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  1. I am on finasteride 2 years plus now. Generic I don't know if it's helping my donor or maintain further loss of hair. Minoxdil liquid on 5 months now and my crown and mid have gotten better again, I don't know if is the combination or sole minoxidil. Introduced derma pen 1 month ago once a week 1.5mm and I see tons of baby hairs all Over now I might shaved all my head down to a 1 guard now to see how that grows out using derma pen each week with the minoxidil. I was told I can get on Oral minoxidil 2.5g which I do want to see if that benefits me better since liquid is doing great for me so far i wish I've gotten on minoxidil at an earlier stage before going for a HT. Anybody on here have good or bad results on Oral Minoxidil that can comment on.
  2. How many grafts did you get done since had to be done in 2 days if you don't mind. I've just got done seeing her in person I did ask if I could maybe get more grafts the next day if able to. I wonder how many grafts 1 day and was the second day also scalp grafts or beard grafts as well as how much coverage was done for you.
  3. @AStark great results I'm seeing nadimi Dec 12. I've ruled out konior based on bad reddit and Google reviews on him recently on altering angulations Question I have for you if you don't mind since nadimi is one of my top 3 choices now aide from Dr Loarwong sethi & couto. Since I live here in Chicago I would love to stay with nadimi since is more into restoring me whole compare to konior just hairline and nothing else. which I will ask many questions. Is the hair angulations that is my concern. Are you able to style it every way like mine is very managable if you comb it right/left/down/up & backwards Does the transplanted hair move every direction along with the native hair or does the hairline just stays spiked up or different direction than native hair. Even with just my hand in able to move it every way. would appreciated it if you can comment on that or even provide photos of hair styled in all directions if it's not much to ask as most results here are spiked up not showcasing being able to do different styles than just up or slick back. Though I got a bad yield lack of density and minis I'm looking for that natural way mine is now where transplanted hair and native hair all blend in nicely whichever direction I comb it. Konior recommended one procedure hairline only and to spike my hair up so I had to cross him off upon recent findings online and I was willing to go this winter with him if someone cancel. But for the hefty price and only getting hairline after more consultations and being able to cover more ground I'm sort of glad I cancel and taking my time and getting more opinions on many doctors from this network which I'm grateful for making me choose wisely.
  4. 12 months update? @Chetman2112 Have you also thought about letting transplanted hair grow out fuller. I'm curious to see how dense or see through the hairline looks with longer hair. I like how natural it looks from nadimi as you kept it buzz most of the growth process. Without seeing scaring from incisions at least on pictures, Also how natural it blends in. I've seen transplants where they will buzz cut it and you can tell where transplanted hair ends and native hair begins. Mostly on turkey ones. Would love a result like that. Being able to cut it short during the Chicago summer days, with no tell or difference on transplanted hair and native hair, As well as grow it out during the cold days.
  5. Any recommendations of great Dr's in the US not being steep with great similar results would be appreciated as I'm also looking for a HT.
  6. konior consultation quoted about 2k grafts at $16.5 per graft. nadimi emailed her about year and a half was 8.25$ graft seeing her in person soon wonder if it will be 10$ a graft now. But I've noticed konior and nadimi from 2016 or 2018 whenever she started has been raising prices each year nadimi from 5-6$ a graft each year going up by a dollar or so and only results we find are from here. And konior flat 2k grafts rates of like 13k to 16k so on so on each year now 30k 35k. Shapiro. Hassan and wong among others in us and out of us stay with the same price of 10 years ago or so. Is surprising how konior and nadimi go up each year while others stay with the same price per graft no matter each year that passes by or 10 why is that? If you search nadimi and konior on here many speak on the price paid you will see how It goes up each year with them while all other top surgeons giving similar results stick with 5-7$ a graft. Any idea why that is? It can't be inflation if so why is other doctors mentioned still charge the same no matter how many years pass by. Idk it's just weird to me about them as I'm still searching to pick my HT surgeon.
  7. Is there any final update on this HT from Nadimi? Overall happy and density was good or need to add @dtreidjr
  8. @JavierMarc would like to see final results If don't mind was this a great HT. Since considering dr nadimi dr k. Would like to see how it turned out.
