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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. Looks good! Just as an FYI, though, guys -- he had ~3300 grafts, not 2k, as far as I can tell.
  2. From all I've been told the best way to maximize overall harvesting of your donor is to "strip out" and then go to FUE.
  3. Huh? Debate as a catalyst for retaliation? Dunno what you're talking about.... ...you sound hyper-sensitive in your personal semantics...it was never said that debate is a "catalyst" for retaliation; it was said that a debate itself is, by nature, retaliatory and that it is thus invariably composed of a sequence of "retaliaton" by way of point -- and counter-point -- that are henseforth used to settle an argument. EDIT -- on 2nd thought, tho this was never initially said, debate is in fact an excellent catalyst specifically for retaliation; as a tool for change by way of powerful persuasion. But yes, it is certaintly true that debate is an instrument when proving an argument.
  4. Vicious! LOL! Hair looks good and you're happy -- particularly glad you got a solid result from Eppy given how he treats patients (particuarly, those who didn't get a good result or were downright butchered).
  5. Looks solid, he's definitely hugely improved. Would like to see a few more shots w/o flash, though, if you have them (post-op to show how far back the 4300 went, a top-down, and a full hairline exposed)
  6. Dr. Path (Pathomvanich?) seems to be able to do some quality work in Thailand. You're mad young, btw. So, you're best bet might be to hold off on the HT for a bit (at least a good year); which, leads to you getting on fin (propecia), which is your best bet by far at maintaining what you got and hopefully getting some regrowth. It would take a solid year to really get a feel for how you respond to it, which'l help you and your doctor make a better decision regarding a HT. That said, people get HTs by great doctors at young ages (I was like 22, and poster "Azza" may have been just 19, like you).
  7. His work seems good; but, I wouldn't let price dictate your decision (especially since I agree w/ TC that the bottomline cost might not be appreciably different....if you went to like Thailand that it's a different story).
  8. Looks real nice; would love to see graft placement if you have. Either way, however the grafts were spread it's allowed him to style his hair nicely and achieve a real good look.
  9. LOL! This is the next greatest excuse for poor growth, guys -- docs just can't keep their sex-fiend patients to lay off the rub n' tug.
  10. It's interesting that Bart is so quick to cry foul and decry "misrepresentation" of fact. His initial contention regarding punch size is valid, and I know Dr's Feller, Shapiro, as well as Bill would agree, but it's really tangental to the meat being exposed in the newsletter; to raise this point under this context is a simple tactic of deflection (whether it is conscious or unconscious is debateable), and one which is actually quite debateable since Dr. Cole, unquestionably considered a paramount figure of FUE, uses and has used such punch sizes in recent time. Bart then plays coy and condescends the assertion: "many attempts are made to minimize the impact of strip surgery...'recent advances in donor closure techniques..' This could be a valid contention for Bart to raise if only the very thing he is referencing wasn't actually so true! Yes, attempts are made to minimize the impact of strip surgery; attempts *have* been made to minimize the impact of strip surgery! Bart then mentions "ideal strip scars" -- as if to imply and cast an injurious cloud over the newsletter in that the examples being shown are anything but *just* that: examples! And that is precisely what they are; and showing simply offers patients a more balanced view of what can and cannot be achieved with regard to scarring (a very touchy subject for rote, FUE vendors). Bart closes with a good laugh, indeed: he mocks the statement that strip is more economical while throwing out a future, economic possiblity....except for but one, ironic problem: there is but one *fact* at play, and it is that strip *is* more economical. Perhaps, Bart's guess will be proved right in the future, though I'm no Miss Cleo. Indeed, there is a lot of money involved in the field of hair surgery; and, indeed, there are marketing machines in play to promote doctors, institutes, and, yes, FUE, too. Anything can be debated; anything can be contorted; ultimately, facts need to be placed onto a table with the curtian pulled back and allow people to make informed decisions, not based upon emotion and personal interest, but by fact and logic. EDIT -- if Bart made these claims outside of the forum, I still think it's fair game....it sounds like they definitely were to me, but I agree that it should be clarified. EDIT Deux -- I do agree that this thread is "retaliatory", but I personally don't have any beef with that. Maybe I just like the rumble of a good fight, but what is debate if not a sequence of retaliations?
  11. The work looks tremendous; definitely agree that this should yield a fabulous result. The strip excision itself looks super good and "mild", but it looks fairly long to me. Strips generally surprise me in their length when I see buzzed down pics, so it could just be perspective thing, but did Dr. Shapiro go longer or anything on this case as a result of Tos' laxity and/or graft requirements?
  12. Sorry to hear about the bad experience w/ customs, but it's over with, so.....the work looks truly excellent; I think you're in for a *tremendous* transformation that'l be well worth the wait and prior annoyance!
  13. Bllo, you're crazy, man. I haven't seen someone stutter-step around getting a HT like this since the days of NG2GB. Theoretically speaking, I think you should get a "max session", and shoot for 4k+, tho.
  14. This thread is like 2 years old, FYI. Hope he turned out alright.
  15. An excellent addition by subtraction. The quality of his work aside, which was suspect, his personal handling of it -- particularly when dealing with patients of whom he destroyed, was nothing short of arrogance at its finest.
  16. Anyone see the flick "Duplicity"? I watched it on a plane earlier, and a big chunk of it and a plot twist is all about The Cure for baldness....was pretty funny, but I also wondered how shitty it might feel to be in a theatre of people as a raging NW7 and have to be reminded and have any extraneous attention brought to the matter of hair.
  17. Anyone see the flick "Duplicity"? I watched it on a plane earlier, and a big chunk of it and a plot twist is all about The Cure for baldness....was pretty funny, but I also wondered how shitty it might feel to be in a theatre of people as a raging NW7 and have to be reminded and have any extraneous attention brought to the matter of hair.
  18. The top-down, on a diffuse thinner especially, really tells the tale; here, I dunno, it looks closer to 2k than 4+ IMHO. He def looks better to me, but it just doesn't seem like full growth.
  19. I think you could absolutely style your hair as is. Cut it a bit shorter, and buy some wax or clay to use as product. Your HT is still in a very "immature" state, too, so the hairs' charachteristics will likely improve over the next ~6months.
  20. Congrats on the latest round! You've come a long, *long* way and this should really give you much improved coverage.
  21. I agree. The result looks nice and natural; and, while the clarity of your photos is always *elite*, adding but even one more shot of a top-down would really round out the documentation. IMO, hairline straight ahead, side shot, tilted down, top down, hairline closeup are the best 5 pics that can be delivered.
  22. Bit of an odd self-photo...looks professional all the way. Anyways, pic looks good, for sure, big improvement; would love to see some photos of the hair laying naturally/styled or a top-down if he ever pays another visit.
  23. Awesome crown work, and it looks great fro ~2400. I'm confused, though -- did you do hairline work, too, or something? The first two pics would seem to indicate this, though the first shot is with his head tilted down, exposing a thinned area, and the later is with his head much more upright and hair camoflauging the region.
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