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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. Looks real nice; gave this guy an outright enviable hairline! Even improving his crown.
  2. Why so aggressive, ebutt? Also, your irony isn't really ironic -- or logical -- as it was said that it is the shelling out of $$$ on the treatment in question that many have "better things to do" with. Frankly, I don't know what you expect; sack up and show some photos that lend some power to your words. If you wanna hide, fine, no sweat off anyone's back...but don't act so righteously indignant when your testimonial isn't lapped up by a horde of thirsty mice. And I likely will be doing PRP sometime in the coming months with Dr. Feller.
  3. He looks a lot better, and 3000 looks to have gone a long way. Do you have any top-down shots, or immediate post-ops? I'm curious how far back into the crown went, and what kind of density he got on the top. It looks like in some shots that his back is thicker in the 4months than the 10months, though I assume this is just an issue of lighting. Also, I think this is just 1 session of 3k..no? And the 2nd of 2000-2500 is just in theory.
  4. HDC has one base out of Cyprus, I think...Dr. Michelis or something like that...they do a lot of combo work -- FUE + strip...I've also seen some *very* impressive work by them come to think of it. But, I beleive they actually have multiple docs operating out of the HDC umbrella; Dr. Michelis is the only one that I'm familiar with. They're documentation is good, too; super high quality. TC, ya, I agree, it was very strange, indeed. And looked like a screw-up from everything the patient posted.
  5. Ya, what PGP said. I basically just meant that it looks totally consistent with common/"classic" shockloss associated with the surgery that would be temporary.
  6. Rub a piece of pez on your head it does the same thing. I did use Mederma for a bit, like Bill, and don't think it did anything for me.
  7. In terms of docs/clinics who haven't gotten any publicity to date on this site....I think Bisanga is likely #1 in terms of not sharing any work, over the backdrop of being very competent (incidentally, very interesting, too, being a leader in FUE). If I had to pick one clinic whose work I'd love to see more of, and of whom I think could be a great addition to the community, it'd be Bisanga. Mwamba is another european-FUE specialist who I've seen some interesting work from, and heard good things about.
  8. Damn. The good thing is that it does look like "classic shockloss", and Dr. Keene is obviously competent; so, I agree that I'd expect it to all grow back in due time, though it certainly sucks that you were unlucky to have such s-loss.
  9. Ahhhh yes, Larry Shapiro....Public Hack #1...I was reading through the page in the link and thinking "what kind of damn fool is writing this refried donkeycrap". I'm only a doctor in my dreams and at crowded bars with lots of girls, but you don't have to worry about your protein shakes/creatine/etc.
  10. The biggest thing your cranial magnificence will yield is that, in theory, you'll need more grafts to cover such an impressive plot of real estate. If your scalp is tight, the biggest drawback will be a more limited harvesting ability in a single session; but, if you do "scalp exercises" (search Jotronic/scalp exercises on YouTube), this can have great impact on how many grafts you can get. You're planning on getting a HT sometime after your wedding, I assume? How extensive is your loss? What NW would you say you are?
  11. Looks really good, Abe, no joke! With the way your growth seems to be kicking in, the next couple months should be very exciting.
  12. lol...."truly bizarre and utterly baffling" about sums it up...is Leeson high off peyote and malt liquor, or did someone hijack his account; it seems the former.
  13. Assuming I'm right in where the grafts went...I can see the frontal tip and core of his hairline that's been strengthened. But it's hard to gauge things; immediate post-ops would certainly help, especially considering how radically different his hair length/style is.
  14. This really looks good. What density would you say his frontal region is at? It looks super dense from the pics. The word "natural" gets thrown out a lot, but this does look 100% natural in the transformation.
  15. Fair enough; and your contention regarding anonymity is well taken. That "JohnS" has indeed been "mild" if not "complimentary" over the totality of his posts is what troubled me. While I actually disagree with his post (in that I find the result totally good, and that I make an effort to not post negative 1-liners in a patient thread) I've simply figured him for a legitimate poster with a decent history, who made a disagreeable, but not outrageous and damning comment on the fly. You seem to have a good deal more information at your disposal regarding who JohnS may be and what he may be a part of regarding an actual legal matter and smear campaign. Since JohnS himself has stated he is a patient of yours (I'll search for the thread where he states this and post it in an edit), it seems like he should easily be able to clear this up if he is honest. (I found it hard to believe JohnS would publically state to be a patient, let alone a patient of Dr. Feller's, and risk being called out on this, while being part of some passive-aggressive smear campaign....but, if this all may be linked to "OMG", I guess anything is possible, since he is utter scum.) EDIT -- Ok, just noticed you already found the thread in question. I'd hate to think JohnS' posts have been comprised of "placeholders" and such; that would be a pretty heinous level of deceit.