  9. Yeah unfortunately i researched after that max density 10 12k hairs per session bs and barely got any grafts or hairs. Saw dr konior Sept 30th. Estimated 2000 grafts for hairline. He didnt say nothing about removing grafts and that surgeon atleast didn't do bad on the line or directions since they use minis but I think I have more 2 and 1 hairs I only see a few of those 6-10 hair grafts that clinic so call uses for best density again all bs. That clinic also has me for a free FUT base on my results probably just to not get a bad review. I told dr if I go get that fut then come to you after for those 2000 grafts would it be Good he just said something about anything you put up there will make it appear thicker yes. But it will not make it look natural or get the results you want. And I definitely don't want those minis or those type of clinics . Konior did say that it would suit me to keep my hair spiky or up to dense pack the hairline to have the best look and cover whatever it's further back I guess by spiking it or coming it back I assume. Dr nadimi I'm seeing in person also but the appointment is scheduled further back to Dec 12. On emails from last year she estimated would be best to do smaller procedures but pictures I sent her look way thinner than this photos here to build out density front then mid and crown but I don't want to waste grafts on the crown I want frontal restoration only for now and if I have grafts left I can go with beard chest hairs I guess depending on my scalp donor supply but it's harder to conceal the hairline. so I feel the crown I can use hair fibers which I don't really like fibers or want to use use at all But if frontal restoration atleast in the USA is all I would be able to get is more conservative I wouldn't mind traveling if Dr's out in the world do more coverage like Dr Couto, freitas, or other recommendations. I just feel since I live in Chicago Dr konior or dr nadimi being one of the best frontal hairline restorations doctors out there it would probably be my best bet to go with them. But that one clinic has me paranoid on what results a surgeon can actually deliver. will see when she sees me in person once i mention I dont want nothing on the crown what she estimates or if she feels some minis can get removed and distributed better. They both got openings for surgery for next year summer time at least as of now.
  10. Thanks for the post my friend. That's what dr konior mentioned something about having good hairs and weak hairs so fut wouldn't yield the most best hairs as fue he can hand pick the best hairs. I was really pushing into fut I kept saying what if get a new line above it but fue it is. I do want to fill the line was thinking either beard hairs or smp since I like my sides and back shorter rather than longer. Also he did mentioned that I had my hair down as it looks fuller but with my hands I spiked it up to show him more of the empty spots and he said that style suits you I can restore your hairline and spiking it up will cover the thinning back areas I said something about maybe add fibers on the crown also after. Is there a way someone can line how far is hairline to frontal third in my head? When I would ask him how far back will I get he just kept saying is better to dense pack the hairline your not a bad looking man restoring the hairline will give you best looking results. And that he can spread it as back as I wanted but will not give much density at the front if he goes further back . I really wish he could of gave me a line or point how much he thought would be covered in the hairline or front. I've got a consultation with Nadimi until December 12th Konior scheduled me sooner about 3 4 weeks from emailing back and forth maybe he had an opening for the in person consultation.
  11. I've got the chance to try Oral Minoxidil, which i kind of want to. but the liquid minoxidil has been doing great for my remaining hairs. Went from Foam 1x day 2 years barely noticed anything, to now 3 months liquid 2x day. It's been doing good on my crown/midscalp, I want to give it 6 month to a year since I still see small sheds when applied. Some look very thin and others thicker.. thinking is a sign is still doing its magic. I dont like the greasy wet look when applied but dries withing 1 2 hours for me is that one of the reasons you don't switch back since regret it or can someone not switch back again from pill to topical?
