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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. Meh. I could def see you wanting to get work done...some hairline refinement while re-constructing your really receded temple regions. I'd say you are a solid NW2 - NW2.5ish...but NW levels are kinda worthless. Who recco'd 2500? Seems a bit aggressive, though if you want to establish a *new*, lowered + emboldened hairline...would make more sense. I do agree that FUE is a very attractive option for you; price is generally more prohibitive, though SMG, who have recently adopted FUE have a very aggressive pricing model. I would consult w/ SMG and Feller, specifically inquiring about FUE in your consults!
  2. Ya, I'd pretty much echo what I already said. Could be mini's, but dunno...think it's more an issue of the spacing than anything else -- which is (spacing), incidentally, a tool in a repair job. What doc/clinic did you go to? Could totally rule out -- or lend credence to -- "minis".
  3. I'm leary of both, also, for sure...codewords for sub-optimal work, IMHO. Like GQ, I can't get a *great* grasp of your HT from the pics; but, my first reaction was that you didn't get nearly enough grafts (surprise surprise) and that your grafts are spread way, way too far apart. You kinda remind me of Leeson, actually...looks pretty simimliar...he had a sub-standard HT, had what looks like a very-very similiar look to you, but got fixed up and looks mint now. How many month out are you from the HT, btw?
  4. Last night was def good, though Leeson kept taking hiatuses to tenderly stroke his new hairline in front of his high-def mirror! But ya, I'd prolly also be around for regularly scheduled chats.
  5. Haha ya...I've been craving some legit details on nape hair, too...it seems some just totally dismiss it, whereas others do it but don't cite terribly honest and candid info regarding how variable and susceptible it is to MPB. But even if I knew I was merely "renting" the hair, I'd roll the dice...seems like a good gamble...though, I'd really prefer to know exactly how long I might be renting it for, or if there is some gross disadvantage to doing nape-FUE that we're not fully aware of. Maybe SMG or Dr. Feller can chime in...or Dr. Umar....
  6. A doc can prolly chime in w/ an exact study, but empircally I'm pretty convinced that nape hair is indeed susceptible to MPB. That aside, it seems in every doctor's best interest to be all for nape hair....as a more attractive option for people that would help their bottom lines -- that the overwhelming majority of docs who *could* harvest nape, yet don't, makes me particularly cautious. All that said, I'd still prolly undergo nape-FUE; it's just a matter of risk/reward tolerance, though I don't think either side (particularly one) is cogent and clear enough in defending their stance.
  7. These guys (L. Shapiro and his crew in this particular instance) range from clowns to pure scum.
  8. Looks solid; good pics exposing your recipient area! The growth boom should just be getting started...next few months should be key.
  9. LOL! Dr. Path is unrivaled if you want to get a HT on the cheap -- he is your man. Of course, seeking out a HT on the cheap isn't advisable. Where do you live? Your best bet is doing some research, and taking advantage of free consults (live or online) with some elite clinics....Hasson&Wong, Ron Shapiro, Feller, Rahal, e.g.
  10. Still looking sharp! You've come along way, and only having used 2500, if you ever decide to get back in the chair you should have plenty to work with for however you want.
  11. Not too much of a change from your month-5 update (re: the hairline, at least); so, that bodes well in thinking that your growth boom hasn't hit stride yet. The next several months should be very revealing! Keep the updates comin'! The post-op pics look like nice and conservative+fitting, so full growth should yield a real nice result.
  12. I think Feinberg is just recco'd -- not Coalition. Also, he has a strong preference for sessions sub-1500 for reasons of yield and scarring.
  13. No. You'd be doing yourself a gross injustice to undergo so many *needless* surgeries, risks, and all that is entailed in it. I totally agree w/ GQ -- I woulda said you need 4k+...but the reality is that you should shoot for as many as you can get. The guys doing the bigger sessions thankfully happen to have the biggest skillz, so it's to your express benefit on both counts to shoot for a good # of grafts. Only you can weigh how vital the $-factor is. If you do compromise and make $ a primary factor, do not let the $ effect your clinic of choice (vs. # of grafts)....I would still go for an absolute bare minimum of 3k...could target your frontal 1/3rd, maybe taper it back a bit. Keep researching; figure out what your goals are and how to best *realistically* achieve them.
