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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. Why include two of the most honest and informative shots (top-downs) in the before, yet not one in the after?
  2. Hahaha. I dunno, I personally believe there is such variability in scars, much of it out of our control, that, given my connection to training I simply wasn't willing to play it "super safe", when I'm not sold that doing so would guarantee me a superior scar anyways. Nonetheless, I did jack for 1 week and babied my donor till I got my staples out.
  3. 7 days I did nothing; 3 days I walked; 1 week weights; ad infinitum boxing/jiujitsu, including a competition 3 weeks out. My scar stretched a bit, I believe when I was doing intense rolling work. Nonetheless, when I keep my hair ~1 inch (or less) there is no sign of the scar, nor when I shower.
  4. In my most honest and blunt opinion, this is disgraceful. This clinic has shown blatent disregard for presenting their work in a dignified, honest manner to best serve patients -- and, frankly, what is seen of their work doesn't leave the imagination panting in delight. And I couldn't help but laugh that after kindly yet firmly calling them out for presenting their work in *such* a disingenuous and laughable way...that there next case isn't just one as incredibly dubious as this, but it is presented in *identical* (atrocious) form. I can barely even assess just how severely dubious this case is, as I can't help but simply laugh after seeing pictures -- yet again.
  5. Don't worry about your age; if anything (and I mean, if anything) getting a HT in your physical prime can only help your recovery and the rate and success of your grafts. 28 certainly isn't too early for a HT; whether you should actually get one, and what gameplan you take is an entirely seperate matter that you need to evaluate through independant research juxtaposed with prognoses given by multiple docs.
  6. Ya, I'd take a vintage Mirko CroCop kick to the face than go to Bosley....a broken jaw is temporary, the horrific skillz of Bosley last a lifetime.
  7. And I think you really mature when you're in your 40's. And 10 years from now I think you really do mature in your 50's.... His post didn't cheerlead for a doctor...so what....it was vile and cheerleaded for every extreme that presides on the other end of the spectrum for pushing an agenda. And 20 year olds are and can be mature for the reasons already mentioned in this thread; whether someone states these facts happens to be 20 or 40 is irrelevant and detracts from the actual analysis being weighted.
  8. 25 is just an arbitrary number as far as I'm concerned. But aaron is right that if you were to speak in generalizations, it is a pretty decent number as far as numbers go for making a guideline on what is/isn't an "ideal" age.
  9. http://specials.msn.com/A-List...ansplant&FORM=MSNLFA Some interesting names popped up. Also, I really don't consider Jude Law bald. He has obvious recession, but still retains the positive qualities of a (albeit very) mature hairline, and his bone structure really softens the blow for the pattern of loss he has.
  10. Interesting was exactly the first thing I was going to, as well. I would also love to hear Dr. Panine's stance on nape hair -- it doesn't seem vulnerable to MPB, but how typical is this, and what time frame can the patient expect to enjoy the fine, nape hairs? I think that the patient has truly enjoyed a very nice transformation here, especially from the frontal view (arguably the most important). In fact, this is one of the best BHT cases I have seen, especially considering how few BH was used. What would you estimate his yield to have been on the BHT? It's my understanding that it takes a *lot* of BH to create equal illusion to traditional donor. Also, why the strip excision for his underarms vs. simply using FUE? Very interesting case, once again, and I would love to hear Stuart or Dr. Panine's thoughts.
  11. Looks really good. I agree he looks much younger and at only 6months you know this is a truly excellent result in the works. All of the quality FUE work brewing on the forum now is exciting to say the least.
  12. To add to the economic outlook....there is going to be a fair number of people amongst those who already are cool to spend 5 figs on a lone HT who simply won't care whether or not they could save a few grand. Hunting for more competitively priced clinics likely won't even enter their mind, and if it did, it would take a distant backseat to their dominant focus on simply looking for a clinic who they feel will deliver them "the best". Those patients will pay the premium, which in turn cancels out many (if not as much, if not more) of those patients deterred. Of course, regardless of person, the best of clinics offering the best of prices is "good" for any man. To hazard a guess I'd say this is the overriding reason Dr's (successfully) have and will continue to charge ~10/g. Yes, certain pockets of the economy have been obliterated, but the amount of wealth flowing throughout the nation is nonetheless staggering, and in many cities going out for a night on the town brings to mind Roman decadence, not FDR foodlines.
  13. That's a good point, Aaron....more "competitive" pricing can actually be a win-win for everyone's bottomline. The thing with pricing is that it's totally subjective at the end of the day and a wide range of pricing choices spanning the market is likely the best climate to create the most choice and value.
  14. Congrats on your choice. The wave of FUE patients who post on the forum and now going to SMG is great to see, and I suspect an exciting influx of grown out FUE results soon. Grow and heal well in advance!
