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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. lol....thought something was up...I was going ask if we could have the pleasure of seeing some top-down postops to match all the pre-op ones, but it seemed like an exercise in "repetivity".
  2. Hahah GQ...NO! I was *right*! If I didn't see the pics and just the talk about them I'd have thought Umar, too, but the work honestly didn't look like his to me....not bloody enough! I thought/think Bisanga based off all the info, mainly the session's size and that the clinic is held in high regard....just speculation, but if I had to guess I wouldn't have guessed any1 else. Anyways, glad things have stabalized a bit, Sunchaser. And it does seem that the doc is indeed making efforts to get to the bottom of what happened, and that you'll get sorted out in due time.
  3. This is an interesting case, and I'd also love to hear the doctors approach here, specifically on density levels /cm in the hairline. I'd love to see this *fully* grown, too. Relating to the graft count and the "debate" TC and I had recently on graft tallies....casrs like this do make me wonder, to say the least...possibly it's when there is a good deal of native hair to support the recipient zone; but in spots like this, and this is a great example, I do see very nominal #s of grafts producing a truly improved result, clearly by way of maximizing "the illusion". In turn, I often see virtually identical cases receive 2x (if not 3x) the grafts. I suppose it goes back to the still-ongoing debate on what type of density levels are "required" for the hairline; I recall the IHRS conference from 2years ago that Bill went to talked about this in depth. No doubt, the 2-3x graft cases are producing better true densities, but I'm not always sold on how ideal/appropriate it is, especially for younger guys with very undefinable patterns, when a significantly reduced # might be an ultimately more desireable option.
  4. Looks incredible; truly a transformation. His hairline looks conservative, but natural and dense. I'm sure he's ridiculously satisfied with the outcome, and if he ever wants some hairline refinement or w/e he has the means. Jo, any idea what you'd say his density is at? But ya, it's not always that we get treated to top-down shots, let alone top-down shots that actually make the work look the *most* impressive.
  5. I actually like this a lot; it is a bit subtle, for sure, but I really like his hairline and framing of the face a lot better and it's totally natural. I'm also curious too, tho, why he didn't opt for a bit larger of a session. It's only 6months post-op, but I'd guess when all is said and done a few more grafts could have been nice (particularly for the crown).
  6. Yes, the name of the dr. would be *very* nice to know....it kills me when they get treated as if being cloaked in some witness protection program.....particularly for the future patients who undoubtably will be considering him and also finding their way onto this site at some point. I have my "guesses", but....
  7. Actually, let's just make it a clean 100% rate; we can have the cheapest best healthcare that way, and every other facet of society can be nice and cheap/free/great since "we" will be doing the collecting of all the monies. Since there's such a strong correlation between uppercrust politicians having an orgy of money and the quality of life that actual working citizens receive.
  8. The gluttony of an unchecked government is insatiable. Nice find. When I plan my Universal Don't Pay Your Taxes protest I'll make sure to PM ya.
  9. I talk to someone who was in a seemingly identical situation as you; his grafts eventually shed in full.
  10. I'd pay particular attention to everything Bspot said. I'm generally very liberal in who I'd think would be a solid "candidate" for a HT, and even without seeing your pics, I think you should proceed cautiously, and then proceed even more cautiously.
  11. I guess his sides thinned to such an extent that matching everything up to his native density as was just didn't cut it for him. While I really don't know what to expect for such a procedure, I think it looks really good, and a big improvement I imagine, especially the right-hand side shot.
  12. I'm in a similar boat where I'd love to discontinue fin; and my doing so is largely hinged on the efficacy of PRP.
  13. In the right hands your fear of shockloss should basically be that of *temporary* shockloss, which is unpredictable. If you wanna tackle all those areas listed (temples, crown, top, even hairline refinement) in one go, 2500 should be a nice start. I know SMG posted a crown case not too long ago, extremely similiar to your situation, and 1500 grafts did a bangup job and looked killer.
  14. Hmmm....well, 1 hair grafts should predominantly, if not exclusively be used in your hairline, at least the most exterior part of your hairline. So, that's a good thing. Being 12months out, your biggest changes will realistically be a softening, or maturation of your transplanted hairs in the next few months. Hopefully, they will soften some. I'd be surprised if you experience any more growth, and you shouldn't expect continual thickening, either. I can't say I'm too thrilled by the guy's website, but it doesn't sound like you had no-growth, nor did you get a super-bad hairline. If you're dissatisfied with your result you should easily be able to get it fixed with an *elite* doc....and/or try to get a refund from Spera if you get evaluated and it's determined that they botched your growth. Don't be surprised if you have to jump through hoops, though, nor that you'll even get a true refund. Sorry to hear you aren't too happy to date, with the density and naturalness; never a good thing, but being so young, if you take on the road of HTs you really deserve only the best the entire journey.