  14. Very sorry to hear of; hacks like McGrath deserve nothing but scorn, and it's a shame you weren't the first and won't be the last person to go to him. Luckily, some truly excellent doctors and clinics are out there -- people that can actually perform densepacking and megasessions with consistency, high-yield, and artistry. Btw, Leeson, this is thread you're thinking of --> http://hair-restoration-info.c...0861/m/528102262/p/5
  15. Re: Speegs' boy, the esteemed McGrath --> http://hair-restoration-info.c...66060861/m/615102613
  16. I'm horrible with computers....but, re: Feller -- cruise both the patient and clinic photo sections of the site. You won't find a clinic with more photos/cases floating around, so should be easy to find what ya want (you'll find lots from SMG and Hasson+Wong, too, among others).
  17. There's no way the gap was left because he "only" got 2600 grafts. This kinda reminds me of that famous Armani-McMillan case.
  18. Hunky, Have these e-mails been w/ Dr. Feller (or Spex) himself? Or have they been to/with Marcia or whomever working the frontline communications at the clinic?
  19. Np...bottomline, just make sure whatever you decide is what is going to give you the best shot at getting the result YOU want...take your time researching and I'm sure you'll pick well and in all liklihood get a transformation that'l be a huge boon for your life!
  20. Sorry to hear you got swindled on laser quackery. Anyways, in a nutshell forget MHR -- they're total donkeys; prototypical hairmill, zero reliability, consistency, let alone capabilities on delivering the best. Everyone should get a quality HT, but if you plan on getting one at such a young age, it's even more imperative that you ensure you receive the best. In NY I'd recco looking into Feller; I'd also encourage you to do several consults, online or in person. Hasson+Wong, Shapiro, Rahal, etc. Throw in the consult w/ MHR, too -- it'l be good for comparisons sake. Things to look for, btw -- clarity of before/afters/immediate-post-ops/angles/graft count/# of sessions.
  21. I certainly hope it wasn't Limmer's clinic saying these things.... Lemme get this straight: by one of the two clinics, you get recommended 1500 grafts.....are told megasessions are unwise (lol)....and you are then also told that you could return for *another* 1500 to reach 3k a "short period of time later"....I do wonder what their definition of a "short period of time later" is, among many things -- you basically would be waiting a good year. You are 49, have the textbook definition of stabilized loss and a good pattern to boot form-fitted to be carpet-bombed by hair....yet you are recommended 1500, and not just that, but are counseled by a physician with claims against "megasessions" while also telling you that you could simply return a "short period of time later" to reach that magic 3k number...lol....amazing....
  22. Look's great! And you now have the follicular-currency and means to experiement and style however you'd like....Bill said it well: virtually no trace of baldness -- congrats! Another example of single-pass restorations that worked wonders.
  23. I call bullshit that p40 was "just trying to tease a little"; the initial retort is laced with viciousness, and it's obvious from the following reply that he has an (ironically) fanatic and zealous disregard and resentment of religion and those who are religious.
  24. GQ, "hey nobody bats 1000" is the new "hey there's always next year" for Ranger fans in winning another Stanley Cup!
  25. I think it's just that there's been a wave of accusatory remarks...essentially directed at Bill...about "censorship" and threads being muzzled and removed...which clearly isn't true, as is the case here, as well....the irony, and what I'd imagine to be additional annoyance, is that the threads in question had to be moved to their appropriate location as a result of simple carelessness. *not that I think it's some huge deal or horrible thing to misplace a thread you start, but it's ironic to throw out an accusation that *is* careless that you yourself are hurling because of a prior, conjoined act of carelessness on your part.
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