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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. Consult with each; see what kind of prognosis they give you; ask for multiple, well-documented pics of cases that will be approximating yours.
  2. I wouldn't label Balboa a "PARANOID child". He underwent a major operations with major expectations and to a clinic with major controversy. As for the "bumps" -- whether or not BHR will be correct or not in their assessment, and we all hope they won't be, he was told troubling news from a reputable clinic. He obviously will wait "10-12 months" but with the aforesaid being true on top of the fact that the hairline he received clearly has shown signs of at the very least being of a preference he does not deem ideal he would have to be oblivious or uncaring not to be a bit frantic, emote, and seek some honest words on his potential options. I agree that he should relax, chill, and give it the necessary time -- but his reaction isn't crazy or absurd.
  3. Sweet link, LL -- I missed that one! I'd be curious to analyze cases where the "healing" was exceptional -- good and bad -- and how that may or may not have been reflected in the end-results.
  4. IMO, I've never seen a decisive explanation for H&W's superlative #s; other than, perhaps, a more rigorous and laborious strip extraction and closure technique that allows for larger if not more densely-targeted strips. Also, it's interesting that it's not like it's just H&W and everyone else -- SMG, Feller, Rahal, e.g. -- consistently produce #s that dwarf what the majority of *other* clinics seem to produce. Proof is in the pudding, and with that said Shapiro and Wong will both give you a world-class HT as they are both superlative clinics. At the same time, and I wouldn't take this as gospel, I couldn't honestly say to not tend towards Wong if you have a primary priority in getting as many grafts as possible in your first session. But it's not *just* a total #s game session to session. Either way, I'd consult with both and ask for lots of pics of cases that would most likely be mimicking what yours would be from each clinic, respectively! **btw, congrats Wanthairs on your op -- I wasn't sure when you went in or how many grafts ya got!
  5. Looks like you've received amazing coverage in one pass. How many grafts?
  6. Instead of trying to actual help the actual "redness" itself, you could look into "concealers" to effectively camouflage it. I don't think the concealers most usually floated around (dermmatch, nanogen, etc.) would be optimal, but something more along the lines of a traditional "makeup" concealer, perhaps....I'd go see a good dermatologist, too, and see if he can recommend an effective treatment to either treat the problem itself, or, most likely, simply camo it. EDIT -- I wouldn't worry about the redness persisting indefinitely. You're still pretty early, and especially with fair skin, it's quite likely you're just a "slow healer" in that regard!
  7. Azza, this will undoubtedly improve you. You are still very early, but the next several months should help paint a realistic picture for you while giving you a boom of growth. GQ makes an interesting point. And it's something I personally am not totally decided on. A very small % of people may very well be "programmed" for poor growth; whether this impacts *subsequent* procedures, as well, I'm not sure. Some respected people have said it does, but others I have spoken to say that's not the case. Personally, I think HTs are such a complexly delicate op that any given instance of "poor yield" can be chalked up to one of many things that just went awry on a given day as opposed to some indelible, mysterious patient physiology issue. Also, your initial yield doesn't strike me as one of those who simply got extraordinarily sub-standard yield across the board, like I've seen from those who have been labeled "bad physiology". Keep up the updates, I'm hopeful for you and look forward to seeing this grown-out. The combination of the fresh grafts to your hairline and maybe utilizing concealer elsewhere and I really think you could easily get a consistently full, dense, look!
  8. Intriguing. The proof is always in the pudding, but Dr. Feller's recommendation certainly carries a good deal of (positive) weight. Bill's analysis looks spot on, too. The picture doesn't seem as deceptive as many we're accustomed to from prospective treatments (laser, e.g.), but it's not honest. Hopefully, the reason for this is simply that the people in charge feel the need to show these "WOW" results time and time again in order to generate any looks from the general public, while also keeping up with the hordes of deception-mongers who are out there. Good find, LMS, I'd never even heard of this before.
  9. Add this to the laundry list of reasons why it's suicidal to let The Master make a hairline on you with a sharpie pen. It's difficult for me to even get riled up these days; this clown really has to try hard to surprise us.
  10. Tremendous, bro! The work is excellent, the trip report has been awesome, and your density is going to be bonkers! Best of luck in battling those damn staples -- you have our support and sympathies! EDIT -- One questions....in your observation of Hasson's donor harvesting and closure did you notice anything particularly unique? Or, maybe just extraordinary caution and care -- and time -- in taking the given strips? I'm almost positive Jotronic has mentioned H&W taking a truly laborious process and amount of time in their donor techniques.
  11. NewHair, Pats' is simply biding his time while riding smooth at ~65% growth, and Master Armani has assured us all after close inspection that Pats will be logically be a part of the ~99% of people with phenomenal growth and Master's supreme, artistic touch! I agree, tho, aside from total laughing stocks (ha ha...) these people are pretty much "showcase patients" like Leeson said...at the very least they represent some of the docs' better work, if not some of his best.