  16. Is this The Twilight Zone? What are you talking about "hair_care"? lol...JohnS has probably said more "positive" things on this forum than you yourself.... I just ran a quick, but thorough search on JohnS' posting history to 2x check things (in which I had already recollected him being an actual patient of Dr. Fellers); I didn't comb through it, as that would be unecessary, but I pretty much saw a bulk of "positive" reviews, including accolades towards Dr's Lindsey, Charles, and Bernstein. I suspect there are more, particularly since Dr's Lindsey/Charles/Bernstein aren't even terribly frequent result-posters(!) The larger point, which I find troublesome, however, is that JohnS is being assailed for stating -- and dispute this if it's not so -- a basic, if not tempered opinion --> "In all honesty, I can't say I really like it." Results are posted, in part, to be judged; posters are here, in part, to judge. That is all JohnS did, and he did it in a very normal, typical manner. For him to be attacked for taking part in this cycle is absurd. If JohnS *isn't* what superficial indications would make him out to be -- i.e a normal, decent poster -- and he is in fact part of this subversive campaign against Dr. Feller (re: the link above, and talk of an investigation), then he should be exposed. With the evidence that is being laid out on this table, though, I don't see where the conviction is coming from.
  17. I always thought JohnS was just a long-standing, legit poster... ...I even remember him saying he himself is a *patient* of Dr. Feller's (had a big session of like 4k). Is "JohnS" being said to be some covert alias/account as part of another person(s) to passive-aggressively campaign to attack and smear? I'll run a quick search on him, but I'm almost certain he himself is on record as being an actual patient of Dr. Feller's....something's not adding up.... EDIT -- "jandaman" from this thread (?) --> http://hair-restoration-info.c...0861/m/796102991/p/5
  18. Swim (and others), have made some fine points; and I was vauge in my initial post. (which, to clarify, is that I do agree/say that the current legal standing needs to be altered by even more regulation and law; the fact that *this* is the course that needs to be taken is one reason why it is so essential to practice prudence and judiciousness when dealing with law, political and otherwise). Consider the following truths: A man can not be denied a HT because he is HIV positive. A man can be denied a HT because he presents an emminent, outstandingly unique risk to both the doctor *and* non-doctor within the private business. He is being denied the HT because of the latter; the former (his HIV) is incidental, and he is *not* being denied treatment *simply*/*solely*/*singularly* because he is HIV positive. Just as if he had cancer; he would be neither denied nor accepted for treatment based upon his disability. Consider the following situation: I have Disease Y; Disease Y makes me unable to control bodily functions, and my body spasmodically lashes out regardless of my intent. A doctor denies me because of the unique threat I pose as a result of my spasmodic lashing out, which I can't contain. Disease Y (which could be replaced with "depression" and many other permutations of "disease" and resulting effect) does not have the politicaly-charged backing of HIV, however; and I suspect the thousands of people who suffer from various ailments covered by the umbrella of the DisabilityAct live with their disabilities accordingly. Also, he himself has consented to the fact that he represents a unique, heightened threat. He was initially told that any potential surgery would need to be discussed by the non-doctor staff, and that extra charges could be needed due to extraordinary efforts being required to potentially create a *unique* environment for such a *unique* risk. He was copacetic with this.
  19. Bleh, really sucks, man....I agree w/ PGP that MHR are among the worst of the worst...it doesn't seem like they viciously butchered you, though; and you didn't get bamboozled into like half a dozen procedures with them, which is very good. Don't take this the wrong way, because it actually bodes well for your future, but you seem fairly ignorant/in the dark about HTs. You have some good options, truly. I understand why you might want to just cast a stone at the entire field of HTs, but you do have some good options. When you feel up to it I'd do some research into it(SMG, Hasson&Wong, Feller, Rahal, Konior, Cooley, e.g.).
  20. As if being HIV, or AIDS, positive isn't a "legitimate, rational reason for refusing treatment"; law and truth needs to be further bastardized by lawyers (rightfully) concocting (additional) bullshit to simply negate the (original) bullshit that slithered its way into codified law. Seems like the eminently plausible situation of....contracting HIV....or....death....to the doctor and his workers is a fairly "legitimate, rational reason". I agree w/ TC's analysis and don't see the plaintiff getting the W.
  21. This guy has a Persian rug on top of his head; what lustrous hair, and now without any signs of abberant thinning and loss from the work! LOL @ Jesus chucking his sandals for Air Jordans.....
  22. Interesting....I'd be curious to hear Dr. Feller's view on this, particularly since he has been quite outspoken when digging into the layers and language of HTs -- "treatment", "cure", etc.
  23. I'm very sorry to hear about this. It's a shame that situations like this still go down so regularly. Only you can truly decide what course of action to take; however, unless the $ for the 1-surgery refund would be truly impactful to your life, my personal inclination would be to go full steam ahead and look to get *true* compensation/retribution for what you've spent, suffered, and lost. Who's the surgeon in question, btw?
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