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  1. David Goggins has an extremely stressful lifestyle, notice all of the cold plunge, ultra marathon, super “fitness” people have either little or no hair. It’s well understood that stress (both physical and mental) is detrimental to both hair and general health - hence why even natural bodybuilders tend to die earlier, and sadly the cyclists in my family died very premature heart related deaths (44, 51 and 52 years old, perfect “health”, plant based diets - which we now know, based on our gastrointestinal tract length and ph of our stomachs, is far from our natural, optimal diets) I don’t mean to force an opinion or otherwise, and take what I’ve written with zero credibility as I honestly don’t want to seem like I have an agenda, I simply want users to know the risks involved with high stress lifestyles and how moderate activity and happy healthy relationships combined with a natural diet (lots of meat + seasonal fruits and occasional vegetables) will increase your life and healthspan as well as ensure that you have your well earned head of hair for as long as possible. Feel free to delete this post if it is in any way controversial, again, I don’t wish to persuade anyone of anything.
  2. I’m not currently, I read that I should wait until the 2 month mark before doing so. It’s just so odd as I haven’t seen anyone else with this problem. But yeah, I think I’m just gonna use my Nizoral again now.
  3. What if the graft is pulled out with dry skin / scabbing 6 weeks post op? Not the same kind of scabbing as days 6-10, it’s more like dry skin.
  4. @A_4_Archan @Big Rome Thanks for the replies! I thought so, however, it’s almost like I’ve accidentally plucked/pulled them out, would this make a difference?
  5. Hi everyone, I got my HT at the end of June, scabbing was removed 10 days post op, looked awesome. Super happy thus far (at the four month mark, when it comes around, I will recap my entire experience and continue the thread up until at least the 1 year mark, with monthly progress). Anyway, basically since the 3rd week (5th/6th week now), I’ve had extremely itchy skin in the recipient area, which I tried not to itch, but accidentally caught myself a few times (I have pretty bad ADHD, so as soon as I turn off my senses to stop myself from doing something, I will immediately go back to it), doing very slight itching, luckily it maybe caused 10-20 little follicles to come out, my doc said they should survive, but we won’t know until the 4-6 month mark. The itchiness has subsided, and a good amount of the dry skin (you wouldn’t believe how flaky and itchy the skin was, idk if it’s because I’m young, or due to the high density etc, I haven’t seen anything like it on this forum - I used to have the account “SteveRogers” but for some reason whenever I log in, my screen goes blank and I can’t access the site, no matter what browser, app, phone I use.) So most of the dry skin is gone but I just accidentally, while rubbing some coconut oil on my forehead (I use it as a nightly moisturiser) I scraped a little piece off, I just took a photo and wanted an opinion on what you guys think - does it look like I’ve completely dislodged the new follicle while accidentally flicking the dry skin? Thanks so much, also thanks to all contributors from other threads, I’m so glad I did this and so happy with the work of my doc!
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