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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. Had a HT @ 22; now 24 and contemplating HT #2. Fin is holding my crown and vertex pretty strong, but I've continued to thin along my top while losing a modest but noneteheless impactful amount of native hair in my first HT's recipient zone. Ultimately, I got -- and still enjoy -- cool hair, and my battle is still on the upswing as a result of my HT and getting on fin. Medium-term, I'm one large session away from being mint. Long-term, I probably have 2 more large strip HTs in me, followed by who knows what.
  2. Pristine work! Always nice to see a small session used appropriately. It seems like he has super supporting density and you didn't have to really go too deep into any existing hair.
  3. LMAO @ comparing Ziering to a Ferrari...maybe a McFerrari happy meal toy whose gloss quickly flakes off. Just out of curiosity, I'm wondering if the shill/cheerleader can tell us which "stars" went to this McDoctor to get their HT done?
  4. Super work! Your commitment to excellence in and out of the operating room is well-received by all -- I agree w/ Aaron that your documentation here was really nice.
  5. Julius, I'm honestly not even sure what my hairline density distribution is -- but it's something I'm actually pretty curious to know. B, using 2-3 hair grafts behind the leading edge --> do you feel you guys do this, at least do it closer to "the edge", moreso than other docs who might be in question? I've thought most top docs would do this, but I suppose the philosophy and tecnique in just how close to the edge one goes could be varied (?) Also, re: what Matt mentioned above....I'm pretty certain that with Dr. Feller the leading edge of my hairline *isn't* at the highest density, but that the zone behind the "leading edge" is where I had the highest density implanted. Anyways, I'd agree that a "densepack" is really weighted against the individual charachteristics of an individual. I feel like I have good density, but that the number of grafts currently allocated *isn't* in line with a "densepack", in the sense that a disproportionate number wasn't invested in my hairline. Were I to ever add grafts to my hairline zone I would definitely consider *that* a densepack, since the grafts being allocated would be a bit hair-greedy and basically pumping up an already solid region at the potential expense of a different region down the road.
  6. shanti, IMO, I doubt it's something that will ever get discussed (in public), simply due to the nature of the beast involved. I'm pretty certain the situation is different than with Armani on HLH, though.
  7. Definite improvement all-around; how do you feel about things?
  8. Col, as far as I know Dr's Feller and Shapiro won't give you 200 grafts while having you pay for 1500. They have the reasonable price scenario that you seem to be looking for; and I know Dr. Feller particularly as something known as a "Lunchtime Postage Stamp" session for ~200 graft type sessions.
  9. Re: cost of a small FUE session...I know Dr. Feller does a "lunchtime"/"postage stamp" session that is essentially priced and designed for a situation like you might be in. Also, SMG/Shapiro have FUE priced quite competitively so I don't think you'd be gouged if you went to them looking for a small sesh. Regardless, though, FUE *is* more expensive than strip/FUE, graft for graft.
  10. LOL! He may a bit pissed off there because you've been training him for elastic killer but you have a beautiful pooch, dude.
  11. Balb, not me m8 -- me and MiketheDane do have similar looking doo's, though. (i copied his bleached blonde look)
  12. I think we now envy not just Shlomo's locks but Shlomo's waistline!
  13. Julius, Others can chime in with more precise thought, but I think we need to first define what (we are considering) a densepack to be. Also, since we are essentially dealing with donor management, how much donor one actually possesses is a monumentally important factor, along with the factors of age and likely pattern! There have absolutely been cases posted on this forum of people sub-30 who had densepacks; whether these were appropriate, or whether Dr. Paul would consider them appropriate is a whole other story, and I think we'd have to evaluate them individually. Again, I think we really need to define what we are saying a "densepack" is; I'm pretty certain Dr. Feller considered my case a "densepack", e.g. Good topic.
  14. Hmm, touch call, indeed. I'd tell your boss; just break it down for him. As a result, he may very well be very understanding and allow you to best conceal things for a few weeks. As an excuse for other people who may see you during the recuperative process, I've always felt saying you got some annoying but benign folliculitus is the best excuse around. It's not unheard of, but it's vague enough, and can account for any funky look you might have or why you're wearing a hat or whatever. Frankly, though, a huge variable is how you yourself recover. Specifically, redness in your recipient (which can last for months or be gone in a week), and shockloss (temporary, occurring in and/or your donor or recipient regions).
