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  1. Hi, I've been doing a lot of research on who to go with for hairline repair and have come down to Feriduni and Bisanga. It looks like they've both done amazing work, and most importantly, know what they're doing. Are there any opinions on which may be better? I need to wait 1 year to do my repair but I will document the whole process since it really helped me to read about other cases. My heart goes out to those going through this. I really feel like these bad clinics need to be shutdown. They cause so much financial and emotional damage it's insane that they get to keep butchering people like this.
  2. You can see the transplanted hairs growing in. There's doubles and triples right up front. I'm not saying there isn't potential for it blend in a little as it grows in but they obviously did not separate the units or put singles in the front, as imo all surgeons should to create a natural hairline. They also argued with me and asked me to prove that separating hair units is how you create a natural hairline. Defending poor work and denying mistakes is a huge red flag. Even worse is being oblivious to updated methods of transplantaion which might be the case. There are plenty of pictures a few days post-op where you can tell it's not going to look good (e.g. - too straight, multis up front, poor angles, etc). This is the case for me as I can see all the lack of precision and careless placement in comparison to my first surgery by Dr. Umar.
  3. I have photos in the questions and answers forum. It shows the multis everwhere including the hairline but I shaved a lot of them off so I could look halfway normal until I get it repaired. The temple hair is really really bad. Bad placement, angle and use of multis. Terrible clinic and judgement.
  4. Thank you! I really wish I found this community beforehand. I could have saved myself a lot of money and heartache.
  5. I recently completed a procedure by Dr. Heinis at Distefano and they put multis all along my hairline. They did not separate follicular units and randomly placed them everywhere. When I called to complain, they said that their patients liked having multis in the hairline. Dr. Heinis and the other surgeon also ASKED ME TO PROVE that putting singles in the front is the way to get a natural looking hairline. Places like this need to be exposed. I'm so disappointed as I don't have any donor hair left as it's looking quite thin (another problem they assured me wasn't going to happen) I'm hoping the multis can be moved in a year by a good surgeon.
  6. Thank you for the reply. It's hard to capture in the photo but there are a ton of multis directly in the front. I shaved a bunch of them off and also shaved them off in the temple hair. I'm going to continue doing this so I look halfway normal until I can get it fixed. The clinic is Distefano in the east coast and they argued with me that their patients like having multis in the hairline. I can't believe that these misinformed clinics exist. I truly learned that this is an art and a lot of so-called surgeons don't have the capability to do it properly. I will do a write up and update with photos to hopefully help others avoid or fix something like this.
  7. Thank you so much for this response. It really grounded me. I'm planning to post my entire journey here once I get close to doing the repair. It's still like to do my research in the meantime and get an idea of who is best for the job. So far, I've read about Konior, Bisanga, Mwamba, Feriduni, and Luowarong. I've had experience with my first transplant by Dr. Umar and he did a great job. I'm just not sure if he has extensive experience with repairs so i'm trying to see if anyone has stories.
  8. Thank you for your reply. Do you by any chance know if Dr. Umar is a good choice for a repair surgeon? I had my first transplant by him and he did a wonderful job. I just don't know if it's feasible for me to fly to Belgium multiple times for Dr. Feriduni if it's going to take multiple surgeries. I'll post the clinic, name of the doctor and everything along with my journey as I go through this hellish ride over the next year or two.
  9. Has anyone had experience with hairline repair by Dr. Umar in SoCal? Flying to Belgium multiple times for Dr. Feriduni would be tough but in willing to do it if he's the best option. This whole ordeal is such a nightmare and I can't help but beat myself up thinking if I'd done my reasearch in the beginning, I would have been moving on with my life right now.
  10. I recently posted about my situation and I want to get my ducks in a row for my repair. I'm not close to pulling the trigger as I'm only about 2 weeks post-op but it already looks terrible and pluggy. Worst thing is, the clinic argued with me about placing multi-follicular grafts in the hairline saying patients like that look. I wanted to scream. I have so much anxiety and I can't sleep at all. I will be posting a name and shame as well as my repair journey but I wanted to get some recommendations specifically for repair surgeons that are experienced with repairing hairlines. I already reached out to Dr. Konior and Dr. Umar. Dr. Konior is very expensive and there was that one patient with the terrible hair angles that he victim-blamed so i'm not sure about that. Dr. Feriduni seems very experienced as well so I wanted to get a poll from here if possible. I didn't do my research well enough the first time so I'm trying not to make that mistake again.
  11. I want to name and shame this clinic because this is not okay. This surgery really affects peoples' lives and it's not to be taken lightly. I should have bailed when I came for the surgery. The surgeon didn't have any good answers for my concerns and he just answered, "you're fine" to almost everything. I even asked for his opinion on the temple peak hair and he said, "up to you." I did not go to the clinic to make a decision based on my own judgement! I don't have any experience!
  12. Here are a couple close ups. They did not count each follicle and counted 1200 extractions so I no longer know the actual count. I'm likely overharvested at this point. They went in between my original transplanted hair so I'm hoping it'll disguise it a bit but you can see all the multifollicular units right up against the hairline. The temple peak hair looks really terrible too and they used multifollicular units there too which makes it look even weirder. Overall, a really sloppy job and not what I was expecting for such a high price.
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