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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. Likewise...where is the Neograft thread you're referencing Parable?
  2. Hah, It's a good thread! This section doesn't get too much action, and there also prolly aren't that many people who could answer it in full. Wouldn't surprise me if it gets some meaty attention at some pt., tho!
  3. You clearly look muchmuch better and for 2500 it looks spot-on. I can understand why you'd want to boost the region, though. Going forward you could deal with your crown full-steam ahead and/or refine the front 1/3rd....all up to your personal opinion. Assuming you could get ~3k...could split it 2k crown/1k front....or blast it all to the crown.
  4. Everyone I've told knew me prior to the HT; all were pretty much supportive, but skeptical. Ideally, I'd be fairly open to telling most anyone - but I'm not. If a friend was ever going through a similar problem -- not even necessarily hair -- I'd prolly let it out, though, if I felt it'd help him/her out...
  5. One more question () -- will this impact people becoming universally/equally suitable for FUE, who otherwise wouldn't be? Or, will it mainly boost the harvesting ability in those who already are solid "candidates" to begin with?
  6. Glad you got some extra-info and, importantly, further conformation on things. Having a botched scar on top of botched growth/density is criminal; not the least of which is that it "traps" you to an extent into subsequent HTs, which is so insanely counter-intuitive after getting conned by that very field. I'd still be really surprised if your situation wasn't salvageable, tho....never seen your pics, but if I had to guess I'd bet you'll get to where you want to be in due time, and that any steps you take will be exceedingly positive! btw, the straw-breaking-camel's-back angry-buzz is a bitch, and takes stones, especially post-HT. I remember a couple months before I went in I got so spontaneously livid I snatched a pair of scissors from the kitchen and started to hastily chop up my hair...
  7. I would shoot for 3k and if your donor yields more all the better.
  8. Wow. Scintillating! Congratulations and kudos on reaching the point where you feel comfortable enough in taking this public! Without getting into technicalities or nuanced specifics....how do you see this elevating yield, as well as what is a "max"-like session in one procedure?
  9. Ideally, you would get something in the neighborhood of 5k. Realistically, this likely won't happen, though certain clinics can give you far-and-away the best shot of obtaining this; and, if not 5k, a number most closely approximating this. There is no reason you shouldn't be able to likely get 3k as a *bare minimum*. And, in this case, you would likely be taking care of your hairline and frontal 1/3rd, while leaving the rest of your scalp as is. Keep researching and decide how important it is for you to get the highest (or upper-echelon) # of grafts per session, versus committing to multiple ops. Regardless, if not 1 procedure, there is no reason you should be forced into 3 if not more to attain a solid look. Also, FUE on you strikes me as inane -- you'd be paying a ridiculous premium while undergoing multiple ops, all while risking (if not ensuring) a weak yield. If the "strip-scar" is a huge deal to you certainly consider it, though. For "mega-session" FUE, which would be the only thing remotely appropriate for you, IMO, Bisanga is the only guy that springs to mind who I myself would trust and as far as I'm aware is pro-active in striving for mega-session FUEs.
  10. Detct Stabler -- Chris Maconey or something, I think his his name -- def had a HT....years ago (a good ~decade) I played chess with him from time to time in NYC and he had a markedly more recessed hairline and generally thinner hair. Given the loss he had then, combined with his age, I think it's pretty much a lock he had a HT. HT(s) + concealer, for sure, IMO. His HT reminds me a bit of the transformation Ari Gold from Enterouge went thru.
  11. Righteous! The growth is clearly coming in fast and furious and we all know how well Rahal's hairlines turn out. You're going to be able to be a test-subject for stylists at a beautician school by the time summer rolls around!
  12. Ya, I'm just talking about the hairline design itself. I agree that it looks really uneven, and unless that was an intended design (which, ideally, you agreed to, too) I don't know what else to chalk it up as other than a slight lapse in quality, and a bit of shoddy craft. I also agree that it very likely won't be a huge deal once everything grows in, since you should have more than enough hair to style however you'd like, and it should look really sweet regardless!
