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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. It's like "dust" that you sprinkle it on, and the keratin or w/e fibers bond with your hairs in various, many places.
  2. That's a good idea -- have to work around Yankee playoff games, but I'll do something like that this week. I'm working through a shed so this is a perfect time to highlight how the regiment influences density and naturalness. WH, the Aveda stuff can be had off their main online site (Aveda.com or something like that), or off of Amazon.com; the Samy Fat Hair and generic Dirt I got at Wallgreens; the original Dirt is sold at select salons and random online salon boutiques.
  3. I'm personally not aware of any Canadian surgeons on par w/ Dr. Feller's FUE who could satisfy a case like yours. I know Dr. Harris recently made a small splash with a new instrument he developed -- unfortunately, he never actually followed up in the thread Bill made to highlight it and answer questions and reveal more info. Nonetheless, you might want to look into Dr. Harris who I'm pretty sure is in Canada. I'm not at all familiar with Nakatsui's FUE work, or if he could handle a case like yours. You really shouldn't let travel play such a major role in your decision; you obv can, but it can very easily come at the expense of this life-altering, life-long surgery you are undergoing. Just be extra-cautious if you are letting geography play a big role in your decision. That said, you might want to re-consider strip, also, in which case Rahal, Hasson, etc. could hook you up reallllllll nice. And you'd stay in Canada. I don't know how tight you want to keep your hair, but many "strip scars" come out where people buzz down pretty low....
  4. Ya, you can, and likely should. Nanogen are little fibers, comprised of similiar components that mimic actual hair, and these fibers bond with your hair. It can take some skill in mastering the applications, but can reap astounding results.
  5. Good stuff, ph! And the oil in your hair giving it that wet look def isn't doing your density any favors, so it makes your result to date all the more impressive. Keep us posted m8!
  6. Just scoped this out again on my big monitor in HD and it is even more impressive and glorious, lol....his density not only looks to be perfect in both the crown and hairline, but the naturalness and quality of his growth is impeccable. Cherry on top his scar looks about as good as can be...this was tricho, I assume? It's either so fine or there are actual hairs sprouting throughout it, which really blend it in almost totally seamlessly.
  7. Your best -- and only -- bet might be traveling. Either to Belgium (Dr. Devroye, e.g.), or the U.S. (Dr. Feller, e.g.). Bill brings up a good question, though, which is whether FUE is truly best for you. It may very well be, but it's a very big decision to make and it is easy to fall in love with a certain procedure before truly vetting all of the pros and cons. That said, a Dr. such as Devroye, Feller, Shapiro...would not perform and recco FUE to you if they didn't feel it was in your good interest and that you were aware of the situation.
  8. My "extremity" is directly related to what I perceive to be NotJust's passive (and not so passive) assailing of those physicians who are taking part in the greater scheme of the HT and FUE landscape, and doing so in a not just ethical, but productive manner. It is particularly ironic and distressing to me to see one of these people, Dr. Feller, who has worked to hard on advancing the very cause of FUE in so many ways to benefit the patient be targeted. I absolutely agree with you, Bill, otherwise! And it is your very attitude and stance that I think to be most beneficial and fair. Of course, I want and would love for the price of FUE to be as low as possible and have the quality move upwards in tandem. And I think the price of Dr. Feller's FUE should absolutely be taken into consideration by myself and any other patient -- Dr. Feller himelf accepts this responsibility and I don't think he would shy away from this. FUE is a relatively new, novel, dynamic procedure; as such, the conjoined economics associated with it is not static (when is it ever in a truly functional, thriving economy). SMG's excellent adoption of FUE and at such a competitive price is proof beyond belief of this. And not just that, but it is positive evidence that the trend of quality and competition is on the rise, and in sync the price is becoming more competitive and affordable for patients everywhere. As well, were Dr. Feller (and others) not to charge ~10/g, SMG would have *less*...*less*...incentive to price *their* FUE at the competitive, lower price that they have. And the same goes for any other clinic who practices FUE or is looking to adopt it. This is a functional economy; this a functional landscape of FUE and HTs, and this is why I feel "costs for FUE....are....reasonable". We have the choice of both price and physician, and we have the excellence -- and all three variables are positively trending. My point about Dr. Feller not charing 11/g and thus being a saint is obviously a tongue-in-cheek, but nonetheless pointed commentary that there *shouldn't* be such emotion and excessive subjectivity imbued into this debate.
