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  1. I am not sure if this helps but ever since I started using topical minoxidil foam I don't even use a hair gel. For me the foam seems to hold my hair in place. And since I am already using it, viola. I just hope Im not using it incorrectly. wash hair, lightly towel dry then air dry followed by 2-3 minutes of massaged in min then a brush or just my fingers. Im an engineer and like the OP I work in a professional environment (sort of) and need to look respectable. Just my thoughts and opinion.
  2. ask for pictures and you shall receive. only about a week ago, lol. I should have followed up but work gets in the way of life. Anyhow, any thoughts about my original question noted below about HT and blond hair? Thanks
  3. This is where I currently am. I am taking both of these, topical minoxidil for almost a full year and 1mg of finasteride for just about a month and yes I realize the latter takes about a year to see any real benefits.
  4. I respect your comment Gatsby but just where is or how do I determine that line in the sand between medication and surgery? Meds for a year or possibly two? I'll be 60 in a few weeks and I cant imagine meds alone would or could reverse what Mother Nature or genetics saw fit to take over the last half century. That is why Im here, to learn from the subject matter experts and their experiences and get back what I once had. I have blond hair and if surgery isn't the best option to help reverse my loss and hopefully improve my self esteem I don't want to waste, my time or money or time. Yes, I mentioned time twice as time is more important to me at this age than money. Every moment Im on this site I learn something good and maybe not so good for my situation so I ask if you guys know of a secret position or medication where I can forgo surgery please share it. (light hearted comment obviously).
  5. Interesting, I didn't even think about that part. I was questioning more if a lighter color hair line makes it easier to see areas where the transplant has been performed.
  6. sorry for the confusion, I meant grafts.
  7. As the title states it harder for HT to look natural for someone with blond hair vs dark hair? Probably a silly question but I haven't seen anything posted from anyone with blond hair like myself. Especially in the summer in Arizona.
  8. First off, the results look great. And yes, I would imagine that is a huge confidence booster. Assuming Dr Bicer did not know you were a doctor yourself, did she discuss the process with you via phone call or email or was all work discussed by someone else at her clinic. I ask because I have only dealt with someone at her clinic thus far. While Id prefer to have dealt with her from the beginning the upfront communication is not as important as the process itself. I've received my quote for 2500 to 2700 grafts, to be performed by her, vs a tech, performing my treatment and while it is nearly twice what I have been quoted from others I believe you get what you pay for. It does sound like you are please enough that you would return to her again. Any response or comments you can add would be greatly appreciated. Respectfully,
  9. Thank you Gatsby sir. My pharmacist is still quite young (I'll be 60) and he does have great hair and stated he doesn't use hair growth products so I'll value your opinion and experience on this over his and stick with a 1mg dose. Now if I can just get the Dr's to respond to my inquiries.
  10. Im glad you commented on that. to be clear while my pharmacist recommended finasteride he would not give it to me without a doctors prescription. So I did what I did back in the military, I improvised. I drove to a reputable pharmacy in Algodones Mexico and bought it. Im taking 1mg per day and may increase it up to 5mg per. My pharmacist suggested I start at a lower dose for a few months to see if there are any negative reactions.
  11. One more thing, I spoke to a pharmacist and he suggested and I am now taking, for the past 3 weeks, finasteride along with the minoxidil I have already been using.
  12. Hello, like every other person (male/female) experiencing hair loss I am trying to undue what time and genetics took away. I am 59 turning 60, in great physical shape and plan to stick around a while and I would like to look as good as I can as long as I can. Hell, my 82 year old dad still has a full thick head of hair. My mom's dad didn't. When he passed in his 80's his hairline went back another 1-2". I don't know if that adage hair loss stems from the maternal side of the gene but it appears to be so in my case. I started reading online reviews that lead me to Istanbul. I found several hair clinics in Turkey, mostly from YouTube and internet searching, that I thought were top performers. Of those I found only one was noted on this site. That discovery made me stop and rethink what research I had been doing since this site seems to be where the subject matter experts are in this field. I've included some photos of my current hair line. This is a gradual loss of hair over almost 60 years on earth. I'd like my hair line to be reversed to look like it did when 'I was in my mid-late 30's. Am I out of line, expecting too much, too old? I'm divorced and I've told no one about this desire to get this done. Too many naysayers in my circle of friends and family. Ive attached a few recent photos. I have already sent out consultation requests to doctors Pittella, Bicer, Yaman and Ahmad. I am even considering Thailand and Vietnam. Yes overall price will influence my decision but so will the time frame and input from this community. So I thank you in advance and welcome, welcome, welcome any and all responses, positive and even negative. In response I will let this community follow me through this start to finish.
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