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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. lol....calm down, man, don't be so melodramatic! Nothing new, and it's really nothing to fret over.
  2. Space -- thx, just keep in mind.....I have favorable hair caliber and I am adept at how to make my hair look its best. It's quite easy to look "its best", and it almost always looks at the very least solid, so short of getting true-density (as opposed to perceived-density) from cloning or w/e I have no major qualms. If you mean how I dealt w/ things in the weeks following the op....I buzzed my head after like 2weeks following staple removal (did a pretty poor job haha...); but, by the third week, with some couvre and nano applied I was able to be out and about and looked fine. I planted seeds leading up the HT of me having a "benign scalp irritation...not contagious or serious, but total bitch)......I remember doing physical rehab ~3weeks post-op, and my trainer asked me at one point, while working on my upper back -- "hey, you wear a hat earlier....looks like you wore it a little too tight or too long"....so, take that for whatever it's worth! If you mean how ($)@(&)$)( was my situation pre-op, it was a wreck, with virtually no strong hairs in my entire frontal 1/3rd -- though I was able to achieve *miraculous* results with nanogen. If I didn't get the HT I def woulda tried out for some spokesman-like role with 'em!
  3. Hmmm...I'd think if you grew your hair out a bit and styled it right you could def get away with some fresh looks....especially if you sprinkled on some nano to the thinnish regions.... Waiting till' you are out of school would be cool, too, and alleviate some extra-pressure and burdens on the whole process.
  4. "Sure every once and a while a hairBoy will crack a glimmer of light" + your story = , I still stand by my post at the top of this page, and it's why you should take off the blinders, get off your high-horse, and work towards finding the best answers and solutions for people out there..... You have no *primary* interest in doing so, however, and contending with the field of issues at hand affecting people; so it's a course that I assume you will *continue* to disregard. As I've said before, among the very people you attempt to slander and deride are the ones actually in the trenches doing the work and helping people -- and they will continue to do so, with or without you. Your fundamental talking points will still be dealt with, it will just be without your egoism, arrogance, and ungratefulness. Your ceaseless refusal to recognize this fact is one reason you are ultimately a waste of potential help. You raised some good points, and started to shed some increased transparency on the practices at large -- you obv place a self-righteous ego over all of this, and that is unfortunate.
  5. Propecia/fin is just as if not more important if you do get a HT than if you don't, especially if you are young. I'll be taking fin indefinitely, until: -- a better drug/treatment comes out -- a breakthrough that revolutionizes our donors (cloning/HM, BHT, etc.) You can use "proscar", fwiw, as a more cost-effective route than propecia. I take fin for two primary reasons: -- short-term delay my MPB from setting in, giving me more years of a higher quality of life before I have to get another HT or use concealers -- long-term delaying if not halting of me going NW5+ in pattern
  6. mmche, I waited too long w/o treatment (warm compresses and an anti-bacterial), and actually took a med for a week to help knock it out, which did a lot of good, and with warm compresses and a bit of time it all got better!
  7. lolz....pretty funny posts all in all, but saying you "schooled" someone and made them not "feel too good" has capped off my evening nicely! So, nice tilt, hair_boy; judging by the constant deflecting of points made, and the desperate attempts to constantly pump yourself up, I think we can assume this is you. And I pray you really are hair_boy and are simply trying to save a little bit of face after the vicious beatdown you've taken....if you aren't, well.... Assuming you can stick around long enough without tilting yourself out and getting banned (again?), I encourage you to enter the actual debates going on, leave the talking points behind, and try to respond to the issues raised, which I assume you are missing due to some form of myopia and impaired eyesight!
  8. Interesting case....this should really look great once it blooms!
  9. "....as a condition for a refund I have been forcibly muzzled." Classy. So a patient goes through an invasive operation, builds a year of their life around it, has their donor raped, and transparency silenced....and the "payback" reward is that they didn't have to actually *pay* for all that....
  10. lol @ jumping down throat about Rassman....I've seen more veteran posters speak out about things concerning Rassman than maybe any other prominent/esteemed doctor. If some people didn't comment one way or the other it's because it's an obv case of hearsay either way and it's foolish to get too caught up there. I wish the guy didn't get banned, but he was/is the most self-righteous and arrogant poster I've ever seen in the land of the follicle....he was cruisin for a proverbial bruisin and he got it. If he placed core truths and the spreading of truth over his own self-serving desires to continue his crusade he could have made some exceedingly simple adjustments and been a force. Too bad, since he knew a good deal of truth and had good insight -- but cmon, can't be too surprised to get the horns when you mess with the bull enough times....he isn't the messiah, and while his valid points will be missed, they aren't singularly important. Bill understands this, IMO, and took a precaution that while I don't know if I fully agree, I fully understand. EDIT -- wantego makes a very good point....it's about striking a balance between vigorous and open debate, and not allowing individual posters to go off on self-righteous crusades that cross lines of respect, *and* truly only detract from the actual valid points that need to be discussed....
  11. That sickens me SO much, and you are 100% right, you are NOT alone in this feeling....Farrel-HLH is such an utter tool and total disgrace....
  12. Interesting that Dr. Epstein mentions cyst formation for patients with thick hair....I'm quite certain this has happened with me, though until now I was never really sure what was up.....
  13. hair_boy had horrible tact, no doubt; he never actually disgruntled me, but he constantly took shots if not outright slander at respected people, who, ironically, are the actual ones in the trenches fighting for the points underneath his umbrella...I could see how this could be taken as extreme disrespect, and it could piss you off in a huge way... That said, I can't say I'd have banned him until he showed a more consistent pattern that he would not change the way in which he conducted his business; he was not a fool, had insight, and made many good points. It's obvious and quite understandable that Bill took umbrage to some of the passive-aggressive attacks -- hair_boy isn't stupid, and he knew this, and continued the course, despite warnings, so it's not like he didn't bring it upon himself in a certain sense....