  9. You're looking good, phx, real good! Given how vacant the recipient was pre-op, you can really get a cool gauge on just how far you're coming. You look like you're on a great track and it'l be great to see you in but another few months. Btw, do you have water in your hair? Your hair looks a bit wet in the pics(?)
  10. No prob, Spin, just paying it forward. You can get the shampoo/conditioner off of the main Aveda website online, though I think you can get better deals by getting it through Amazon.com, actually. Each of the products/tecniques mentioned has a unique effect on our HT hair. Each product I found to be almost tailor-made for the man who has had a HT, and deals with the "issues" we have, including sheds, the nature of the "illusion of density", and how even fully matured HTs can be tough to totally "tame". Particularly, if you are going through a bad shed -- like I have been -- it is great to have a go-to regiment to help get you through it. Also, if you have very thick/course/wavy HT hair -- which is a blessing and curse -- I've found these products to do an amazing job on restoring your...pre-op naturalness and way your hair behaved.
  11. I used to live off nanogen, which you can get online. For you, it is the single best option out there -- aside from also getting on propecia/proscar (which are the same thing, and represent the drug finasteride). I'm also on this, and it's working well, as it does for so many. I literally was going from your level of thinning/baldness to a look of total coverage. I accidentally took my pics of that off this site -- but they were/are mindblowing. I couldn't reccommend it enough.
  12. It's difficult to actually debate you, but I can't resist diving back in with your latest doozy: so, you are all about "price gouging" now, eh? This latest remark has zero basis in reality. Price gouging itself is a totally oblique phrase, best used specifically as a legal term when defending/attacking nefarious individuals during a time of crisis. That aside, it a vague, nasty aspersion with the notion that a person is unfairly hiking prices in a marketplace lacking necessary competition to create more -- and less expensive -- options. The problem -- for you -- is that reality flies directly in the face of this. There is *excellent* competition within FUE, and it is on a sharp, *upward* trend. There *are* less expensive, excellent options for FUE arising and that *do* exist. At the same time -- and led by Dr. Feller -- there is a wondrous wave of innovation to serve the public while one in the same facilitating the very environment necessary *to* have varied, lower pricing options with high quality. What's next, NotJust -- is Dr. Feller going to be profiteering, spearheading monopolies, and that'l be the crux of your crusade?
  13. Europe has some fine surgeons, indeed. Are you in England? In England, the Farjo practice is the absolute best, hands down. Dr. DevRoye is in Belgium and does excellent work and I find him to be personally most impressive. You often can get travel $/discounts, btw -- so, not in Europe, but: Feller and Shapiro in the U.S. are top notch. Hasson&Wong and Rahal in Canada I am continually impressed by.
  14. Ok. Getting a HT is *not* like getting braces! It matters as much or more than any other surgical practice in who you go to, IMHO. Doctors reccomended by this site (particularly, Coalition docs) have been chosen because their standards and quality of work go above and beyond the general pool of clinics that exist. The clinics have been vetted by the site, and as such represent the most elite collection of clinics that exist. This doesn't mean that your research should just end here, however. There are many differences amongst the many doctors reccomended by this site, and it is in your best interest to do consultations (which are usually free) with a nice sample to then make a decision after comparing and contrasting.
  15. Hmmm....difficult to say. You should expect the following in getting a HT: -- a long day of surgery where you sit still, laying in a chair watching movies, listening to music, etc. -- a few week period to a few month period (depends) where you may look different (i.e. worse) than you did pre-op -- several months of waiting till your result comes in, which takes ~1 year to fully develop -- once done, you will have the hair and look you've worked and waited so long and hard to achieve for life Just how dramatic a result you can achieve in one pass depends upon: -- your level of loss -- your physiology (how tight your scalp is, how dense your donor is) -- the doctor you choose
  16. Excellent result! Really marked just how superior his new hairline is. The old one was so...."off"....and now it simply looks like a nice, dense head of hair.
