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  1. Thanks @Sunshine09. Did you have a hair transplant with @DrMunibAhmad? If so, how was your experience?
  2. Ah, thanks for pointing that out @mr_peanutbutter. i am on both oral finasteride and oral minoxidil. I have been on oral finasteride for several years. i was on topical minoxidil for a few years, but I recently switched to oral minoxidil (only within the last few weeks). My beard is very strong, (I’ve never had trouble growing a beard (well, with the exception of elementary school… it didn’t come in so good then 😁). Just curious how beard hair would look on the scalp (I know they only use it strategically in certain areas, but some surgeons seem to use it more readily and others only as a last resort). I’m also curious what my beard would look like after. Maybe only take it from the neck where I shave it anyway? I’m not sure lemme know if there are more questions
  3. @DrMunibAhmad and FUEGenix team, what can you tell us about availability and pricing? I'm very interested in finding a top surgeon, and you sir, are definitely that.
  4. DR LAORWONG Dr Laorwong was incredibly quick to respond after I sent in answers to questions and submitted photos and video. Here was his/office response: 4,000-4,300 grafts Assessment and Graft Requirements Given the extent of your extensive hair loss, you may require two sessions for complete coverage. Here’s the breakdown: - Session 1 : 4,000-4300 grafts for the frontal hairline to mid-scalp area. - Session 2 (one year later): 1500 grafts for the remaining bald spots and frontal touch up if needed. The maximum recommended grafts per session, if your donor area is adequate, is 4,000-4,500 to avoid overharvesting. Procedure Details - Anesthesia: The procedure will be performed under local anesthetics and oral sedatives. - FUE Techniques and Costs: 1. Donor and recipient shaved FUE: Requires shaving the entire head, at 80 Baht per graft. Included in the Price 1. One free PRP injection (for 1,000 grafts or more). 2. Post-op medications (antibiotics, painkillers, sleeping pills). 3. Wound care, hair washing, and low-level laser therapy (LLLT) for 5 consecutive days. LLLT promotes healing, increases blood supply, reduces swelling and discomfort, and prevents scarring. 4. The Trivellini system is used for FUE. Doctor's Role - Hairline design and preparation: The doctor draws the hairline and prepares the area. - Donor area:The doctor administers local anesthesia (nerve block), makes excisions, and the grafts are extracted by a technician. - Recipient area: The doctor administers local anesthesia (nerve block), makes pre-made incisions, and places 10-30% of the grafts. The rest are placed by assistants. Post-Op Care - Day 1: Surgery. - Day 2: Afternoon follow-up, wound care, hair wash, LLLT. - Days 3-6: Daily hair wash and LLLT. - Day 6: Morning session if you have an afternoon flight. Each post-op session lasts 45-60 minutes. You are responsible for arranging your accommodation and transportation. Optional Add-Ons for Enhanced Results 1. Rigenera Activa Cell Therapy: Promotes hair growth. Available at a 50% discount (37,500 THB, approximately $1,040 USD). https://absolutehairclinic.com/en/autologous-micrografting-technology-rigenera-activa-with-hair-transplant/ 2. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT): Increases oxygenation, prevents necrosis, and improves graft survival. This is recommended for smoker, diabetic, dense packing. - 1 treatment: 4,000 Baht - 3 treatments: 10,000 Baht (approximately $300 USD) https://absolutehairclinic.com/en/hbot-hyperbaric-oxygen-therapy-2/ Scheduling and Deposit Appointments for 2024 are fully booked unless a cancellation occurs. Dr. Kongkiat Laorwong’s available dates for 2025 are: - January: 7a, 15a, 31a - February: 5a, 8a, 12a, 17a, - March: 9a, 13a, 14a, 16a, 20a, 21a, 22a, 25a, 27a, 29, 30a, 31a - April:1, 2, 4, 6-8, 10-12, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 30 Appointments marked with "a" are for afternoon sessions and are suitable for procedures involving less than 2,000 grafts. To secure your appointment, please make a deposit of 35,000 Baht via the WISE App. We look forward to assisting you with your hair restoration journey. QUESTIONS: Anybiody have insight/feedback about what Dr Laorwong proposes here?
