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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. Nope; as far as I know, no performance supplement has a negative reaction when paired w/ fin. Some performance supplements can have negative reactions in and of themselves, of course...
  2. Price absolutely does not have a major correlation to quality; really, much like location, price should not be a primary factor in the decision-making process. It should be principally about quality and consistency, and you research should lead you to the doctor that you feel the most comfortable with who can satisfy the demands of quality and consistency to the highest level for your given case! EDIT -- btw, how short are you planning on buzzing? I just ask in reference to the strip-scar you will have to contend with.
  3. You are a repair; but you are a very simple repair. In the scope of the outstanding "repair jobs" I have seen performed, you are ripe for an *amazing* outcome. Your best bet at this point is to do some consults (live or online); given your location, you can do several live, given your proximity to doctors. Shockloss -- temporary shockloss is really quite unpredictable; permanent shockloss should not be an issue. Again, I'd heartily recommend doing several consults; ask lots of questions; compare prognoses; see what's what!
  4. Congrats! Glad it has gone so well, and no doubt you are set up for a great result! Rest up, and get us hair-mongers some pics when ya can!
  5. Quite possibly quote of the year, and I just spit up a mouthful of Rockstar energy drink! The hilarity aside, it's a stinging comment because of the truth it is referencing. This laser business reminds me of "white-color" crime; it is't as vicious as some butcher; it isn't as glaringly horrible; but it's still a crime and people should be held accountable, just as people are being deluded, taken advantage of, and harmed.....financially.....emotionally....!!?? This affliction is already tough enough; and this industry already has enough stains; muddying already murky waters shouldn't be accepted. If the opinions expressed in this thread are incorrect, by all means they should be corrected. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but in this instance it's far-outweighed by sheer, deafening silence.
  6. One more tangental bit of info, as it relates to you shaving your head and my "EDIT".....a compromise-like position that I have considered (not that I could/would do it now), would be to use a FUE session (possibly 2-3, but maybe just 1), and via FUE create a buzz-specific framing of the face......not a perfect solution, but some food for thought....
  7. Sorry to hear of your plight. That said: 1.) Absolutely, and it can work well; the key is extrordinary moderation and delicasy when applying. Nanogen and dermmatch work best, and I would actually say as a stand-alone the latter works best in this unique circumstance. 2.) Not totally sure, but I'm pretty sure I've experienced similiar. 3.) I'm sure there is; best bet, unless someone here recommends one in particular, is to run some "google" searches and look for seller-rating reviews. Rogaine foam is by far the best treatment out there, propecia (and avodart) aside, and the foam is it's best form. 4.) When I buzzed my head I got a lot of "wtf" reactions from people; at the same time, a few people said I looked alright like that, and, in retrospect, I did look OK. A key if you do buzz your head that low is to make sure your surrounding aesthetics are paired up well -- that is, your dress, even your demeonor.....like it or not, there are pre-conceived notions that go along w/ buzzing your head for most people, and you will be generally seem as a more....."aggressive"...."independent".....type of person....my opinion based upon observation, of course. EDIT -- my HT, while not yet complete, has been a huge success, and a boon for me, no doubt; but, to be totally honest, if my mind/spirit/emotions were once what they currently are, hair aside, I would give serious consideration to simply buzzing my head, "move on" (read: accomplish shit and live), and go from there....of course, it's supremely easy for me to sit here now and say this.....
  8. Would be quite possibly be a drug/pill, like propecia, as opposed to a topical like minox/rogaine. Best bet is to give propecia/fin a try; give it a few weeks, assuming you aren't one of the extreme rarities and you don't experiene side effects, $ aside (and you can use proscar, which is a cheaper version of finasteride), it's a great treatment option against MPB. Also, I wouldn't say that getting a HT forces you to use fin -- not at all.
  9. Well, for the sake of succintness and expressing my subjectivity, I just listed 5. By all means, look into Epstein, particularly if he interests you; consult w/ him, survey documentation of patient results, etc.
  10. Glad everything has went so well to date! Any pics to share so we can oggle you metamorphosizing-locks!?
  11. If water did cause hairloss I would have to think it would be totally disparate from actual MPB; whatever hairloss was triggered by water would be something akin to a temporary shed. That said, if I had to bet, I'd agree that the "hairloss" was more a matter of perception and randomness.
  12. I also picked up on something funky about Obama during his O'Reilly interview; then again, it could just simply be the stench of his policies and I'm simply projecting that onto his mop!
