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Hair Loss Overview

  • Describe Your Hair Loss Pattern
    Receding Hairline (Genetic Baldness)
  • Norwood Level if Known
    Norwood V
  • What Best Describes Your Goals?
    Considering Surgical Hair Restoration

Hair Loss Treatments

  • Have you ever had a hair transplant?
  • Other hair restoration physicians
    Dr. Resul Yaman
  • Current Non-Surgical Treatment Regime
    Generic Minoxidil 5% for Men

Hair Loss Story

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Real Hair Club Member

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  1. In general, Finasteride is only indicated for the treatment and prevention of hair loss up to the age of 41, which I guess has to do with the age-dependent hormone levels (at least that's the age cap in my homecountry). Do you have to continue taking it beyond this age or can you simply stop taking it after the age of 41 and your hereby preserved hair will still remain healthy and present? Is it still possible to get a prescription from a dermatologist after the age of 41?
  2. Some clinics recommend derma rolling as a preparatory step to the transplantation. I also thoroughly microneedled my front with a dermapen hoping to get regrowth that way prior to my hair transplant and it doesn't seem to be an issue.
  3. I think with the right surgeon you can harvest a couple more grafts from your donor which still gives a healthy appearance with a buzzcut. Also naturally, you will have more FUT grafts left than FUE grafts.
  4. The number of grafts you have left depends on the skill of the surgeon (e. g. Zarev is very good in donor management). I see great potential left given that you have a buzzcut.
  5. Because without meds you will have less coverage and it will look less like a successful outcome, resulting in negative PR for the clinic.
  6. Maybe OT but have you looked into synthetic hair as an alternative?
  7. I also thought that the hairline density immediately post-OP looked significantly better than what ultimately seemed to have grown there. I wonder why that could be, 50 grafts per sq cm is in the lower range.
  8. Your hair looks quite thin so you might need well above 6000 grafts. Looks like a job for someone like Pitella, but consider FUTs as well.
  9. Hi guys, a well trained neck plays a crucial role in forming a physically capable appearance. You can train your neck using a neck trainer of which I got one. Basically it's headgear with a weight attached that is to be moved up and down using neck movement, thereby activating the neck muscles. Is using such a device in any way detrimental to the existing hair, the donor and the recipient area (e. g. temples) or how may it be used?
  10. If you do a second pass procedure, do these numbers fully add to the preexisting density or how would the math go?
  11. I'd certainly try it and consult a good hairdresser how to handle the hair (think of how the ladies do it, hair straightening and what not).
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