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  1. I was so impressed by this result that I have contacted Yaman to arrange my own transplant but it’s concerning that they do not seem interested in giving you what you want for your second transplant. Especially as their own website gives a lot of detail about Dr Yamans ‘revolutionary’ manual punch techniques. Their communication has not been great either. A copy and paste for the first response and then a few lines after that and ignoring most of the questions I asked.
  2. Thanks for that. Does it feel different when you run your hands through your hair?
  3. Hi all im sure this has been talked about at length but a search just kept resulting in posts with beard transplants in reviews. Anyway my question is, isn’t transplanting beard hair weird? Doesn’t it feel like beard? Rather than head hair? Is it only meant to be done if it’s not possible to get any more from the head? Wouldn’t body hair be better. I have a load of that and it’s a better colour! lol thanks for any insight
  4. I wonder if I can ask, is there a reason you don’t get the crown done at the same time? Is it just cost? Or is there a different reason? I’ve seen quite a few were the crown hasn’t been done at the same time.
  5. Looks so good! I checked out their website and there is no info on costs, just diversion. What did this cost you? Or what were the packages you were offered? I’d rather not waste their time with a consultation when there’s a very high chance it is beyond my means. Also did you start using medication? Or where you advised it was important by the clinic. I’d rather avoid any medications.
  6. Hi ive not been able to find any posts about the FUE clinics (that’s their name) that are all over the UK. They have a fixed price of £6250. Does anyone have any experience of these clinics (particular interest in their Glasgow clinic). I’ve searched for the doctors names from the Glasgow clinic and only found one hit from a very long time ago and there were no responses. The price is very good and therefore I suspect too good to be true but the convenience is hard to measure overlook and my budget is fairly limited. Thanks for any advice.
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