  15. Finally got to see the pics on my big screen -- real nice, man! Your hairline density is really getting refined, and your entire crown reconstruction is remarkable. Crown work is sometimes unheralded, and I often think it is the hardest thing to re-create in a completely natural way; but your crown truly looks God-given. Do you have a rough idea what your hairline and crown density will be at once you're fully grown? We both seem to have gargantuan heads (blessing and curse) and if/when propecia fails me I think your current pattern is pretty close to my end-game, as well.
  16. Bill, I learned the showboat tecniques from the masters! Thx again for all the comments, guys; I'm really keen on doing PRP treatment with Dr. Feller, so my next update will likely be a PRP thread, which I think will be an asset to my hair and also the community.
  17. Spark, do you think you'll document your result(s) w/ Bisanga? I've always been extremely impressed with that clinic, particularly their aggressive FUE work, and think it's a shame that they haven't involved themselves in this forum, and as a result there are few if any Bisanga patients who post. Anyways, I think Balboa is in an interesting but not necessarily terrible spot -- and I'd just reiterate that I'd consult with a *variety* of world-class clinics, preferably ones who are pro-active in both strip and FUE, get their prognoses, compare and contrast them, and *then* allow travel to come into play. Feller, SMG, Hasson+Wong, DevRoye, Bisanga I think would be an excellent 5 to consult with. I don't think Balb's distrust in FUE is unfounded, and since he needs maximum reliability and effect this go-around, it's a tough call.
  18. LOL! Spex, we should battle your dog in a laxity-off against Jotronic -- winner faces LondonLad for the crown.
  19. Mike, I didn't see this mentioned before, but do you have an idea how many grafts you have left? Start up with Jotronic's scalp exercises pronto. I agree that this should be your final procedure for a long while -- refine your hairline and beef up your crown and you should be good to go. Have you looked into Dr. Path in Thailand? I know he is extremely competitively priced like Dr. Mohmand.
  20. I'd also add in Dr. DevRoye to your list of European docs. Ultimately, Balb, since this is such a make or break surgery for you, I'd hate to see you make a decision with geography being a *primary* factor, *regardless* of who you choose. I would consult with a variety of clinics -- some close, some not so close -- and at the end let geography play a determining factor that you can weigh against your individual impressions of the docs in question. Since you have done FUE, and given your circumstance as Bspot has mentioned, you should look into some who are pro-active in both FUE and strip, IMHO. Feriduni, DevRoye, Feller, Shapiro, e.g.
  21. Ya man, I feel for ya. Don't lose hope, though -- Feller, Shapiro, Hasson+Wong and many more have performed some *amazing* repairs. Meeting with Spex will be good for ya -- you'll get to where you wanna be, just stay at it.
  22. Bottomline is that you thankfully *don't* fall into the category of looking like a Balded Guy, and I'm sure you could be creative and style your hair in a pleasing way. But I can nonetheless totally understand your want to refine your hairline some with FUE. I'd echo Emp and others and to go get a consult with some docs -- in Canada you have among the best of the best: Hasson+Wong and Rahal. Go do some consults to get their opinion and peace of mind, keep on the meds, enjoy life, etc.
  23. Good question. My hair is not perfect, and I feel a need for another procedure to add density behind my hairline since I've continued to thin; but if 10 is the best I'd have to say I'd rate my HT w/ Dr. Feller a 10. I was entirely bald with zero hairline and strong hair in my frontal 1/3rd; one HT and 3k grafts later and I've truly been transformed; can style my hair multiple ways as to how I like. Basically, I can just look like a young guy with cool hair. I've had a lot of "wow" moments since my HT where it really hits home just how much it has revitalized my life. I had one last night, and you really can't put a price on that. I feel for you man, as I know just how wicked and disastrous "Armani" is -- but I'd consider yourself one of the luckier ones, and you really seem like 1 *world-class* HT away from being where you want to be.
  24. It really varies doc to doc, but they are all quite competitive; I think most of their websites will tell you the exact #s. Generally, if you end up getting more grafts than what you had scheduled/paid for you will get them for free. This happens pretty regularly, and oftentimes for a substantial difference.
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