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  1. This is actually a really good result from Dr Charles. It’s a shame he doesn’t do work like this anymore… his older FUT’s and ARTAS results were much better than his current FUE’s
  2. 5500 grafts with your level of baldness you should have a full head of hair…. He is either doing something that causes a low survival rate or lying about the count… I know of at least 10 people now that he says “I don’t know what happened, 1% of cases turn out like this, it’s you not me”
  3. I think he means to say that there is no way that’s 5500 grafts…
  4. Please post your before and afters, when your transplant was done and what technique. Also, please check the countless cases here and elsewhere showing poor density, poor survival rate or even worse potentially dishonest graft counts… Dr Charles is not the doctor he once was and no one really knows why.
  5. Wow! His before and after look great… are they not real?
  6. Who is Dr D*** so I know to stay away
  7. Honestly can I get the opinion of everyone and ask where we think he was lacking? Was it technique or dishonesty? His graft counts vs visual inspection were always suspect and it seems that far less experienced surgeons often times had significantly better results than him…. Why do we think that is.
  8. Dr Charles never backs anything with facts or evidence… no reason to think he will start now… Isn’t it convenient that when he was most likely asked to back his claims in his comments about me, this happened and needed to run away from an Internet forum due to “his safety”?
  9. I’ll believe it when we see a copy of the police report and/or the ring cam footage…. Until then I’ve seen nothing but dishonesty, patient blaming and a victim mentality from him.
  10. Have him share the police report… I think he’s gas lighting us all… again.
  11. Just have him post the camera footage… a guy who makes Glenn Charles money deff has a door cam… in fact now I’m questioning if he even approached other doctors at all…. I don’t believe anything he says..
  12. OMG! This has to be another Dr Charles scam to save face and make him a victim! Tell him to show us the ring cam footage! Everyone has one now! The victim card needs to stop now!
  13. @WolfCE is the perfect case to judge Dr Charles’ density and graft count…. He constantly tells us that it’s impossible to tell density and count but somehow that’s only true for him and not other doctors when comparing post op density…. Most people can tell from his post opp photo that the results match… but the doctor will have us believe there are phantom grafts that no one can see. Normally dr Charles implants in between hairs so it’s difficult to judge but in this case his lack of density and perhaps even false statement of graft counts is clear…. There’s no reason he can’t pack the grafts closer together… maybe it’s an age related issue or a laziness related issue but it’s not top dollar work as he claims
  14. A very prominent hair surgeon who is also a dermatologist went as far as to question the amount of grafts implanted but due to professional curtsey he was very kind to Dr Charles… he said it was perhaps bad surgical planning, maybe poor storage or removal/damage of grafts but he could not see from my post surgical photos and from looking at my scalp under magnification that nearly 2200 grafts were placed… he also said my scalp is completely healthy and I should have no issues as he did se SOME implanted hairs but not nearly the density expected from 2200 grafts. There are some other cases most notable and African American that posted where u could see his grafts more clearly that looked like a few hundred not a few thousand…. His ethics are in question here and he’s attacking and blaming the patients.
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