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Everything posted by Aperez

  1. Thank you guys . This community has helped me and other people a lot , thanks.
  2. Gain density these last months. Maybe thin hairs got thicker. I think it looks better now. What do you guys think?
  3. I’m thinking about adding some hairs in the hairline. And then maybe lower the hairline like .5cm with grafts of 1 hair. Also use some grafts for the right donor area which if I have short hair you can see I have done something. With this in mind, I’m trying to figure out who would be the best doctor for my goals.
  4. I’m in Sf. I had an appointment with the clinic in July but I couldn’t make it due to my job. Honestly I don’t think it’s a bad result. However, I think I am just being a perfectionist. I don’t think D**** has the skills for what the result I am looking for. Ive been looking into Dr Rahal in Canada, any idea of his results?
  5. Even though my results are not the worst I will probably go through a second surgery. Any recommendations to get a more natural hairline? I don’t mind traveling or money
  6. Update 7/18/2024. I have noticed that my right side looks more dense then left. I am still going to wait to see if it gets better. Regardless I will go through a second HT to improve the results. I’m going to wait till 11 /13 months post op before 2nd HT. Havent decided my second doctor yet btw. I have Freitas, Mwamba and Nadimi in mind.
  7. Well I know Mwamba is based in Brussels. But since he wants to stay in the country ideally I suggested Atlanta. But I agree you probably know more than me regarding HT I am just knew here.
  8. Yes, according to Dr D**** he saved the left side for a future possible HT. My problem with this explanation is two things: 1) what if I don’t want a future HT 2) Why not extract both sides so that is less noticeable Again I know my results dont look bad , but I could’ve spent that money on Freitas (Spain) or Mwamba.
  9. I’m not 100% satisfied. I understand my results are not bad but for what I paid I feel I could’ve gone somewhere else. He took most of my grafts from my right donor and he could’ve used more baby hairs for the front hair hairline. Also Melvin told me to wait to rate the results. However, its not a matter of density. I just fee like he could’ve done better with my donor and more baby hairs for front line. Therefore, I would not suggest dr D**** for this person.
  10. I’m planning on using nape hairs for the hairline and some beard hairs for the donor area.
  11. So I am not very happy with the hairline. Density is okay but I want a natural soft hairline so I will probably schedule an appointment with doctor Mwamba to fix the hairline. Otherwise kinda happy with the result.
  12. Haha well in reality I wasn’t happy with the result at first (up until month 4’5) but by month 5 I got some volume and hairs got thicker. Now I’m quite happy. I’m taking finasteride and 1 dutasteride per week. Also I noticed that he extracted hairs mostly from my right donor side and not so much from the left, anyone knows why? When it comes to the surgery I felt asleep right away after taking the pills. So I don’t even know if D**** did anything. but anyway I’m happy with the results. Will post more photos month 6
  13. Yeah I don’t know why but when I upload the photos they get uploaded rotated. Also I will post more photos 6 months in.
  14. Hello, I had a HT with doctor D**** in January 2024. This is month 5 for me right now. What do you guys think?
  15. I noticed that I have a lot of 3/4 grafts on my hair line when it should be mostly 1/2 hairs grafts
  16. Hello, I also had a HT with him and had bad results. What can it be done if we are not satisfied with our results?
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