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  1. Hi there. So I tried to wet my hair and then fitted a tight knitted cap on my head for 2 hours. I took the cap off and the hairs became straight. But the next day, after I shampooed, the hairs reverted to being kinky. What do you suggest?
  2. Hi everyone. I had a transplant 9 months ago for my straight hair and it came out nice except that it came out wavy and a bit frizzy. Will this grow out in time? How how I fix it?
  3. Wrong. Its no temporary effect. It happens most days but not every day which is what I want to see happen. Wouldn't moisturizing make the hair more damp and thus less full? I think you'd defeat the purpose of achieving fullness that way. If hair becomes damp it mattes and doesnt show its potential for being full. Thats my opinion but I may be wrong since youre more experienced at this than myself.
  4. Look dude, no offense, reports are fine for your records. But whats more important is the result of the transplant regardless what a piece of paper says about number and type of grafts. Again, I'm not trying to put you down or make light of your situation because it deals directly with a vital aspect of your appearance which you care about deeply; But I think youre scrutinizing this way too much. That said, you should take a step back, stop analyzing things with a microscope and just wait on the results. You got to relax. Keep in mind also that clinics have limits to its patience. If you keep badgering and poking at the doctor and why the clinic did this or that and what not, you run the risk of getting banned for life by the clinic. Doctors have done this to patients many times across all medical disciplines because they've had enough. Its messed up I know, but it can happen. I'm saying this with all the respect in the world. Not saying that you have no right to complain but make sure your complaint is handled in a manner that doesnt erect barriers against potentially receiving transplants again from the same clinic which is world renown as best in the business. Keep in mind also that money comes and goes. Its always in flux. Yes, its your hard earned money but its not your whole life. In case you lose your money by the amount not matched to a good transplant result, you can always return to the clinic for a possible freebee (if thats part of their policy which I bet it is) or go to another clinic. But feel rest assured that you will recoup it in time. Hope this helps. I really do wish I were some magician to caste a spell over this issue for your sake but unfortunately we all live in the land of reality. Let me know how else I can help.
  5. Yes I've actually tried this. It works. But what really works is when I shampoo my hair then go to sleep and wake up my hair looks voluminous. Very weird but true. Wow this is the first time I read about this. But wouldnt anything with water weigh down the hair and make it flat and non-full? Would you suggest a few that are good?
  6. Your post blurs the website. I cant make out what you said. But thats ok dont worry
  7. So I notice that my transplanted hair many times is dense and full. I shampoo at night, go to sleep and notice fuller hair upon waking. But this doesnt turn out full every day, sadly. I really dont know the mechanics behind how hair behaves to make it full looking and dense. But I'd like to know what to do to make it dense looking all the time. I know theres a trick to this cuz I experience great fullness most of the time. Can you guys give your advice on how to attain fullness all the time? The shampoo I use is good enough, so I dont want to hear any advice concerning that, with all due respect. Also, no creams, special combs, etc. either. Just looking for common sense ways to make it dense looking. Looking forward to your help!
  8. Traveling with 8500 euros on your person on a plane then in turkey is risky dude. I dont know.
  9. This is why I tell folks to stay very clear of turkish clinics. There are so many horror stories coming from these flunky clinics it aint funny. Theres always going to be a big risk with turkey in one form or another. You mentioned theyre "reputable" which after this event shouldnt be the adjective to describe them. If this is their version of reputable imagine how "reputable" their surgeries are. The silver lining to all this is that at least they took your money (which isn't much) instead of providing a bad transplant which wouldve turned out worse than the deposit amount they stole. At least it cost you $1k to learn this vital lesson although this isn't what you want to hear. Go for real reputable clinics everyone here raves about instead of risking your confidence, esteem, money and future to a couintry known to swindle decent folks out of their money. Remember, turkey is a nation that doesnt like USA, Europe or Israel.
  10. Youre a lawyer in italy so italian law has no bearing on Turkish law since its a different country with different laws
  11. Ok that makes sense. You cant blame the clinic for that knowing their payment policy. Every clinic isn't going to follow exactly the same platform you or others use. Every clinic has a different approach. I've had zoom, skype and meet calls with clinics. It wouldn't be my place to dictate what platform clinics should use. Nothing is standardized across the HT industry. Sorry to hear about your bad experience with fuexpert. YMWV with clinics. Not trying to defend any clinic cuz I know your experience wasnt great so I feel you dude. Wish it wouldve gone smoother for you.
  12. I'm perplexed that you'd decide to get a transplant in the first place since according to your preop pics, you don't look like you needed a transplant at all. How is that odd? Thats how docs do it.
  13. yeah no hairs found in shower drain at all. No hairs on comb either
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