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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. Don't even consider Bosley....10k for 1700 grafts is extremely high-priced, though. IMO, you are doing a good job beginning to research HTs and the clinics who do them, so keep it up! Yield, closure techniques (i.e. scarring), consistency, session-sizes, and "artistry" (i.e. graft placement, angulation, etc.) are all very important, and it is good to compare how various clinics stack up against one another. Make sure you get the right # of grafts with the right clinic for you to ensure you have the best chance at being satisfied!
  2. HLH was infested w/ Armani everything -- many "lackluster" and otherwise "suspicious" results over there..unfortunately, just as the wave of Armani's FUE results really started to come in people "dissapeared", and, ultimately, anything with even the word "armani" was banned from the forums.... I would also highly recommend reviewing some of the recent Armani threads here, which detail some of his business...."tactics"....and also the workings of his operation. It is true that doing 500 grafts you will get plundered *much* less than a larger case; however, you will still be undergoing an inferior FUE procedure (do to his tecnique -- a power drill -- and some allegations of techs doing legit surgical work...), and while you might get raped of less grafts, they are more precious too as they represent a higher %. Anyways, the choice is yours, of course; just do a lot of research. This is a good place with some pretty detailed discussion of Armani including some of his patients; and HLH has a ton, however, lots of it "dissapeared"....and the most recent wave got muzzled.....take all that for whatever it may be worth...
  3. If that is your loss.....FUE is a very viable option for you, so congrats on that! That said, Armani would be the last person I'd go to. Why? 1, he has proven himself countless times to be a scumbag, orchestrating a web of lies and deceit to boost his goal of running an empire (not unlike Bosley, just different packaging and for FUE). But, and perhaps most important, the skills associated with such a man are pitiful as evidenced in the putrid yield his operation dishes out. He is "artistic"...."density"...."such good strip"...."he has talent"....**chatchatchat** The guy's results SUCK, and he has screwed countless people, and the newsreel that has finally started to stream in detailing them just gets worse and worse -- as do findings on his tactics and business ethics. Anyways, you are in a cool spot given how minimal your loss is; Feller and Bisanga can both do very good, ethical, high yield FUE. Shapiro/SMG have also started doing FUE work on temples, and I'd look into them, as well! Again, the last thing I'd do is go to Armani where you will get over-quoted, have your precious donor raided, wait it out, and then have to go through it all over again (or get cajoled into the famous "Armani Touch Up".....
  4. All discussion concerning Armani was muzzled by Farrel/Armani; co(?)incidentally as a small, but persistent group of posters stood up to the legion of Armani goons operating within Farrel's HLH. As well, the silencing occurred as Armani's ethics and surgical skill was being brought into high question and -- importantly -- open light as a stream of....less than lackluster.....results that were floating in. This is to say nothing of the dealings Armani himself carried out irrespective of HLH.
  5. "(if you) d don't use minoxidil every day , suntan, use product that we are not allow, poor diet, as you see is a very a long list of thing tat can affect a good growth." Good god, it just gets better and better....ya, it's a damn good thing -- for them -- that they don't pay much attention to the internet (which is LOLfunny and more deceit) because when they do they get picked apart by any number of objective patients who know have been around the block. Just look at HLH....a legion of Armani goons and promoters operating under the security blanket of Farrel got dismantled by like 5 posters. It's a shame so many HLH threads "disappeared" and that all those amazing Armani results that were coming in got halted from seeing the public light.....because every single time there was open debate between Armani's goons or an Armani result got presented to the public they got a systematic beating in the art of truthful debate. Same thing has happened the few times they sent shills here, attempting a drive-by, pathetically attempting to gain some type of traction to their failing empire. And yes, I loathe Armani and am a devout "basher". When scum like this still operating and is raping vulnerable guys -- many of whom are young -- of precious donor and $ and the dreams they falsely instilled....I see no reason to mince words, and never will when it comes to Armani. Nobody wants to see advancements in hair restoration more than me; Armani has essentially re-invented and helped bring back the Dark Ages but wrapped it all in a nice pretty bow and campaign of calculated deceit.
