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  1. Update on status - I've booked an appointment with Eugenix in Delhi on Sept 12-14 to FUE roughly 6,100 grafts from scalp and beard. Dr. Somesh will be the surgeon. I've chosen the Premium Package - Procedure Lead By – Senior Eugenix HT Doctors (Dr Somesh) We're attempting to do the hairline, mid scalp, and crown across multiple days of surgery. I've just started taking Fin/Min and hope this will provide additional density or at least retention of transplanted grafts after the surgery is complete. I'll be documenting my experience and will post a recap after the procedure is complete.
  2. Thanks all, I'm currently consulting with Eugenix and Dr. Pittella to get consensus on overall Norwood (from photos at least), pricing, strategy, and schedule for a procedure. I'll update the thread once I receive information from both.
  3. Thank you for the replies on this! I’ll look into Pittella and Eugenix to better understand their expectations given my current condition.
  4. Thank you for the response! Body hair is something I have to spare for sure! I’m more than open to this option to restore the hair on top of my head, but I’m not sure what surgeons are best suited for this. I’ve seen Eugenix utilize body and beard for transplants on high Norwood recipients but not sure if there are other clinics/surgeons with mastery in this area?
  5. Hello, I’m a 40yo with history of male pattern baldness on my mother’s side. Grandfather was a NW6 around my age and I think I’m pretty close to that as well. I am not on meds currently (was recommended to stop them for better assessment of my donor), and would prefer to stay off of them if possible, but willing to hop back on if it’s the only way to keep hair after HT. I’ve been looking at Absolute Hair Clinic in Bangkok as a great place to get this done, but looking for general feedback and opinions on best course of action. I’d like to achieve full coverage, but also realistic about density. Might do some SMP as well to help with that. Any recommendations would be appreciated! Thanks! IMG_8358.mov
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