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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. Has your hair taken serious hits recently? The esteemed and now-dead NG2GB did once famously charachterize your hair as being that of a "mopto-pussy" of lustrous locks. If a #2 is really showing a vicious mushroom you must have, though.....
  2. Precisely. Your satisfaction is what matters most, and I too am happy you're very contented; but, going forward I would definitely reccomend taking better pics, especially to show off your HT/Moehbi's work! Again, yer still very early in the game -- and I would expect your satisfaction to only improve.
  3. Can't judge a thing by the pictures provided; not that it means much either way given how early you are in the process. However, it's impossible to gauge the success or failure of your HT in any way at this point based off of the pics provided, and comparing them to your (shaved?) pre-ops.
  4. Hahaha....I was half-expecting some announcement that Wong was able to somehow squeeze out some obscene amount of grafts to give you a mop that would exceed the wolverine-hairline, lion-thickness, of a 16year old! Congrats on the (true) laster treatment! Very good stuff!
  5. In theory, w/ FUE in particular, you can harvest from most anywhere AFAIK. The questions are the quality cosmetic quality of the hair itself, the resistance to MPB, and also the yield of the particular hairs in question. Umar is the most aggressive (by far) in harvesting, but many ?????????s.
  6. Cmon', you resurrect this thread that really was not in any way centered around, or particularly concerned with, Harris, with a rote promo-post....that you also happen to post verbatim in another thread....
  7. Most I've heard is like 16...."Sofarsogood", or w/e his online handle is.... The most I have heard of from someone receiving high-quality HTs was like 6....combination of strip and FUE sessions. A primary reason you don't see that many with 3+ is because the most competent docs can harvest an incredible amount of grafts in single sessions -- as opposed to many years past.
  8. Totally fraudulent advice. If you are suffering from MPB (and you should get checked out by a reputable clinic to help determine), your best bet is finasteride/propecia, followed by using rogaine/minox 5% solution. As a simple long-shot you could try using shampoos like Revita or Nizoral 2% for their ketaconzazol ingredient. EDIT -- i would love to meet the author of that book/website face2face
  9. Are you on propecia? If not, I'd consider it; your sides (lateral humps) seem pretty strong, but I can see some thinning. If you can hold on to those badboys it would be a huge boon! IMO, in people who are like NW5, NW6s, etc....it is the lateral humps that make or break being able to receive a ridic good result.
  10. Propecia is king. If you've already tried it and had lasting side-effects, you may want to look into dutasteride, which is actually stronger than propecia, but for some they react totally fine to it where that not the case with propecia. That aside, your best and only bets (really) is minox 5%.....maybe throw in nizoral 2%/revita shampoo combo.
  11. I used concealer religiously in a similar fashion, and during my research into it (while I never heard something truly conclusive) it was deemed pretty inconsequential to the growth of my grafts. I'd like to hear more on this, though, as I never got an absolute answer. Slow healer correlation could be, but I've never heard of that; especially, in this case it's his scar that you are referring to and I was a very slow healer myself in that regard (my recipient healed remarkably well, though). If I has to bet I would say that his styling is a main culprit here, and that he is hopefully just a slow-grower, as well.
  12. Everybody grows at different rates; having some appreciable growth at 6months is not uncommon, but it takes at least 8-10 months, generally, for the bulk of the growth to rear its head. 12-14 months for something approximate your "final" result.
  13. Fin is noticeably amiss from your laundry list!
  14. It happens, Trainer, but generally speaking, it isn't in the patients' best interest to go back to the doc for another HT -- even if it is going to be free!
  15. Got any pics to post? It is certainly possible to go NW6 to a righteous head of hair -- however, it generally will require you to have at least average density/laxity in your donor, and it is even more imperative that you go to the right doc/clinic. Moreover, when you are a NW6 you basically have to realize that unless you get 5k+ in a single session it will require an additional op (or two) to get to where you might want to be. So, unless you go to a clinic that has the ability to harvest such #s, you are looking at even more surgeries to get to the proverbial promised land. Research hard and heavy, I am sure you will figure out if it is worth it for ya!
  16. Yes, looking good...I trust this will be an excellent result and you will be elated with the results!
  17. Very wise decision not to go there. In Thailand, look into Pathomvanich (spelling?) -- he is the only person in Asia I would remotely consider. It's in your best interest to do at least a few consults with various clinics, just to see what's what and gain more info to make your ultimate decision. Most will not charge anything for the consults, btw.....
  18. Interestingly, I had *very* few fears about the HT. I'd chalk it up to my pre-op situation being so truly dire, which made me prime fodder for getting suckered into a hack-job (and I'm fortunate that didn't happen). Going forward, I'd say that "recovery" would be my biggest fear over another HT; followed by low-yield, which is really more of a paranoid fear.
  19. Biggest problem I can think of (other than the super obv) is that there is a pretty defined rotation of who "top posters" are, as they come and go. This seems to be the nature of the beast, and a result of the subject at hand. Hairloss is intensely personal -- especially for those who actually get a HT -- and it's touchy ground. Especially once you get a HT it's rather natural to want to "move on" from all things related to hairloss, and put that (mainly) painful past behind as much as possible. There was a good thread titled something like "what happens to posters" that had a good discussion of this and other reasoning. Intriuguing idea, either way!
  20. Not to hijack the thread, but....Joey, make sure to speak with some others physicians, as well -- prognoses can have quite the range, doctor2doctor! Quite a few people have been NW5+ and been perceived to have "weak" donors, only to end up with excellent extraction #s and excellent results....! Have hope!
  21. Lookin' good! Totally natural, which I know was a major point of improvement for you! It will only get better and better, too....hard to believe you are at 9months, though, as I remember vividly when you first went in....continue to grow well!
  22. Greatgreat post, man.....very honest....and I'm very happy for you!
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