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  1. I have a question about this.... Was dr. Charles going to be removed regardless? If so, was he notified he was going to be removed? If so, was this masked vigilante story before or after he was notified of his removal?
  2. thank you, i honestly don't really know.... it's not like i'm rich and can afford these expensive surgeries on a whim... i'm kind of gutted that i spent so much money on this respected surgeon that claimed to be the best, basically admitted to me he didn't even care to try to do a good job on my surgery and now if i let him do it again, he'll "really" try hard to give me a good result this time.... my head almost exploded. I'm kind of upset with this forum for recommending him too to be honest... he shouldn't be doing this if he's charging people that much and not trying to give them good results... at this point from all the stories i'm hearing he's offering more free surgeries than paid ones and not a single person is accepting... imagine a "world famous" hair surgeon not being able to give away free surgeries to patients that have actually experienced his work.
  3. I saw Dr Charles and he seemed very nervous.... He (finally) agreed that the result was bad and offered me a free surgery... of course I refused, he couldn't even look me in the eye when I asked him about the graft count he mentioned that he’s going to spend more time on my surgery to make sure it works and something about using stem cells... i find it interesting that he said he would spend "extra time" given he's as expensive as he is, don't all of his patients deserve 100% every time? Makes me feel like he openly admits he doesn't give 100% to his patients unless there is a problem, and he needs to fix it... but he charges us like he's a top tier surgeon... very odd and frankly unethical.
  4. I believe @Stavros Dr Charles keeps giving me the run around and makes me feel like an bad person for even questioning him... he's mad i posted and almost punishing me for it because he doesn't want to deal with me now.
  5. he keeps giving me the run around and makes me feel like an bad person for even questioning him... he's mad i posted and almost punishing me for it because he doesn't want to deal with me now.
  6. I look forward to Dr. Charles commenting on my case on here. It seems as though he talks in riddles and as others have stated in similar situations, makes me feel like i'm to blame and he can never be at fault.
  7. I'm confused... i see so many people slamming dr glenn charles and others defending him.. is he doing something wrong or is the bad result my body's fault?
  8. I've been told that... and it seems to be an ongoing issue with Dr. Glenn Charles
  9. This is a really bad result in the crown... and to miss an entire part of the hairline? this is actually starting to get scary... I'm having similar issues at the 11 month mark and he as you said "gas lighted" me and said that it was somehow my fault that the result isn't better... he seems like such a nice guy... $15k down the drain for me. To the people defending Dr. Charles... please show me other doctors that have these poor results this consistently? I wonder what he's doing wrong
  10. thanks... not sure what to do from here... dr charles is telling me to give it more time and says its probably my body causing slow growth... i dont really trust him to do a touch up given how bad this turned out.
  11. Got a hair transplant about 11 months ago from Dr. Glenn Charles in Boca Raton. Was really nervous about the process so decided to pay more money($15,000) and stay local. I did research and Dr. Charles was well regarded so decided to go with him. 2000 grafts around hairline. Not sure how I feel about the progress, especially after seeing other people with what seems like more progress from other doctors and a ton of bad reviews about dr. Charles and short changing grafts and poor graft survival rate. A lot of my research was predicated on the recomendations of this site but i feel as though i've been let down. What do you think?
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