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  • Country
    United Kingdom

Hair Loss Overview

  • Describe Your Hair Loss Pattern
    Receding Hairline (Genetic Baldness)
  • Norwood Level if Known
    Norwood II
  • What Best Describes Your Goals?
    Maintain and Regrow Hair

Hair Loss Treatments

  • Have you ever had a hair transplant?

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New Real Hair Club Member

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  1. The half life stays in your body for a while so every other day is fine.
  2. Did you think about just using SMP for the thin hairline at the front and saving the grafts for another time?
  3. Bro until you can get it repaired go for a skin fade or SMP. At least you have hair on top!
  4. I tried fin once and I got ball ache so I got scared and stopped using it. I am going to the gym again now to hopefully boost my test levels and overall fitness then I will take fin again. If I get sides, I will power through them for a while and see if they subside. If not, I will lower the dosage.
  5. Ah, thanks for the correction. So to achieve this look you would need to build the temples and hairline with the donor and strengthen the rest with body/beard hair? I still have thick hair. I am just looking for hope in case the worst scenario happens as I don't suit a bald head (already tried it).
  6. Hello again, I am still new to this forum and want to get more advice and reassurance from people who have had a lot more experience. Building on my previous question, is it possible to maintain a buzzed look long-term with a hair transplant and using beard grafts to reinforce the temples? I am trying to gauge my options for the future. If I had surgery, (currently trying to maintain a N2 with thick hair with medication) I would prioritize building a hairline, even if it meant sacrificing the sides and back, and then proceed with SMP. I understand concerns about depleting donor areas due to scarring and further hair loss, but I already have a large birthmark on the back of my head and have accepted that scars are a trade-off I’m willing to make to frame my face. Additionally, would I need to be on a DHT inhibitor to prevent the beard grafts from falling out? I know Eugenix are the best for doing temple work with beard grafts but the pictures I have seen are of more extreme cases than mine. When I am older, I wouldn't mind rocking something short such as the images below of one of my favourite actors from France (think he had a HT too). Has anybody else on this forum gone through a similar procedure? Many thanks for your time and guidance.
  7. I see in many advanced cases where men just have the little strip remaining with retrograde. If it ever got this worse would a transplant be possible to build a frontal hairline and then SMP the rest of the head just to frame the face? Something like Zidane's hairline. I wouldn't mind buzzing everything as long as there was a bit up front.
  8. I am a 30-year-old male with a Norwood 2 hair pattern. I've always had an M-shaped hairline, but I've recently noticed signs of recession and miniaturization at my temples. Additionally, I'm experiencing retrograde alopecia at the nape of my neck. While my hair is pretty thick and my crown remains unaffected, I'm concerned about these changes. I'm about to start medical treatment to see how it stabilizes my hair loss, but I would appreciate some advice. Given that retrograde alopecia limits the available donor hair and affects the temples, how realistic is a hair transplant for someone in my situation? Since I'm 30, I would prefer a conservative approach. I’m not looking to jump on the first flight to Turkey, I want to plan ahead. I'm open to a procedure that allows me to keep my hair short to frame my face, similar to Vincent Cassel's shaven look. I am just looking to keep some hair on the top, I don't mind as I age losing it from other areas. I also have a thick beard and body hair that I wouldn't mind using for a transplant, as I dislike being overly hairy. I've read that Eugenix can achieve good results with this type of hair. Overall, is a hair transplant feasible for someone with retrograde alopecia at my age? I'm looking for hope as I begin my medication journey. I used to shave my head bald as a teenager and again a few years ago, but it doesn't suit me and makes me look significantly older. Thanks for the help.
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