  5. I'm diving deep into the consultation phase. Still researching a ton, but also moving forward with consultations. So far I've contacted Ahmed, Arocha, Bisanga, Bosley, De Freitas, Ilea, Laorwong, McGrath, Miln, Muresanu, Pittella, Zarev and one more I don't remember (not on the recommended list, and not an option). I've had in-person consults with some, and I plan to have in-person consults with more. I travel a fair amount, so will likely knock out several consultations in one sweep each time I'm in a region. Did that in Texas while spending some time there (Arocha, Bosley, Ilea, McGrath, and the one I can't remember right now). Don't worry, my sights are set beyond those). I've provided answers to stock questions and sent in photos to Ahmad, Bisanga, De Freitas, Laorwong, Miln, Muresanu, and Pittella. I've contacted Zarev but heard nothing back yet. Dr. Laorwong was super fast in response to my answers and photos. I'll post his reply in the next post on this thread. Dr. Arocha gave some feedback and I'll post that later (don't have time now). And I'll do the same for McGrath, Bosley, and Ilea at some point, even though I've definitely not going with Bosley or Ilea, and very likely not McGrath. Attached are some photos. They're not great, but they give you an idea. My goal is to have as much coverage as possible. For a guy who has significant loss (several drs have said I'm a Norwood 5 or on my way), I want to do everything I can. I see the miracle results of Zarev, Pittella, Ahmad, and others (and I've seen some great results from Laorwong, Miln, and Bisanga), and it makes me not want to settle. I don't understand it, but it seems like some drs can do so much more than others-- not only in terms of quality but also in terms of quantity. NOTES donor hair: :Dr. Arocha told me that my lower donor area is weak and that would limit ability to due FUE and limit the number of FUE grafts he could take. No other Dr. had said this (which frustrates me if some knew but didn't tell me). Others all said my donor was good and didn’t get more specific. Thus, Arocha recommended an FUT. When I pushed for maximum coverage, he said he could do a combo FUT, FUE (next day), and also FUE from beard/neck. I'll say more when I write about Arocha, but my point is, he said my mid-donor hair is fine, but my lower donor area is weak and he wouldn't take from there. I mention this because that may limit what's possible for me. Was very discouraged to hear that, but I'd rather face facts than not know them. Meds: i am on both oral finasteride and oral minoxidil. I have been on oral finasteride for several years. i was on topical minoxidil for a few years, but I recently switched to oral minoxidil (only within the last few weeks). Beard: My beard is very strong, I'm going to keep posting here in this thread, updating as I hear from each surgeon. Would love any feedback, wisdom, and insight you have.
  6. Anyone know what Dr. Munib Ahmad's availability is these days? Website says "due to high demand we may not respond to your inquiry" or something similar. Anybody know what he's charging (I've read on here in some places that he charges per graft, in other posts that he charges a flat fee per day). Anybody know?
  7. As you know, @Jamos1982, I'm too new to provide any answers for ya. Though I see what you mean about the right side of the hairline not quite matching the left, I'm not sure I would have noticed if you hadn't pointed it out. But regardless--DUDE, looks amazing. I mean, seriously.
  8. Yeah, my experience was that they seemed hungry.
  9. Thanks man! That makes it especially disappointing that even a HRN suggested surgeon was pushing it— and pushing it hard.
  10. Thanks man! I’ve been advised by some clinics that I could go FUE or FUT, the choice is totally up to me, and I’ve been advised by two clinics that FUT would be much better for my particular case. Just trying to weigh things out and get as much information and insight as possible. Grateful!!
  11. Thanks for the feedback and the video. Keep us posted— eager to follow your journey.
  12. Thanks man! I use both finasteride and minoxidil and have for several years. Even knowing that, this clinic was still really pushing PRP. It’s really hard to know what works vs what’s just (as @gillenator said) a money grab. They show before and after pictures, but I’m always wondering if it’s real, fake, hype, or what.
  13. This is helpful @gillenator. I’ve had a number of consults recently and have more coming up with both HRN recommended surgeons and others not on the list. I found that either PRP or Exosines or both were often mentioned, but one surgeon (on the HRN recommended list), his office pushed PRP pretty hard. I’m willing to spend money— if something will really make a noticeable difference. helpful to hear your perspective that it doesn’t.
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