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  1. Looks great. Do you know what size punch Dr Feriduni used?
  2. Looks brilliant Paul, really happy for you. Because you have the keenest eye for yourself, do you notice anything different from before your HT? I honestly can't even tell you had work done.
  3. Thanks that makes total sense, very sensible approach on your part. I am curious about the timeline. Did Dr Ball want to wait until the 9 month mark after your initial consultation or was that simply when the scheduling worked? Thanks again.
  4. Sorry I'm a little confused. So it was your decision to do the extraction test just for your own peace of mind? Thanks again
  5. Did Dr Ball insist on the extraction test or was that for your own peace of mind?
  6. Was Dr Ball pretty confident from the beginning after warning you about scarring risks etc?
  7. May I ask what other clinics you consulted with that also offered to perform a similar repair (total reversal)?
  8. Was the extraction test to test the healing properties of your scalp? Would you say you generally heal quickly/don't scar?
  9. I'm curious what the extraction test consisted of when they were assessing you. Thanks again for your time
  10. Did Dr Ball remove pretty much every graft or were there some implanted in the mid scalp/behind the hairline that you left? Also, how does the donor region look with very short hair? Thanks again man super helpful stuff
  11. How soon after your initial HT did you reach out to Dr Ball? Also what was the total cost? Thanks so much
  12. Wow, truly untouched looking, thank you for sharing. Did you happen to ask Dr Ball if he had done this kind of work before (full reversal, not partial reversal and reconstruction)? Also, did he think there was any risk of starting the procedure too early at 9 months, given the possibility of dormant grafts growing in?
  13. Is there much noticable textural difference in the skin where the grafts were removed? Don't get me wrong the pics look perfect
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