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  1. I am now considering to wait maybe 6 months to see how I react to oral minoxidil. Currently on 1.25mg per day for 7 days then will up to 2.5mg. May increase to 5mg if all is ok. From what I've seen on here it seems to help a lot and I think it could potentially do well for my mid-scalp. We'll see. Plan to take photos in the same place every 2 weeks. Still might have a few consultations re. the crown as I don't think the fin. and min. will change anything there. Maybe a few grafts either side of the forelock.
  2. You mean HT #1 then wait a year and have HT #2? Any reason for 2 HT's? I see a lot of 2 day 10K graft HT's is all.
  3. Thank you for the reply. Thought I would be but wasn't sure. Thanks Gatsby for the advice and yes hopefully I can keep hold of the temples and humps. I am considering bumping Fin up to 1mg from 0.5mg but have just started taking oral minoxidil today so will wait a bit in case there are any sides. Does anyone know the best surgeons for crown density who aren't extortionately priced? Crown, mid-scalp and then hairline is the priority for me. Dr. Miln has caught my eye - seems to be reasonably priced for the UK. However, I can't really see any crown work on his IG and most of his patients on these forums are still in the post-op recovery phase. Also read he implants in rows which apparently creates a see through look (not sure how true this is)? Dr. Zarev is the best I have seen but that's a non starter really with the wait times. I've got the ball rolling with Dr. Pittella for a consultation. Also Dr. Ball but his assistant told me I wasn't a candidate when I contacted them a few years ago - will see if that's changed, but he's probably out of my price range even if. Will be researching Dr. Mani Mittal next. Who else is worth taking a look at?
  4. I'm 32. Started thinning around 20 years old. I've experimented with topical minoxidil and Finasteride previously over the years (early 20's) from 25-32 didn't really do use any treatment (girlfriends). I am now considering a transplant. I'm not sure about other countries but in the UK the term baldy gets thrown about a lot and I really don't like it - this is why I'm considering. It would be nice to not wear a hat everywhere I go. In my 20's I was taking 1mg Fin daily and getting quite bad sides (libido-related mostly from what I remember). For the past couple of months I've been taking 0.5mg Finasteride daily and don't get any noticeable sides. I think if I upped it to 1mg I would get sides again so not doing that but I'm not 100% sure if 0.5mg has fully stopped the hair loss. I've just ordered oral minoxidil as well because I'm lazy and it suits me more than topical and will be taking 2.5mg per day and see how that goes. I am not sure what I am on the Norwood scale - I would guess a NW6 but it would be good to confirm, to know roughly how many grafts would be needed. Which is why I'm posting here. I can grow a beard but after a certain length my facial hair is red/ginger, so not sure I want that transplanted onto my head. I've been through a lot of threads by Euginix patients and Dr. Pittella. The latter is winning it for me at the moment, although yes, probably twice as expensive as Euginix. I'm in the UK but willing to travel for the best doctor that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. The crown is the highest priority for me followed by the hairline and mid-scalp. Attached some pics.
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