hotel as no taxi was available (very touched by the gesture).

    The next day and after…:
    I had an appointment with Dr Bicer at 9 o’clock the following day to make sure everything went okay, and to give me all the information I needed for the next 10 days (meds, cream, shampoo, advices). I then went home but I think it is important to note that I can easily reach Dr Bicer and her team for any question of advice until the healing process is complete (which means a year). Until now (15th day post surgery), no problem occurred ! 😊

    I will be starting meds (topical minoxidil and fin) about a month from the surgery.

    To summarize, I am very happy with my experience with Dr Bicer and her team :
    - as a patient, that was really well taken care of
    - as a doctor, with high medical standards expectations

    Here are the photos :

    Pre-transplant photos :


    Post-transplant photos :

    The day of transplant :


    The day following the transplant :

    15 days after transplant :

    I will update everything here ! See you ;)

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