  13. lolBalody! I picture it being said w/ this wry, dead-pan sense of humor.....too funny, too funny... Good idea on the video interviews, btw, that'l be a very solid asset to their profiles.
  14. Ya, that's true; I'm just curious that if it's a peer review, which peers get to vote and/or how many appox. do end up voting...?
  15. "Money and distance is not an issue" A wise, and fortunate, decision to come to! Not having seen actual pics of you, it sounds like receiving a righteous, dense-packed hairline w/ refined temple points is key. Best advice is to start sifting through online photo galleries of patients who have gotten similiar work, get a few consults (live or online), compare prognoses, and ask the doctors for clear examples of work that most closely mimic what you'd be getting done. Like most anything, opinion comes into play, and thus so does subjectivity. As for who *I* would recommend you start looking into those aforementioned consults with: H&W, SMG, Rahal, Alexander, Feller. They have all been "vetted" by this site, and are regular contributors of clear, impressive patient results that have been posted on this site, and others for public scrutiny and review. EDIT -- this isn't to say you shouldn't look at other docs, as well; in fact, ideally, I would say you should look into as many docs as is possible!!!!!
  16. I was wondering who adjudicates/decides the winners. "These awards recognize outstanding achievement in basic scientific or clinically-related research in hair pathophysiology or anatomy as it relates to hair restoration." This would include, if not highlight, research into cloning, HM, (FUE) tools, etc.?
  17. Best of luck, and be sure to keep us posted as you progress!
  18. eeezzzzzzz, let's not rock the boat too much; if I want to believe we evolved from chimps and are now causing apocolyptic "global-warming" let's work through my issues in a different ring. That said, I would pay big to get running commentary of Dr. Feller during an episode of Hannity&Colmes....
  19. Great write-up! The only thing missing is info on the many, luscious women roaming amidst all the luscious locks!
  20. Assuming you have selected a first-rate doctor and clinic to suit your needs, your concerns are not only reasonable, but they are totally FINE and you should not worry you much! The best thing I would say would be to look at multiple clear, close-up hairline shots of people; ideally, from the doctor you've chosen. If you can, see about meeting one 1-1, which is fairly common practice, if you are still not totally satisfied that the "naturalness" can be there. As for the 2nd-Q, it's tough to say. With regard to the quality of the hairs -- the recipient area -- I would say "no". Taking into consideration the scar, which can vary, possibly? As a stylist, though, they should be well-versed in HTs and I would be shocked if anyone brought it up *knowing* you had a HT; if it was brought up, it would be more than likely an innocent, innocuous question, and you could either tell the truth or say "old injury", and leave it there.
  21. Hey, if we replaced Snake Oil -- literally -- for ever time LLLC is mentioned, would *anything* change in our reactions and responses? The people advocating it? The people objecting to it? Is it the fact that "lasers" and "lights" and "therapy" have been verbally conjoined together that we allow ourselves to emotionally gravitate towards trusting this "scientific", "cool", "refined"......"treatment"?
  22. Ding, Ding...just don't let 'em rope-a-dope ya and gas out too early Dr. Feller! **popcorn ready to be nuked and watch the bouts....
  23. It absolutely can be done. The largest sessions I have heard of, btw, have been 6k and even 7k+ (look up LondonLad, I believe he fell in this range). Your scalp's laxity, your donor area's density, and the willingness/ability in a doctor's strip excision and closure are the factors that come to mind in your "what determines whether or not this can be done". Make no mistake, either way, that 6k and 7k sessions are extremely rare -- but entirely possible and potent when they have been done from all I've seen, and the stars are alligned (right laxity, right density, right doc).
  24. 1xNW works for basic coverage, IMO, but when you start gearing up for actual density, unless you have +caliber hair charachteristics, I believe you need an increasingy larger number in the _xNW equation. Also, when you start to get into NW5/NW6dom, the severity of your particular condition is huge -- especially w/ regard to how focused it is on yer crown, and how large that crown is. Bill is a solid example: he had a really vast, barren crown if I remember aright, and average hair charachteristics; he also had about 7500 grafts (maybe 7700-7800ish); he was able to achieve an amazing transformation w/ good density in the hairline, but a slightly thinned crown region. If he were stripped out (which he isn't), FUEing himself out would be an *ideal* solution and could probably fill in his crown, finishing off his MPB for all intensive purposes.
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