  15. Ya, I agree, too. You have like guys like Joe Rogan giving worldwide, prime, TV time to talking not just about HTs but about his scar, specifically.
  16. Definite improvement, IMO! Keep it up grafts! How are you feeling about things?
  17. Tough to say if you should or shouldn't get the HT; it's really an informed decision that you need to make with the best doc out there for you. It's especially tough to even make a call without seeing any clear pics of you. You're really young, so your margin for error is extra-slim. People your age do get quality HTs, though rare (especially when you factor out uber-hacks like MHR, Bosley, etc). Just really inform yourself -- the big thing is that you'll be "committing" to a multiple procedures....and depending upon your donor, you might not be able to get a full-coverage, full look... *which you may still prefer over the alternatives!
  18. Wanthairs shaved his head and felt quite confident when he was out. Pretty sure I know the guy in question, btw.
  19. Honestly, it's difficult to get a real gauge on your situation based off that pic. I agree w/ Forrest, though, that getting on fin could be really wise for you. Get on, stay on for a while, and see how you respond. The risk of transection when going into a lot of native hair is a very real concern, and I'd share it, as well, though I don't think it would ultimately deter me if I were you. If I had to take my best stab based off your pic, btw, I can see how 2500 could make sense, especially if you do indeed have very dense hair, you'd want to do the best you can in matching density.
  20. Really? Interesting. I didn't know his entire hairline was pure HT. It must have been a very high quality HT to get such a look in (in likely but 1 pass?). It looks too good to be Armani, so we can rule him out. He's Canadian, right? Maybe one of the big guys in those parts with a lot of good publicity to their name (Rahal? Hasson?). Just guessing...maybe Dr. Feller, too, being so close to NYC, and having such a reputation. I suppose location prolly isn't even a legit determinant, though; SMG are in Minnesota I think, and they get tons of people, high profile, too, who travel across the world. We're prolly stuck doing our best to deduce who it might be, though, I'd think he'd keep the actual details of his op very hushhush.
  21. Also, to complete my hat-trick and tripple post, it's totally true that improving your hair -- even to perfection -- will not be a panacea in any sense of the word, and to be honest, probably won't even get you laid more often than otherwise. Even if you focalized on hair, got miraculously bushy, and this led to you getting laid a few more times with whomever, this process could likely be an actual hinderance to your overall, and ultimatel, development....and pursuit of attracting cool girls, and ideally a partner in life. If you can use the time between now and when you get $, or new technology comes out, etc. to *still* find ways to better yourself...and improve your happiness....you will be infinitely stronger, more capable, and more able to maximize whatever benefits hair has whenever you end up getting it. This advice and the other advice given isn't easy to actually *do*. No doubt, overcoming true, personal obstacles in life wouldn't be so rare -- nor would it be so admirable, and henceforth beneficial -- if it was easy. But if you can strive for such a thing, you're already ahead of 90% the population, and *that* is a trait that any person would be attracted to. Gl going forward.
  22. This has to do with the control boundaries that were set up during the initial pharmaceutical research. The pharmacological effect is potent throughout ALL areas of the scalp. Is this true? I should be applying Rogaine to the hairline too? 100% as far as I know. There does seem to be fairly strong empirical and anecdotal evidence to suggest they both have a strong*er* effect on the vertex and crown, but they can both aid your hairline, for sure, and everyone is different. If I used minox, I'd def be applying it to my hairline.
  23. Ok, you've been given some good advice...here's what I'd throw into the mix (though this necessitates that you save up some money): Shave your head. Improve your physical appearance (this is all about aesthetics, anyways, no...). Channel your anger into making money (the money bred from success will also make you more attractive (it actually isn't all about aesthetics). FUE. I would take a nominal # of FUE grafts and construct a hairline and illusion of density so as to best maximize how you will look buzzed. Make no mistake about it, shaving as a "baldy" is NOT the cool/chic/daring shaving as a "dude with the constructs of a cool hairline and the appearance of non-MPB). Also, since you otherwise are a good looking guy, this look -- let alone coupled with the aforesaid -- should make you quite good looking to the point any lack in getting laid can be chalked up to your own neuroses!
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