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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. Well, you really shouldn't factor your decision as to when you will get a "convenient booking"; that said, Pong is the only other guy in Thai I've heard reasonably good things about. Path seems to be top dog there, however. Don't rush into this, regardless.
  2. "Big boys" as "pretending" to be good with FUE or majority of their works are FUE? The majority (if not all) of their work def is FUE, and I find them to be the biggest promoters of it (pound4pound). Armani I am certain I wouldn't let touch me even were *I* were the one getting paid. Cole has been steeped in controversy and has horrible transparency, and though I've seen some very good results and don't think it's impossible to get a great HT from him (which I don't think is even a possibility w/ Armani) I've heard various horror stories, as well. Umar turns me off by his lack of transparency, which I find especially troubling when dealing with *SUCH* a new, volatile way of doing HTs (re: body-hair-mega-FUE...including a big promotion of using nape hair). Also, and without calling a spade a spade....several of his most....vocal....passionate....patients....are an *extreme* turn-off to me after seeing how they operate over time on various forums. FWIW, if I had to bet I'd still say Umar is the king of BHT, but I'm not sure what that truly means (especially juxtaposed to people's expectations and his pitch). One man's opinion, and whether someone goes to any of the above I truly don't care insofar as I care for them taking the time to do exhaustive research and make a sound decision -- after that I just wish them the best like I'd wish any HT patient the best!
  3. The more obvious hacks aside....docs that spring to mind that I'd caution people to *at the very least* do deep, detailed investigation into would be Armani (kinda obvious, actually, lol), Cole, and Umar. Just realized they are all big boys on the FUE scene....
  4. The power-tools have been rather common in doctors doing MEGA-fue; most notably, Armani, with putrid results. As with the others, they have been shrouded in mystery, though, and transparency has always been trumped by talk of "proprietary safety". IMO, such a tool could very well represent the breakthrough in giving high-yield, higher-# FUE, but I would want such a technique made not just somewhat transparent to myself as a patient, but to the greater (knowledgeable) community of doctors, as well. Anyways, look forward to the pics Abe -- sounds like the procedure went smoothly!
  5. I had a similar look for a while, and it wasn't until the redness went away that things "settled down" into an adequate look that I wasn't expecting given how "stretched" it seemed before (this took me like ~9months, if I remember aright).
  6. Looks awesome, and I fully expect you to get a killer result!
  7. Very nice! You covered a ton of ground and should have ample donor in the reserve, too. Even under the more punishing conditions your hair looks to hold up pretty well. Congrats!
  8. You sound like an infomercial, but without even a token pic or detail (grafts, NW level, sessions) on your surgical experience.
  9. I understand your disappoint and would be frustrated if not livid, as well. That last pic, the clearest one, really shows the results -- or lackthereof. What has Bart/Prohair said about this? I know he used to post a good deal, and have seen him logged on time to time.
  10. Good luck! I'm looking forward to following your transformation!
  11. 90% of the time when I think about my hair it is with pride and pleasure in styling it when I go out; another 9% is when I am on here reading/responding and it hits me that I didn't always have this hair; 1% is when I think my hair looks thin for whatever reason and I wish I had a bit more. Over my lifetime I will undoubtably be back in the proverbial chair at least once more; is this chasing my hairloss or simply defeating it? If anything, I would view a constant shaving of the head the true life-long battle w/ hairloss (as Latinlotus points out), while also succumbing to its effects and indefinitely altering your actions and outlook around it. It's a case by case basis, but the general -- and most important -- assumption that can be made is that HTs can be an amazingly effective and transformitive remedy for many, even (if not especially) the young. Is it perfect? No. Is it a panacea? Nope. But this shouldn't detract from it often being the best decision and move available.
  12. It's a lifelong battle with "mother nature" whether you get the HT or not, the playing field is just a bit different; whatever you choose should be the choice that you are best equipped to handle and live with. And, yes, it *is* true that the lens we look at hairloss -- and most anything -- changes over time (specifically, as we age). This is actually a central point in why the fruits of HTs are the sweetest when transforming someone the younger they are. Ideally, we would all get HTs when we are 70; however, a general but clearly accurate assumption is that HTs matter more the younger you are. And, hairloss might be natural but so are a billion other things (including death) that aren't desirable and clearly can warrant serious efforts to stave off.
  13. Still looks like you have a full head of hair! If not already, surely in another month or two you should have limitless styling options.
  14. Nice call on the subtle -- but telling -- hypocrisy, Bill....and excellent cross-examples...
  15. If you have the donor and the doc has the skill, HTs, over the backdrop of a certain level of loss, can be extremely effective....not just for young guys, but especially for young guys.
  16. The "best" surgeon for Asians would be the best surgeon for non-Asians, as well!
  17. Congrats! A *true* success story, indeed.....you look good -- likewise for the wifey!
  18. Weird, doesn't sound like MPB if the "thinning" isn't actually a loss of hair, or even the process of terminal hairs going vellus....get in touch with a dermatologist ASAP!
  19. Tough to get a good handle based off the one pic, but I'd get on fin ASAP; and in the meantime, experiment with different hairstyles to create a fresh look that boosts the illusion of density (could always utilize nanogen, as well!).
  20. lolAtticus.....at least we always know how to bump up your post count if we want to..... Mez, gl if you proceed! Likewise, Abe -- look forward to seeing your pics!
  21. Keep on truckin'! Will only get increasingly tolerable -- and exciting -- in the coming days...!
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