  12. You look fine; and as mentioned already, the best times are approaching! It is a nominal # of grafts for your overall balded area, but I do like that Charles didn't squander a chunk of grafts trying to feebly give a semblance of coverage in your crown, e.g. The recipient area looks to be correctly conservative and tapered, and 2800 should make a big impact there. Just remember that if you do consider a 2nd op to attack the crown it will take more grafts pound4pound to give you a good look in one pass than your current procedure hitting the frontal region.
  13. Looking awesome -- definite improvement from the past month, and in addition to continue thickening all-over through maturation, you'll be getting some more growth, too! I think the next ~1.5months or so is really going to transform you further and let you style it carte blanche. You aren't bald now and you will never have to be bald -- congrats, it will only get better!
  14. Yep, nothing to be alarmed about. It's always best to get that early growth (like Eman, e.g.) as it kinda ensures your end-result will be sweet and the yield will be solid, but not having superlative growth in a *very* early phase (4.5months, e.g.) doesn't in any way mean your end-result won't be just as good. Sit tight, the next 2-3 months will give you a *much* improved idea as to where you stand. Keep us posted!
  15. Not having seen yer pics, but judging from what you've said and your proximity to Rahal, I totally agree -- Rahal would be a fine choice to go see. Looks like you really want to get refined density so exceptional growth is paramount and coupled w/ already having had strip...another FUT op prolly' makes solid sense!
  16. Man, I'm salivating at the prospect of a season of Lost on blu-ray courtesy of Amazon, Bill's laxity, Hasson's expertise, and my guessing skillz...! I hope Jo nagged you mercilessly about performing his patented scalp exercises...
  17. Awesome! Smooth move on keeping your initial trip report so objective, too, and not lending any hints as to your graft count -- must'v been tough!
  18. Not that the silence hasn't already been deafening on many fronts...but it's extra-comical (and telling) to see Dr. Feller's FUE breakthrough presented in unparalleled transparency, logic, and benefit to the patient while the Circus Troupe (you know who they are...) cloaks their power-tools *and* methodology in outrageous secrecy.
  19. If this can produce quality FUE sessions for most people in the neighborhood of ~1500 that's pretty key, and offers a tremendous amount of newfound opportunity and flexibility for people. My gut is that we'll get HM/cloning before a tool that makes FUE equal to strip; but, a tool like this makes FUE a much more powerful adjunct option. My ideal is simply having the ability to harvest enough grafts to satisfy most people, even those who go onto NW6+ territory. This quasi-nullifies the dire need for HM/cloning -- though, we'll still be dealing with "perceived density" in some cases as opposed to the "true density" that HM/cloning would offer. Being able to strip yourself out and then foray into FUE with a tool that maximizes your yield while increasing session size and making the venture much more feasible on a practical level is pretty sweet. I do wonder if this would have any impact on forms of BHT...? I've always had high hopes for a tool to advance FUE while being able to sync up with reasonably quality BHT and really augment and boost our donors further.
  20. Perhaps, a sweet "official" title of sorts....Grandmaster Graft Predictor (etc.)...can't wait to hear of your latest success and the trip report -- in addition to my new, sweet title! Enjoy the day and best wishes and continued success!
  21. Lookin' solid! You're new temple points are going to be really sweet. The good times will soon be rolling, hang tight!
  22. Belgium-region definitely has a robust # of FUE practices. My only caution would be that some of them seem to play it pretty aggressively, and I've never seen enough quality documentation and transparency to really feel comfortable. (Ilter, Reyes, e.g.) Devroye and Feriduni have looked super-ethical and sound from all I've seen and I agree that it's a no-brainer to consult w/ them if you're keen on FUE there. It is interesting that FUE is so concentrated in that area of Europe. But, I'm not sure that it necessarily dwarfs the quality that can be found in the U.S. Feller has been doing high-quality FUE for a while, and Shapiro seems to have really embraced it with increasing success, too. I think the dearth of quality FUE in the UK has something to with a cycle connected to (healthy) competition of business, which Spex mentioned, or the lack thereof. The Farjos are the only clinic in the entire country that I can think of performing sound work. If, say, there were even 4 other "Farjos" spread throughout the UK, I can't imagine this wouldn't place the current clinics operating at a relative level of "adequacy" in peril, forcing at least *some* of them to increase their standards. This sequence could then have a snowball effect. I could be totally wrong, but it's one of the few reasons I can think of...
  23. Can't mention a list of docs for hairlines and not mention Rahal, too! I've seen a lotta high-density hairline cases from him and they've been consistently impressive. Also, I agree w/ the above that it'l take a few more months to really get a feel for where you truly stand. But, totally understandable to want to get a head-start in plotting potential moves -- just don't drive yerself crazy with it.
  24. Let's not forget Wanthairs, either, one of our own brethren on HTN. He was basically "muzzled" per a deal -- said as much himself -- and he doesn't really post anymore, but he got wretched yield, as confirmed by H&W, if I remember right. I also agree that Epstein's handling of these matters leaves much to be desired in my vote of confidence. Consistently presenting overwhelmingly positive, transparent results would have gone a long way in combating all this -- I haven't seen anything approximating that, however.
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