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  1. do you also take oral fin? if yes, do you take it at the same time as oral min? anyone else chime in on frequency of both taken together?
  2. hey, thanks for the info. that massively helps! are you taking 1.25mg dosage daily? i was thinking to start on this and see how it goes in regard to sides. do you take it at a set time say perhaps just before bed?
  3. yeah fair point. i think they look pretty good. however pics from various different angles would be better.. he does have more content on Instagram though...
  4. i wish! no way i can afford that.... he probably would have been the one i choose if i could afford though. his results are on another level it seems...
  5. Hey, Been on Oral Fin 0.5mg and 5% topical Minoxdil foam for around 2 years to stabilize my hair loss. ive seen density / thickness improve around the crown area (no idea whether thats fin or min though) but no real massive difference in applying minoxidil around the frontal third / hairline. thinking of jumping to oral minoxidil whilst monitoring heart / BP. where does everyone get Oral Min from the UK? is it mainly online via Hims / Manual? planning on getting a HT done in 6 months and going through consultations currently.. appreciate feedback.... Thanks!
  6. specifically which ones look average? are you able to display those results here?
  7. https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/search/?&q=miln&type=forums_topic&search_and_or=or&search_in=titles
  8. have you noticed more white hairs in the sides post HT? is this a side effect of an HT? i didnt think it would be...? can anyone confirm?
  9. No you do not need a HT! low dose of finasteride if you feel you are losing hair although i don't see it from your pics.
  10. i had good results to finasteride for the 1st year where yes when i shampooed my hair you would see 10-15 odd hairs fall (but considerably less than when i was off the medication) and then after a year or so i started noticing a few more hairs in the shower + limpness in my hair. persisting with a slightly higher dose in 2nd year i've noticed it come back to what it was slowly around 3 months since upping the dose. has your shedding been consistent throughout the period taking finasteride? have you noticed your hair feeling any stronger? what dose are you taking? my hair is quite thin and fine and i use limpness after showering as the indicator on whether finasteride is doing its job in my system as opposed to actual hair growth or shedding...
  11. thanks for the info. thats useful. just a quick question. So Dr Ted did the incisions first on the recipient area then did the extractions? or the other way around? And are all of the implantations were done by techs?
  12. hey, what were the logistics like? are there hotels nearby? easy enough to get taxis around that area? did you drive from devon to wales?
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