  12. I've took some as I mentioned I cut my hair down this is from today number 8 guard on the cutting machine says 1 inch top and top sides. From above line and down is number 3 guard I think is 10 or 6mm length. Some pictures are with under harsh light and flash other regular I'm not the best barber u can tell left some areas longer or uncut I will re add pictures I will cut all top and sides to 1 inch to show the sides but I do notice where the sutures went on my left side like fue large punch holes more so under the strip scar up close with short hair or long hair but when is at 1 inch it looks more dence my donor zone sides and back as you've seen from my first post last picture. I'm greying more now so usually like my sides cut at 1-2 guard even sometimes at zero since I always wear the hat of course. Also looks like my top is al grey on the poctures with flash but is not that grey weird on my end camera but on the back of the line I will try and get pictures of this some hairs do grow in where the scar line is in some areas of behind ears as well I wish it was like that on the sides as well. I've added one picture from 3 months in of the back scar zoom in u can see hairs coming in from the scar. Also now my scar seems thinner than when it was healing was very red pink and seem wider sided and back so idk that's weird I do gain weight and loose weight alot I don't think that's what it is though. Dr k did say my donor seems weak in person though some areas more than other which is why recommendation is to go via FUE rather than another FUT since I kept asking If he can do fut same line or new line or combination of fut and fue but insist on fue. Donor Area picture dump. Last ones are under bathroom light with flash on some no flash on some.
  13. He recommended 2000 FUE Grafts for the hairline restoration. I did brought up a male Asian 2000 graft patient from here to him it looks like my results and looks like the grafts were spread as far back as mine were but since I got hair up there now I wonder if I will benifit from that spread if he did that with me but he kept saying is best to dense pack the hairline. also saw a Google recent review to Dr k clinic after paying for my consultation. Someone about a 950 grafts or so hairline patient reviewer mentioned he had to get all the work removed due to bad angulation had me a bit worried too so I brought it up to him. I also asked how far back will I get with the 2000 grafts he said I can spread them back as you want but density won't be there is best to dense pack the hairline. I'm really looking into frontal restoration or some in the midscalp nothing on the crown to try and not waste grafts on there as ideally I feel the front having the most density makes us feel better about how we see ourselves IMO. You are correct it's very discouraging for me seeing many good results and going into a transplant and not having what anticipated. Going in i felt I would need 2 fut for sure. I dont know if I'm a Norwood 5 6 not too familiar with NW scale. But I figured one procedure should of been good enough to atleat feel optimistic of having a better result I can show and later add density or fine tune spots that might need touch up like many patients with my type of hair loss. specially with 12k hairs I was supposed to get up there I feel it should had been gold standard results no? but I was wrong due to a bad surgeon which is why I want to make as many consultations and hear what every dr thinks is my best outcome moving forward. My bad choice has me thinking if I pay dr k what if my outcome isn't that great again or any other dr arround doing my HT. dr k did say any dr can hit 100 home runs and even on the best surgeon hands depending on the donor zone will never achieve perfection or full head of hair. I'm not looking for best hair out there but something that will seem like I have good hair to show case or illusion of good density just stop living under the hat. So many family events weddings, gatherings in and out of state and in always formal with a hat on or regular gatherings my kids bday party's ect glued to a hat on. That's how I feel I just need good density on the hands of a good surgeon I think the male Asian patient I'm referring to was bare bald on the top as to me I have sort of like a base up there now that just needs all the empty spots filled in maybe im wrong. But I know dr k or dr n might give me great frontal results base on what I've seen they give great coverage on patients with no hairlines or receding hairlines the most. I just never seen patients from them as far back as me getting restored usually is patients with great hair just no hairlines or minimal hairline restoration. But they are my 1 top choice right now as I mention I live in the Same area as the clinic but due to my paranoid first transplant result I wouldn't mind going internationally if can get even further back coverage or results. Also dr KS hairlines seems too good to me something I want but what limits me is I don't how how much coverage 2000 fue grafts will do for me with just hairline restoration I'm also not familiar with where the hairline restoration will be for me or where my frontal zone or frontal 3rd is for my head where midscalp begins and ends or crown ends or starts . My crown and hair I had remaining from post op has improved very well mostly my crown but I don't know of it's from Finasteride or from Minoxidil since using both in combination. Dr k said I can get on Oral minoxidil since it has a better penetration to hair than liquid sometimes having trouble not penetrating the scalp on some men also the pill might help the donor area in some cases. Maybe someone that did the switch can elaborate should I get on Oral Minoxdil if so 2.5 or 5mg would be appreciated if anyone can tell me about the switch and results from the pill rather than liquid or foam form minoxidil.
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