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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. At 4.5 months I felt like I had had extremely little growth; by 6 months I may as well have been fully grown. Point being, it is both a gradual and lengthy process -- growing -- and to varying degrees we sprout at different rates.
  2. Both doctors are excellent, and would be using FUT/Strip on you, not FUE, which is a different extraction method. Wong certainly does larger session sizes, Shapiro is well-known for his hairlines. This isn't to say Wong doesn't do fantastic hairlines or that Shapiro can't do a large session. Your best bet is to consult with both and ask lots of questions and see lots of clear examples of work that mimics what you would be getting done.
  3. All recommendations seem to be for far too few grafts, IMO; I would shoot for 4k+. What are *your* goals for the surgery? Just the front, coverage everywhere, etc...
  4. The growth absolutely will continue to come -- better than you have yet to see!
  5. Both docs have equally solid feedback from the forum as far as I know. I'd recommend consulting with both, asking lots of questions, and comparing and contrasting their prognoses -- i.e. how many grafts, hairline placement, density, etc. Ask to see clear documentation (before, immediate post-ops, grown out afters) of cases that approximate yours. It's really tough to do too much research!
  6. PGP, either I plead myself ignorant or I cop to tinkering with the the monthly HTN elections...not good either way!
  7. I've noticed that some docs use ~.7 (e.g.) custom blades, whereas others utilize .9-1+ (e.g.)custom blades. Is it logical to follow the intuition of "the smaller the better"? Doctor skill always reigns paramount when discussing something like this, or loupes/scopes, but assuming doctors of "equal" ability, is there any reason why smaller blades/incisions is not optimal? And, are there actual attributes for using the larger blades like I referenced (other than, perhaps, it is easier for a doc...which isn't to say that is the worst thing in the world)?
  8. Lookin' good so far, and the ensuing 4months should be real exciting! I 2nd the H&W reference on the post-op pics; never noticed it before, but *very* similiar look.
  9. "if it did not get any better than it is now after only 7 weeks i would be over the moon."
  10. Hey, thx again, appreciated! Anyways, I used dermmatch/nanogen up until 6months. It was around then that it hit me that I could attain very good coverage, and enough density to add a bit of style, "au naturale". I think I still have pics of my head freshly buzzed down right after I got my staples out -- in my weblog...if not, I'll search around for them and hook you up w/ 'em. Mistake I made: did it myself! I gave myself a pretty uneven buzz, which was too tight in some areas, not tight enough in others....that said, it looked alright, and, importantly, over the course of the next ~2 weeks it got *exponentially* better. I'd recommend two concealers to hit the scar with -- couvre and nanogen. And def get someone to do the deed for you if you can. Most likely, something will still look amiss; that is, it won't look 100% seamless, but it should look pretty good and def not be a raging "OMG COSMETIC SURGERY SCAR". Aside from that, be real...assiduous....in your treatment of the recipient/donor region, as I am sure you already are, and you should be in pretty good shape. Buzzing is def the way to go IMO once the sutures/staples go out...
  11. Objectively, the fact that people's intellectual reputations and even moral codes are being heavily questioned if not eviscerated -- not by vicious emotion, but by scientific debate -- is leading to my continual amazement that the said people associated with it will not even make an appearance.....I can't help but wonder if they feel their prescence would only lead to *further* deconstructing of half-truths and quackery.....I honestly can not think of anothe reason at this point; but, of course, the door still remains open.
  12. What arrogance and gall to think this information would not come to light and that it would continue to be purposefully withheld and remain in the shadows. I wondered why he kept dodging the calls to either accept a new position of truth or man up and espouse an actual defense for the refutations repeatedy stated.....!
  13. Wow....something *did seem a bit suspicious during the "song and dance" of you educating and refuting while he dodged directly engaging with the many points being discussed. Couldn't quite put my figure on it, but this may very well be "it".... Bravo, bravo...
  14. First, congratulations on such minor hairloss, especially considering you began having losses @ 20. That said, I would guess 1400-2000 grafts would set you absolutely straight. Strip procedure. Your best bet is to do some consults -- live or online -- with a few really esteemed clinics.
  15. I've felt this for months, but last night cemented my suspicions -- our next president is going to have *quite* the hairline.... McCain needs to radically alter his outward perceptions on the economy AND Palin needs to be unleashed and perform. Even w/ the aforementioned I'm not sure there is much of a chance, but, perhaps, a fighting shot depending on turnout of my fellow, youthful compatriotes.
  16. Glad to hear everything has went so well! That is a nice chunk of change you've gotten transplanted now! Did Dr. Gabel take any documentation of your recent op?
  17. Either LLLC works or it doesn't. Extremely cogent, comprehensive analysis and demonstration has been presented that it doesn't. If it doesn't, and the seemingly overwhelming evidence against it can not be rebutted, how can we deem those who advocate it as anything less than naive or unethical? This is why I find the amazing abscence of those who *do* advocate -- if not sell -- LLLC's services an absolutely absurd joke. Dr. Mohmand is the lone exception, but surely those other doctors who hawk LLLC as well have something else and additional to add....
  18. Very interesting; just goes to show you how many different ways a duplicitous person (even "doctor") can go about tampering with true result-documentation.
  19. Looks great, man! Glad to hear your experience went so well, and it certaintly looks that way too! You'll be a hairy beast pretty soon.
  20. I wonder if the advocates of LLLT are cognizent of this thread; and, if so, I wonder what their reactions are, in addition to their lack of participation.
  21. Our next president will have quite the hairline......
  22. As it has been for quite some time, your hair looks great! Congrats, once again, and best wishes as you move forward!
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