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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. I've experimented with several of these products -- the Nanogen and Toppek line stand out in memory. I do think they make a nice difference, actually. It seems like maybe this new product has taken the concept to a new level of potency....? Look forward to giving it a go.
  2. Good stuff, Abe; keep growing, look forward to your next update!
  3. Wow, I missed this, too....TC and Bushy and NotJust are spot on...
  4. Looking good; don't look to have an ounce of hairloss in most of the pics. Total coverage. Still so early, too, so any density issues could assuredly get cleared up in the coming months. It's only 6months, so this could very well change in the future, but how would you say the density is and your styling options at the present?
  5. If you go to Leonard or Distefano over Feller (and other elite clinics) it would be a gross disservice to your well-being; if you go to them over Feller for FUE it is probably a crime in 50 states.
  6. I wanna add one thing.....I wouldn't say this is some horrible, lame work -- basically, because the work is being shown in such a limited, secretive manner, such as M1 and others have mentioned. In this vein, though, I can certainly understand why one would take a blunt, if not harsh view. To what extent and for how long can this pattern of inadequate documentation go down, and each step of the way, we, as patients, continue to give such benefits of doubt? I believe in a healthy dose of good faith, particularly for the long-standing clinics of this forum -- but it's a two-way street. Having to extend such "good faith" shouldn't be the norm, but the exception. Some might be put-off by Rassman's pricing, but I honestly have very little feeling one way or another, and this goes for him and any other clinic; what irks me, and what I suspect fundamentally irks others, is the sheer consistency and pattern of this type of documentation.
  7. Hey man, work looks predictably great! I def feel confident for you and SMG hitting a homerun here. SMG isn't just a hairline clinic, but they have their esteemed reputation for refined, hairline cases like this for a reason! Look forward to seeing your updates, m8.
  8. Haha cool; don't know how I missed your thread...I normally have the eyes of a hawk on this forum.
  9. Shiite, aaron, I just realized you had your 2nd HT! Didn't even know you had decided on a doc let alone already went for it....congrats! I'm sure this will radically move you forward; can't wait to see it grow!
  10. Sorry to hear of the botched HT; the silver lining is that it was just *one* botched HT, and you have some great options to get to where you want to be. Canada is certainly a good choice to pick a clinic from -- Rahal and Hasson+Wong (Ottawa and Vancouver, respectively, I believe) would be a solid point to start your research into Canadian clinics!
  11. This is the type of gentlemen I'd see on the subway and silently curse him for having such sweet hair. Great result; I couldn't imagine him not being happy and wanting to do more.
  12. Hey, I really feel for ya...as a somewhat vain, slightly narcissistic, pretty sensitive guy dealing with hairloss I can appreciate what a quagmire it must be for a normal woman dealing with it. It's good that you're taking time with things. Not having any real clue as to your exact situation, what I can say is this: if you do get a HT, plz, plz, plz, ensure that you are doing it with a truly elite clinic. Leading up to getting (or not getting) a HT, even just who you're getting advice from is equally important as to arm yourself with as much honest, expert opinion as possible. I don't know where you live, but a sampling of docs that I'd recco consulting with: SMG (Ron Shapiro), Feller, Hasson&Wong. Feller is in the east coast, SMG is in the mid-west I'm pretty sure, and H+W are in Canada. Also, I'd look into PRP treatment....it's pretty new to the scene, but it's virtually non-invasive and some very respected people have begun to use it for patients.
  13. Haha, also, professing to loathe liars and desiring to be Joseph Biden should not be allowed to occur in the same sentence. It takes the phrase "does not compute" to a level of unprecedented irony.
  14. Haha! Wow....I can't help but chuckle for this lucky bastard! His hair is going to be sik when he reaches 100% growth. Impeccable yield, the right number of grafts, and a little bit of lucky can go a long way.
  15. Thx for the informative response, Janna, makes sense, and I've talked to some of your FUE patients who were really impressed and blown away by the recovery vs. strip. It really seems like the Armani Era of FUE has died out as responsible, skilled -- effective -- clinics like yours and Dr. Feller's are advancing FUE and working to best serve patients as opposed to your bottomline. I'm doing well, btw, thanks for asking; things going well for you, I assume? I'm back to online poker so I have a bit more idle time to obsess on my hair. In all seriousness, I'm considering FUE, and a largish session if I end up going for it...I already have a strip scar ( haha), but it'd still be nice if I could manage to just use FUE going forward. It's tricky because my #1 goal is still prolly setting myself up to be able to squeeze out as many grafts from my donor as possible when all is said and done. As the year closes out I think I'll have a pretty good idea on whether I'll pull the trigger.
  16. Hmmm...I dunno....they seem a wee bit too wealthy, successful, influential, zestful and jocular to be sour-bitter-miserable-men. Plus, Miller went to Bosley and got a pretty good plant, so he obviously runs good and is lucky, too!
  17. I haven't heard/seen of anyone. Run a search on the forum and see if anything comes back, though! Also, look into Dr. Feller who is in NY, too -- he does a ton of FUE work and FUE innovation (has a lot of work and discussion on this and other forums, as well).
  18. Don't feel too disheartened, man; it doesn't sound like you got butchered, and I'd feel pretty confident that you could make a big, satisfying stride in your next procedure. Take your time, research, research some more, don't let location dictate the actual process of your decision-making....keep the forum posted as you go about your consultations (online or live!).
  19. Work looks great, Janna! Couple questions, if you get a minute: How many consecutive days are you comfortable doing? And do you think this # might change going forward? Do you think 1k/day will be a general guideline in the future, too, or can you see the number increasing to 1500+? If so, and doing even but two consecutive days, you're truly offering a large number patients a ton of flexibility. Taking the approach of working consecutive days...is there any clinic or reasoning in particular that inspired this approach? I've always felt that it makes a lot of sense, but Bisanga is the only clinic I can think of that really made it a staple of their FUE practice.
  20. Hope all is well, Balboa. Keep us posted; I know you had some very legitimate concerns about your HT.
  21. Haha...I caught that, too...."do you want my plugs, or Biden's plugs?!?"...."this is showing the fruit of the private vs. public sectors".... I have a vague remembrance of him pre-Bosley HT, and think he had some moderate temple recession. Lucky bastard, though; it seems he hasn't lost a hair since.
  22. Radical improvement -- couldn't say it better. This a truly dramatic result. Did you remove/disperse any of the plugs, or elect to just cover the area w/ FUGs?
  23. Lookin' perfectly on target, man! This should really finish off the look you're after -- can't wait to see things when it blooms....hardest period is over, as you well know...the months rolling in should be exciting times. And it's nice to know you have the donor of a lion king to consider FUE down the road if you ever feel inclined!
  24. Agreed, rpachigo. And yet my expectations are not even so colossal as to expect such an exotic luxury as the 45 degree angle shot. 4 sides to a square, 4 photos, it's all I ask!
  25. One thing to potentially note is that due to the patient's hairloss, it looks like the hairline had to be kept fairly low; so the area to be covered by the 2700 might be larger than we'd normally expect. It really does look pretty thin, nonetheless. But it's basically just one pic, so who knows how it looks from different perspectives, or how he typically wears his hair.... The pictures are obviously high quality....Dr. Rassman obviously prides himself on his work and on his reputation.... Why not get in the habit of including a couple basic shots whenever you post a case to show the result in a way so patients can get a true feel for your work? 1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline shot....4 photos....it's really that simple....am I crazy to think that this is both an exceedingly easy and worthwhile set of criteria to follow as part of a bare-minimum protocol? In more or less words this has essentially been asked in ten different languages, and as many times that a mathematician would be confused. So what gives?
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