  17. Try not to let travel dissuade you from a given doctor; at least when you are doing your research, make it geographically-blind, if you can. Then, towards the end, I think allowing geography to influence your decision can be alright. I agree w/ Spex that Dr. Rahal does great work, and with Dr. Feller's recent innovations he might indeed be your best bet for FUE in Canada.
  18. LOL! Well played, LastC. This is a very interesting thread, and case -- pleasure to view and read.
  19. Thx. Scottish, I wasn't using any of these products in the pics in my weblog, actually, nor the more recent pics in my HT thread. So while I feel that these products dramatically accentuate my HT in a positive way, they are *not* necessary to achieve a nice, natural look. I don't use them all everyday (probably 3-4 days a week I do); I do use the Aveda Pure Abunance shampoo/conditioner daily, along with Dirt pretty much everday. If I had to pick *one* product....it would probably be Dirt. The Samy Fat Hair is pretty remarkable, but you should really blow dry your hair afterwards to reap the rewards, so....If you don't mind blowdrying your hair real quick, I would actually recco Samy Fat Hair as the #1 product....
  20. We have a climate where doctors *are* charging *far* less than "Dr. Feller", with a downward trend with quality on the rise, yet a few still want to gripe and bemoan how bad things are because the entire economic landscape isn't tailor-made to their express wants. This has nothing to do with "unchecked" capitalism, because the very situation itself is a testament to the excellence of capitalism itself. And aside from the political tripe masquerading as objective academic text, history books show and mirror this, as well. NotJust is not being told to not voice his opinion. He isn't a victim fighting against oppressors; he is simply debating on some of the brazen things he has said. The irony, of course, is that NotJust is the only one who took it upon himself to personally assail others, as he couldn't keep his emotions in check with his (political) views that leaked over into the HT world. Anyways, in his last few posts, (particularly), NotJust has shown his true colors, and this is really no longer about the actual going ons of the price of FUE so much as it is a fruitless school session on the merits of free market economy vs. neo-marxism. Again, Dr. Feller is a saint because he isn't charging 11/g and lining his pockets with more country club memberships.
  21. Oh man, get on propecia/proscar/fin ASAP -- your pattern of loss right now is tailor made for it. Go to a dermatologist ASAP and they will give you the script for it. Proscar is cheaper than the Propecia -- same thing, but you need to cut it up into like 4th's or something....no big deal, and it's less expensive. This could be a life-saver for you. Also, nanogen -- applied well -- could probably totally mask your baldness tomorrow.....
  22. Hey man, I'm sorry to hear of your MPB issues, but I'm happy that you've found this forum so early. You can truly arm yourself with the best information and resource here to conquer your hairloss as best as possible. There is hope, no doubt, but it won't be easy -- I know how hard it must be right now, and how hard it will be, but remember that in the grand scheme of things what matters most to your success and happiness is the very ability to solider through an obstacle such as this. Rogaine is OK -- but if you aren't truly willing to commit to it 100% I wouldn't start/stop/etc. This can just lead to vicious shedding and it will lose efficacy. There are two things I'd insta-reccommend to you, and I think could be a huge boon: propecia/proscar/finasteride, and Nanogen. The former is *the* single closest thing we have to a miracle drug. It's a small pill you pop 1x/day. I would go to a good dermatologist or hair restoration surgeon with experience in this area and inquire into this. It's primary efficacy is on regrowing and preserving hairs in the crown and vertex and top, but this doesn't mean it can't help everywhere. Nanogen is a "concealer". It works best in areas where you have some hair, it's just thinned. Nanogen can virtually restore a perfect illusion of density. It truly saved my life for a while, and I was pretty far along and it gave me truly remarkable results. I would definitely order some of this and play around with it. Also, I would look into following this regiment for hair care: http://hair-restoration-info.c...66060861/m/978108134
  23. I'm jealous! You're going to look oh-so-mint -- congrats ahead of time! And that suture closure really does look great. I'm very happy for you, and look forward to seeing this ultimate refinement session grown out.
  24. Great advice, as usual, and it's great to see that you're getting it at the best possible time! In the event you're a diffuse thinner, I'd look into Nanogen, too, which is a concealer that can work a virtual miracle on diffuse thinners.
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