  14. Dude, being brutally honest here, I'd re-read some of the points being made....there are SERIOUS red flags, which many of us have pointed out...until they are expressly answered by this doctor, and to your complete satisfaction, I would be exceedingly wary of going back to him. I mean, it's like this guy's shenanigans just won't let up -- so now you are saying he said the 250 "free" grafts he stripped out of you would give you "good coverage there".....add that to the list of red flags, as well.
  15. The gameplan of graft allocation, the expectations that you and the doctor explicitly reached, and the 250 "free" strip procedure to "help" you....all of this needs a *serious* explanation on the part of your doctor because it strikes me as absolutely bogus. Before this is resolved to your satisfaction I would not let this guy work on you regardless of price, and I would not feel comfortable recommending a friend to go see him either.
  16. Seems like forward progress, but I'd bet there will be many (more) roadblocks and delays along the way. Positive, nonetheless. Also, I don't see why you would need to take propecia -- unless you wanted to try to preserve as much hair as possible for as long as possible, delaying the need for "cloning" ($).
  17. Yep. Also, FUE yield gets compromised by some combo of patient physiology, the forces of the FUE procedure itself, and the skill of the doctor. This makes the FUE yield radically more variable than strip. However, optimal tools can be used, greater (and greater) surgical skill can be honed, and ethics (i.e. transparency w/ patient on aforesaid variables)) can be harnessed. Generally speaking, FUE is radically less consistent, more limited, and wrought with fundamental problems; but, savvy and legitimate clinics like Bisanga, Feller, Shapiro can be honest about this, take the aforementioned into deep consideration, and make FUE a very viable procedure for people. Over time, the variables will only get mastered to a higher level -- showing once again that it is the specific doctor2patient that ultimately matters more than generalized flaws (or attributes) of a given procedure.
  18. As is the consensus, the work looks good and the gameplan is great -- yor going to be thrilled! Enjoy the ride for all it is, and appreciate those beuts once they sprout! Keep up the good updates, appreciated!
  19. Doesn't look good, though it would certaintly help to have better pictures, including immediate-post-ops to show graft placement. That said, I definitely see your issue and I feel for ya...also, the 250 grafts seems bogus....WTF is that honestly going to do for you?!!?!?!? Also, was the 250 "free" ( ) done by FUE, or did you have to go through another strip operation for 250 "free" grafts? Lots of issues here, including you being promised a "full head of hair"...I mean, you really shouldn't expect that in your situation after one op, but that is a joke to be told anything approximating that for 3k..... Honestly, IMO, you should let us know what clinic you went to and we will work *with* you in helping to get the clinic to come clean with transparent documentation showing your before/afters, their honest opinion, and getting you the *option* of the best possible "compensation" for whatever degree of sub-standard treatment/result you got. To an extent, the clinic matters as some have a consistent track-record (for good or bad) and it can help deduce things and give you a more precise outlook, expectation, and general advice going forward.
  20. I wouldn't call it rampant, but I've seen these complaints pop up rather frequently. Personally, I had no problem -- and *many* others have had zero problem, as well. Still, it seems like there might be something infringing upon the consistency of the process. I do wonder how much just has to do with Dr. Feller's visilibty and busyness, too.... I'd like to add that post-surgery I have had *zero* problems, and Dr. Feller/Spex have been *amazingly* accessible and thoughtful along the way. And, in fact, I've never heard anything but positive remarks about their accessibility in post-surgery care, FWIW.
  21. The "harsh realities" I mentioned are basically what Bill just explained.....stretching, hair growth via scar.... It's the best out there, but to hawk it like it is a *panacea* for the strip-scarring is disingenuous hype!
  22. It's only a ploy when it is disingenuously represented to hype the benefits and ignore the harsh realities so a doctor can make an easier sale. Unfortunately, this happens to varying degrees. In and of itself it is a useful, positive tool in our arsenal, though, and like anything, it should be looked at for what it honestly is!
  23. No. And I'm going to add an extra scoop to my morning potion tomorrow just to prove my confidence.
  24. "I have asked for an opinion by the most prominent doctors who do successful FUEs in their practice, and on viewing the FUE2 grafts that are shown on my web-site and were shown to them privately, every doctor shown these photos agrees that the FUE2 quality graft is superior to their FUE graft in their hands." "When one looks at the results of double trichophytic wound closures in strip harvesting, even the FUE2 can not compare in the degree of scarring..." Pretty bold, important statements. For the latter, though, don't we have to distinguish between *visible* scarring, and that of the "invisible scarring" moreso associated with the increased trauma of FUE/FUE2? I can't imagine the practicality of the situation would ever leave a patient choosing strip over FUE/FUE2 if scarring is their #1 priority/concern. For the former, I can't say otherwise, and it sounds like a true breakthrough. At the very least, in sound hands such improvement to the FUE process could exponentially expand the boundaries of what is and isn't a high-yield FUE session.
  25. Interesting case....I would 100% recommend consulting (live or online) with like 3 reallyreally reputable clinics, and get their prognosis. Arm yourself with additional information, and see how the +s and -s stack up. Pay particular attention to what kind of result the HT will most likely get you, how that result will most likely make you feel, and weigh that with having to go through the procedure itself, and realize that you are likely commiting yourself to future work (which isn't necessarily a bad thing, either).
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