  13. Even under the mantra of "imperfect hairlines", this hairline design looks *wretched*, unless there is a gross distortion in the pics.
  14. Several esteemed doctors have recently weighed in on this topic (notably, in this thread: http://hair-restoration-info.c...477106391#477106391). The part I found most interesting and revealing was mentioned by Dr. Cooley: "I have yet to see any doctor present...perfect growth...the variability in 'healing' factors deserves more discussion...most get the expected results, while a few get either better or worse than expected results. I think that oxygenation/circulation issues are one of the main factors here. I did a study on over 80 transplant patients using a high tech oxygen meter on loan to me. The surprising finding was that baseline oxygen levels vary markedly among different patients. Oxygen content is a key factor in graft survival, especially in the first few days post op when the grafts have yet to develop their own capillary network. This may be one explanation for varying results in graft growth, in addition to the factors Dr. Konior mentioned." With that said, can oxygenation levels be improved? And, can they be determined with relative ease prior to a HT? "Oxygenation" aside, if a patient truly has some physiological roadblock(s) in achieving the results of The Majority, does this condemn not just an isolated result, but subsequent procedures, too? Or, if you have already had a successful HT w/ stellar yield, are you further protected from being one of the "unlucky" few? Dr. Feller asserted in the linked thread: "...realize that if you had lower than average yield from your first surgery, then it is highly likely that such will be the case for future surgeries." I'm curious as to the results doctors have achieved working on patients who went to elite practices (ideally, even their own), suffered poor yield by way of physiology, to then have a subsequent procedure(s). Did the yield remain poor due to the physiological factors, which would one would think to pose the same problem, unless preventive and protective measures were taken by the patient(?).
  15. Several esteemed doctors have recently weighed in on this topic (notably, in this thread: http://hair-restoration-info.c...477106391#477106391). The part I found most interesting and revealing was mentioned by Dr. Cooley: "I have yet to see any doctor present...perfect growth...the variability in 'healing' factors deserves more discussion...most get the expected results, while a few get either better or worse than expected results. I think that oxygenation/circulation issues are one of the main factors here. I did a study on over 80 transplant patients using a high tech oxygen meter on loan to me. The surprising finding was that baseline oxygen levels vary markedly among different patients. Oxygen content is a key factor in graft survival, especially in the first few days post op when the grafts have yet to develop their own capillary network. This may be one explanation for varying results in graft growth, in addition to the factors Dr. Konior mentioned." With that said, can oxygenation levels be improved? And, can they be determined with relative ease prior to a HT? "Oxygenation" aside, if a patient truly has some physiological roadblock(s) in achieving the results of The Majority, does this condemn not just an isolated result, but subsequent procedures, too? Or, if you have already had a successful HT w/ stellar yield, are you further protected from being one of the "unlucky" few? Dr. Feller asserted in the linked thread: "...realize that if you had lower than average yield from your first surgery, then it is highly likely that such will be the case for future surgeries." I'm curious as to the results doctors have achieved working on patients who went to elite practices (ideally, even their own), suffered poor yield by way of physiology, to then have a subsequent procedure(s). Did the yield remain poor due to the physiological factors, which would one would think to pose the same problem, unless preventive and protective measures were taken by the patient(?).
  16. Agreed -- get on fin/propecia. Also, what Emperor said about ~4500 grafts to get you to a solid, full look....realize the truth to this, and then factor in how many sessions this will likely take you (this will vary significantly clinic2clinic). Your hair caliber looks pretty good, though it's tough to truly tell. And, your loss doesn't seem too vicious....fin + one (two at the most) quality HTs and you could be ballin'.