  15. Jason, I suspected that you guys wouldn't insta-hike up prices just for when your FUE reaches peak notoriety, and it's great too know you have no intention of doing so. With Ron Shapiro's credentials and SMG's track record, over the backdrop of the dogma/stigma being "FUE is always super expensive", you certainly could have priced your FUE much higher and I don't think *anyone* would have batted an eye.
  16. It can absolutely be beneficial to the front; and many who use it use it there, as well (particularly in synergy with propecia).
  17. I have no idea what the reasoning behind SMG's pricing is tied to, or the bigger question which is do they intend to raise it once they become more cemented with FUE results. Either way, I think calling SMG FUE patients "guinea pigs" would be very extreme; though it nonetheless makes sense for SMG to not price their FUE at some outrageous number since they have yet to prove themselves to be in some unrivaled class of FUE practitioners, mainly because they're relatively new to FUE. My personal feeling is that even if/when SMG has every proof in the world of their FUE excellence that they still wouldn't raise prices much (if at all).
  18. Basically every Armani patient not on payroll is a victim.
  19. Ya, to further what I initially said...I didn't mean to imply that FemaleHT slandered Dr. Feller untruthfully or shouldn't have written what she wrote -- it's simply what she felt, and that from a subjective standpoint she strongly preferred Dr. Devroye to Dr. Feller, the actual quality of work aside, which is obviously excellent from both physicians. I do think it was a pretty harsh assessment of Dr. Feller's practice -- again, not his actual work, which FemaleHT made clear, as well. But, again, it is FemaleHTs experience and she shared it, so it is what is, IMHO.
  20. Ronald, agreed, and ty for taking the time to put this logic into words in this thread. And it's logic that doesn't dictate and demand someone *get* or *not get* a HT, but reveal someone a perspective that affords them greater flexibility and choice to make a decision upon. I've always felt it to be an important concept, but quite difficult to simply sum up like you did. Whenever I've posted something about it, it kind of reminds me of having to work through an annoying IQ or LSAT problem. But ya, there isn't necessarily some great shame in having a bald crown and nice hairline and top (this actually *is* a natural balding pattern that can and *does* occur!) -- not being able to get total coverage doesn't have to mean a crime against humanity has occurred, you will look like a FREAK, or even that such a look will be terribly inferior to natural baldness (if this end does arise). And, of course, having both the crown/top/hairline during your most formative years isn't simply a luxury of aesthetics and superfluous vanity. The greatest fear I have for younger guys is that they will take the risk and forge ahead with a HT....but get an inadequate one whose fruits won't yield the juice to make the squeeze worthwhile. This most usually occurs because of low graft totals that don't meet the patient's goals *and* the patient's long-term benefit. As such, in younger guys with advanced baldness who might not be able to attain a full look in several (let alone one) session, I think the route of FUE to artistically achieve the constructs of a hairline, to subsequently shave down and forget about your hair and HTs is pretty attractive. Bill makes an excellent point about the financial cost to all of this, as well. This is something that needs to be weighed carefully by any person, let alone a younger guy, and evaluated on a case by case basis. It could very well be that the financial toll negates any potential gains and simply getting on meds shaving, keeping on top of hair restoration and moving forward is best.
  21. Gotta hope for the best; still plenty of time to go. The next couple months should really give you a solid idea of things. How are you feeling with your other concerns? I think I remember you being worried about scarring/pitting/redness (?)
  22. This is almost precisely what I've always intuitively felt, and have tried to verbalize recently. Well said; agree 100%. And I agree with Jason that in having such a prognosis on someone to use FUE is the *perfect*, if not only, solution.
  23. I'm sorry to see that things have still not progressed; while 2k to begin with is a pretty thin graft estimate, it really doesn't seem like you had great growth; though the growth might not be "that" low, since you needed 100% survival IMHO to even have a chance at approximating a legit illusion of density. Do you think you will have Alexander and/or another doc evaluate you at 12months to get an actual % on your growth? Any plans for a future HT down the road? I can imagine how difficult it must be to commit to go through this, but you still certainly have options and likely have plenty of donor remaining.
  24. FWIW, since H+W got mentioned, too...I'm almost positive their stance is that propecia *doesn't* lose its effectiveness, and that since prescribing it since it first came out they haven't encountered such an occurrence. This is what I was told by a recent Hasson patient who asked them this question.
  25. I kind of disagree. He's really only a "great" FUT surgeon comparatively speaking; now that he is a 21st century butcher his past legacy with strip has been glorified, and naturally looks a lot rosier. He did some great strip work, but he was inconsistent and fckd a lot of guys over (both with poor growth from comical "dense"packing all while setting up kids for failure down the road with poor hairlines). Also, he still performs strip work to this day behind closed doors, and of the few cases I personally know of his strip work was nothing to write home about.... Btw Mal, I'm watching football at the moment, but I'll gladly take a look at the links you posted in a few (they look familiar).
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