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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. Embarrassing....Rassman should be ashamed by himself...to cast such aspersions, be summarily refuted, and remain MIA, hoping that the people he comes across are simply ignorant to threads like this.....
  2. Sickening to think of the (e)secret-police squad Armani had assembled to try to strong-arm patients (mostly young ones).....and how they were allowed to run so rampant under Farrel/HLH....the fact that Pats was allowed to get away with this under the guise of some respectable patient rep is deplorable on many levels.... I'm curious to know why exactly Farrel suddenly decided to not allow a single word be spoken re: Armani....while this forum continues to propel the truth forward, defending patients' rights within a titanic scandal and system of abuse.....
  3. Thx guys, appreciated! My thinning seems to have been mainly a seasonal shed -- phew....have a great holiday to both of you, and I will be working on my Magnum for the 1yr anniversary!
  4. The real key isn't whether a woman happens to find baldness sexy, but whether *you* as a man find *your* baldness acceptable!!!!!!
  5. The more I know the more aggressive I become when it comes to HTs.....
  6. I love Brazilians -- so I'll answer you! Propecia is the crown jewel of the anti-MPB arsenal, and it is *excellent* that you have responded so well. Congrats on that, truly. As for the rogaine.....personally, I do not take it, and I never will.....but you have to weigh a few things: you have to use it twice a day, every day, forever. And it isn't as simple as popping a small pill 1x/day. For me, working rogaine through my hair 2x/day at the age of 23 was too much of a strain and commitment -- especially for results that are far from amazing, let alone a sure-thing. As for the rogaine causing your hair to fall out....I've seen this said, as well....basically, people are bitching about sheds -- which rogaine can definitely cause. This is where you may lose a lot of hairs for a given period of time, which will eventually grow back, with the intent of being stronger (terminal) hairs.
  7. Interesting, D....I'm going to try to follow up on this with some docs and find some concrete opinions. I can't say for certain if the fin is whacking out my mojo, but it can't be helping, and if the efficacy remains comparable (which has been *speculated* by many) I'd like to give it a whirl.
  8. Hrmmmm...it's always important, but ever-more when you are young, to go to a top doc...I would guesstimate ~3k grafts for you, give or take 500 depending on a more specific analysis with the doc and your goals. As for concealing it....your best bet will be a combination of Couvre concealer, buzzing you head well, and being assiduous in your post-op cleansing. I'd also recommend being in at least reasonable shape beforehand. The biggest thing, IMO, is cultivating a viable "out" -- some type of benign, non-contagious, but extremely annoying dermatological battle should buy you the extra-weeks you need and quell various suspicions. Plant the seeds early and often, IMO.
  9. Just a quick verbal update, with pictures to hopefully follow. My hair has matured a great deal since month ~8....I can't say for sure if I've had more growth, but my hair certainly looks better. All in all, since my last update @ Feller's office my hair is *much* improved. In party it has matured, and I have also become more adept at styling it! Coming up on my 1yr "anniversary" and it's truly uncanny how my life has changed, and morphed along with my hair over the course of the past year. When I do a 1yr update I will compile a master series of hair pics (as some that Dr. Feller took I don't think are in this thread, et. al.), and also a summation of my HT experience and how it's effected my life. I'll end this pseudo-update on an upbeat note and quip: in my (new) circle of friends I'm actually considered the guy with the cool hair..... EDIT -- also, my scar....which I'm pretty sure had stretched a bit....and also didn't seem to be progressing much even as far as month 8...RADICALLY different (for the better) in the months since.....come January 8th @ my 1yr mark I expect a solid scar.....fwiw, I was never terribly concerned about my scar...for a variety of reasons....
  10. Bit peculiar.....combed down his hair looks as dense if not denser than mine in like-conditions. Under most conditions, and all the conditions that truly matter, my hair looks perfectly dense -- however, I can make it appear quite thin quite easily. Repo, you mention a certain area having little to no growth? You may very well be a slow-grower, which is always the best case if you are feeling like growth is lagging; I'd also recommend keeping your hair totally dry and then styling it forward, creating a layering effect.
  11. Missed this thread.....the work looks sweet as everyone else has said, and you've healed remarkably! Look forward to seeing your end-result, though prolly not as much as you!
  12. Is there any sort of consensus on fin EOD? I guess with specific respect to efficacy and then sexual side-effects....Cooley, apparently, is pro-EOD.
  13. I haven't encountered a doctor who has reported one case of "permanent ED" -- and I've talked to quite a few, and all but one had 0 interest in selling me fin. I've gone through episodes where I truly felt fin was hampering my "libido"....I've been proven wrong each time, ultimately, and it was other factors. Either way, it's extremely rare to have any such side-effect, let alone one that isn't reversible.
  14. Have any pics to post? You would get some good feedback. So, you basically have more hair, but it's not cosmetically what you had expected at this point?
  15. You are in a solid position. Based off of what I see and more importantly what you've said.....get on fin ASAP and live it up!
  16. No personal experiences that I know of -- Bruce aside. I recall him posting some of his work (mostly immediate post-ops, if I remember aright) and it didn't look too good. But, grown out results are what matters and I don't recall ever seeing one that looked bad, so.....I'd def just do a lot of research into him if you are interested, and others to compare!
  17. If I remember aright, your hairloss is exceedingly mild....you should be able to do a buzz of your choosing and wear it nicely in that regard. I def wouldn't bic it unless you've lost all ground with the meds and taken serious hits recently....
  18. Hahaha, maybe that came off a bit harsh....but, in the interest of the thread's continuation and my suggestion it makes the most sense to narrow the players down to Feller/Grey!
  19. Same thought sprung to mind; but, IMO, Valencia is actually too coherent and intelligent to be the people I think your thinking of!
  20. Because the thread is now, principally, a debate between Dr. Feller and GreyHunk (I don't think Valencia is being taken seriously in the context of this thread and the spirit of it) I'd say Dr. Feller and GreyHunk should reach a mutual agreement to either continue, and, if not, I could see locking it. Part of the "agreement" should also, IMO, include a streamlining of the core point and issue they are raising to help any continued debate be more apprapo. EDIT -- it's been a very interesting thread to say the least, and considering the level of complexity and passion put into it I think it's been quite civil.
  21. Armani was as a scumbag con-pimp long ago -- this contract, and the other information that has slowly but surely been seeping forth cements it. It's shocking to see how brazen Armani was in executing his web of deceit, however; no doubt, when he has punk-minions like Farrel it makes him feel more secure, if not godly. Shane, Pats, Gac, MMA and the rest were drenched with slime and I commend all those who took it upon themselves to stay on that cesspool and fight them.
  22. Just when it appears GreyHunk's "uber"-scientific rap might have some bite.....oof.....gauntlet thrown.
  23. What exactly has been manipulated, and for what specific personal gain, with regard to negative Armani information "disappearing" on HLH? Also, it is rather ironic -- and inconsistent -- for you to label Farrel as "paranoid", and in one fell swoop make a backhanded implication that HTN has a diabolical programmer that hacked HLH. Whether HTN has a programmer based in S. Africa is totally tangential unless you have some searing knowledge into the matter that you are simply choosing to withhold.
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