  6. You guys are hyper-focusing on the issues with *getting* a HT, but not enough on the absolute wretchedness of *not* getting them. It's far from a perfect solution, sure, and like any surgery there are risks, but it can be quite effective and sound, and bald guys who have been suffocated to varying degrees by MPB get their lives reclaimed day in and day out. You really can't put a price on that, especially the younger you are. Unfortunately, this is also why so many who are young get duped -- they are easy marks because of their unbridled desire to not have their youth raped from them, leaving them in a compromised state where emotion can take a back seat to rationale. Each case is different, of course, and the pro's and con's of getting a HT have to also be weights with the pro's and con's of *not* getting a HT. The HT industry as a whole is quite sordid, and is wrought with deceit and lackluster ability; but you can't simply disregard the more unadulterated pockets of honest doctors who have commensurate skills to solve MANY problems for MANY people.
  7. "he told me he has never had anyone with less than 80% growth" A deceitful, bold-faced lie of the highest order -- and yet, it is but one of many from Armani and his goons.....
  8. Glad everything went so well! Be sure to post pics as the "newsreel" comes in!
  9. Interesting discussion. I think transparency of information is really what it's all about -- sites like this, and threads like this help that purpose. Ultimately, if the patient is aware of the potentials and likelihoods of the procedure itself and has chosen wisely in clinic selection I think HTs can be excellent decisions in one's life. Personally, even if I *knew* I would go NW6....even if I *knew* I would go NW6 <40....and even if I *knew* I didn't have enough donor to achieve total coverage....I would have gone my route, for a variety of reasons. Also, an average donor should be able to go NW6 -- if not NW7 -- and get a decent look; as well, this "look" is being compared to a person having to be an out and out NW6/NW7 otherwise.
  10. Yo, I too started losing my hair (by way of thinning) when I was 19; and I got an HT when I was 22 (I'm now 23). No doctors spring to mind in Boston, but you aren't terribly far from some very good ones. Before you start isolating individual docs with an intent to go to them, I'd recommend some general research into HTs, and to then do a series of consults (online ones can be quite good) and listen to the prognoses, and get a grasp for what effect they will have on you (both your immediate, medium, and long-term future). Propecia varies w/ regard to a timetable, but their website seems like a solid range, though I would say you should err on the side of 6-12 months, realistically, before you should *expect* some impact. It's a hugely beneficial treatment, though, especially if you are young and looking at a HT. Some doctors *would* probably turn you down; I can't say whether I agree with that or not. Some *wouldn't* turn you down. The key is to research HTs, and ultimately pinpoint a doctor that will work with you, and most importantly, that you believe will give you the best result. Re: shaving....many doctors feel strongly that shaving the recipient area gives the patient-doctor the best shot to give the best possible result, particularly with regard to angulation of hairs and densepacking the larger the session is. Many times, once the staples/sutures are removed from your donor, people will give their head a uniform buzzcut and often apply a concealer like Couvre to the scar in order to hide it I would take a look at Eman's ~4month update in the patient gallery section; also, while my weblog isn't fully updated, I have a bunch of pics showing me right after I buzzed my head. Granted, I did a piss poor job, but nonetheless! EDIT -- here's the link http://hair-restoration-info.c...66060861/m/798106011 The pics I have buzzed are at like 2 weeks, so obv a much difference time, but I am sure Eman could have gotten a similar look earlier, and I personally made *huge* gains by the end of my 3rd week!
  11. Hmmm, it does seem like those two areas have taken some hits in density, and I'm not sure how much the respective hair length is playing (my guess is that it could be quite a lot, combined with the style you were previously using)...would like to hear your thoughts. That said, my initial reaction was that you look a lot better already, especially from face-on, and as the hairs mature and new ones grow your density should improve for sure. Seems about right for where you should be, which isn't a bad thing!