  17. It's possible, but unlikely. Essentially, the only thing truly working on your hairloss is the minox5%. The biotin could cause your hair regrow in a faster cycle, particularly after a shed, e.g., but it won't actually take MPB-afflicted hairs and make them well again, nor cause actual re-growth. Reaping substantial rewards from the minox5% by itself is also unlikely, especially on the hairline region, but certainly possible, and if it's helping you and you don't mind applying it religiously stay on it, for sure. I'd also seriously look into getting on fin/propecia -- which, really is the big gun in anyone's arsenal in combating MPB.
  18. Glad you found a solution you seem comfortable, UHT. Def keep us posted like LMS mentioned -- you have everyone's support! Btw, what Dr. Cooley said was pretty interesting....about oxygenation. I'd love to see more info and study done on that; would also be cool to know my own levels, though I assume the machine he referenced is crazy expensive and difficult to get yer paws on...
  19. Jo, I'm surprised to hear you say you prefer(red) HD-DVD! The PS3 dream-machine alone makes me glad Blue won...though, the Xbox did have a HD-DVD addition, but I didn't hear great things about it. Assuming fin keeps holding down the fort and MPB doesn't force me into depleting the treasury further, I badly wanna get AppleTV while revamping my prized DVD movies and series into Blue....Apple's HD selection plays pretty well (like a crisp 720p) -- not Blue but better than DVD, imo, and good enough with the exception of maybe some spectacular movies/shows that deserve Blue. As for celeb HTs (or wigs)....I kinda marvel at how ridiculously covert some of these guys must be to not constantly draw the obsession and ridicule of the tabloids and public....especially younger, good-looking actors going the way of the wig....
  20. Isn't *laser* removal vastly superior to electrolysis, especially with the new machines currently out there and the people who have mastered the craft? I can't imagine laser can't be done to the hairline considering the various other places they put it to work on.... I don't recall the exact company(s), but I've heard some electronic hair-tweezer contraptions really do an amazing job, are easy to use, and aren't terribly painful.
  21. Somehow missed this bad boy...! Hair looks super slick as others have said! Remarkable transformation, and it's clearly re-defined your life for the better, which incidentally has helped many others. Like a fine wine -- and some women -- hair too can get better with age.
  22. First, your documentation is first-rate -- so kudos to that! I agree w/ you that this past month is very encouraging; things are def starting to brew, and you can see things taking form. Going to look super sharp in but a short while!
  23. Yep, veryvery true.... http://hair-restoration-info.c...66060861/m/691108651 even cases like this were it's basically hairline refinment using a good chunk of grafts...let alone crown work (2k to the crown there) http://hair-restoration-info.c...21087683/m/474102941 , entire frontal 1/3rds getting rebuilt (I couldn't find any on the first page, but even mine -- 3k for pretty much an entirely new frontal 1/3rd), coverage over a large area w/ a nominal # of grafts http://hair-restoration-info.c...21087683/m/972100461 And these are results that we aren't terribly surprised to be seeing, and of which manymany more exist. Yet, I truly can't find results like these w/ Armani and his FUE (debacle) -- and this is with him having a glut of patient posters and paid posters with the express intent of showcasing results. What I can find, and have found -- all too easily -- are results like Stingrays....on top of RIDICULOUS amounts of shady claims (scarless, nonsurgical, 50k donors, breakthrough technology e.g.) and shady results (locked threads, disappearing threads, suddenly silent patients, laughable documentation, e.g.).
  24. Thx for the good words everyone, I really didn't anticipate such a cool response! I've been pretty sick the past week or two so I've had a lot of time to just sit with my laptop and think while eating ice-cream ...I gave some thought to things I know would have (and have) helped me; and what I'd say if I was given but one conversation to have with a family member going through this. Hairloss is tough enough...unethical doctors and deceitful forums with unleashed shills make for nightmares...which is why forums pioneered like this and filled with such quality posters are so valuable -- if not indispensible. "The only reason I dont drive to Conn and apply a vicious Omoplata..." lol! One day if we roll i'll let ya play out that fantasy.
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