  12. The documentation seems really lacking to me; but the basic "before"/"after" photo(s) in and of themselves look extremely impressive. Would love to see some "surgical" photos, like Gorpy.
  13. Very cool....Konior's work has always looked top-notch, and he is a very savvy and trustworthy guy by all accounts. His low-graft high-reward hairline work has looked particularly impressive of late -- can't wait to see your pics/future result!
  14. Superb analysis, Maxxy! I honestly don't think Mohmand as a "bad" guy; and I think he has skill and a desire to get better. However, I believe there is a glaring discrepancy in standards -- across the board -- between Mohmand and his beliefs on running his practice, and what much of this community expects. And this discrepancy continues to show itself from time to time. As with the issues that have surfaced in the past, I hope that at the very least Dr. Mohmand corrects and explains that which needs improving.
  15. Uh-huh...like to see some pics of this "tremendous growth", as it is not at all common.
  16. May as well do what I outlined; it will just empower you with more information to then make an ultimate decision. If it doesn't change your mind, great, no sweat off your back -- if it does, then it was worth its weight in gold.
  17. Doesn't look horrible, but I can see your clear frustration after having done two ops -- including a "repair". See if you can get clear documentation of your 2nd op....also, if the result has really been lackluster don't be shy in being transparent about it for your sake or a prospective patient. Either way, I hope you talk with your doctor and work something out that is beneficial to you!
  18. Do a consult with him; get a prognosis from him and review clear work of his that mimics a case like yours. Do a consult -- if not two or three -- with other clinics, online if they live far from you. Compare the work and prognoses, ask lots of questions, and decide which course makes the most sense to you.
  19. Wow, good call(s) people....I quickly assumed it was a language-slip-up when I first read the thread....but after combing through in detail, like Maxxy and others have done....Hopefully, that is the case though, for the sake of the patient's who got botched HTs when it could have been avoided.....
  20. Thx KMan! Anyways, as promised, here are some pics I recently took -- I tried to get some in harsh lighting (bright bathroom and bright sunlight), and some hairline shots at angles I don't believe I'd previously taken. I combed through all of my pics floating around and there are some really good shots that have been taken along the way -- the progression gallery is going to be sweet! EDIT -- bleh, angles came out funky, dunno why...see if I can correct it....don't think I'd keep any of those for the main gallery, though, but may as well fix it if possible
  21. Lookin' good, man, scar (or lack thereof) too! Can't wait to see the continued updates as it should really start looking sweet!!!
  22. Looks terrific so far! Scar is *really* looking to be extraordinary, hairline is shaping up, and the growth boom hasn't even been touched upon. Next couple of months should be really exciting times!
  23. H&W's transformations -- amazing Armani's "transformations" -- not amazing
  24. Understand that there is a very good chance you will not get total density-restoration, if not total coverage, in your initial HT -- it could take a couple. That said, you could have a very legit shot of re-establishing a bonefied hairline, frontal 1/3rd, etc, which, IMO, is the most vital facet for one's aesthetics..and try to get by with modest coverage in other areas and utilize something like nanogen to get a complete look, which might be enough to fully satisfy you.
  25. Sure. Basically, I just mean that my hair caliber itself a bit on the thicker side, as well as being a bit wiry with a slight wave - these three characteristics aid in the perceived (or illusion) of density. If you had identical loss to me, and got an identical number of grafts with identical yield, but were lower on the scale of the 3 hair characteristics I mentioned, I wouldn't expect your result to look *as* thick. This isn't to say it wouldn't look very good, and this is just a hypothetical to illustrate the basic effect that hair characteristics can have. **took some close-ups, outdoor in the sun shots including top-downs, which I'll post later. I think this will round out my documentation for the foreseeable future and I'll comb through all of the pics taken by myself and Dr. Feller and use them to construct a master picture gallery in this thread!
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