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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. PGP, 250 "measly" grams? My quadrupple-order of eggwhite flatbreads at Dunkin'Donuts every morning practically matches that!!!!! I'm in the middle of my 1000rep bicep-curl routine so I should prolly' get back to...
  2. Thx Dew -- I just got back from meeting w/ Dr. Feller and was floored when I saw the pre-ops he took...so much more vicious than I had even thought. Such non-existant hair in my entire frontal 1/3rd, a small scattershod of whispy, minitiurized hairs aside. Got some more pics taken, and some video -- hopefully it'l transplant well onto this site....badoomching!
  3. Never heard of him; that said, he looks "OK". That said, "looking" OK is not good enough when dealing w/ a major life decision. In your consult did he show you extremely clear before, immedate post-op, and after pics? Particularly, cases that closely resemble the one he is recommendin for you? Finally, irregardless of the answer to those questions, I'd highly recommend conulting w/ at least one more clinic -- be it online or live -- and cross-examine the prognosis you receive. Shop around, so to speak. Don't rush; do your due diligence; get the great result you want and deserve.
  4. Azza, Have you considered going back for a larger session (not that Rahal would foot the bill for the whole thing) to address as much as can be done in the next pass?
  5. Evens' KO-kick to that wrestler -- think his name is "Salmon" -- was really sweet....IMO, give Wandy another fight/win, then pair him w/ Rashad for a titleshot.
  6. This is the main reason I stopped using Toppik; conversely, when I tried Nanogen as a last-ditch effort for that breed of concealer it worked like a charm. I also found Nanogen to cling to the hairs in a superior way (i.e. a little went a longer way). I really think Nanogen is the king of concealers, and I've tried them all and applied them a ridiculous number of times. The ultimate, if you have the time or need the boost, is proper Dermmatch application followed by Nanogen -- but, Nanogen alone, for sheer convenience and utility is tough to beat.
  7. Ya, srry bout that -- my album got mistakenly deleted....my weblog should have all the early shots, though, including pre-ops; I think the only one it doesn't have is another pre-op that REALLY shows how truly little hair I had in my entire frontal third. It should also have my latest group of outdoor shots that are on pages 4/5 here. Once I get to 12 months, if not sooner, I will re-assemble the gallery; that said, I may go see Feller again around then (I'm going this thursday) and I am sure he will take excellent documentation including comparison-shots.
  8. As usual, Bill is being exceedingly professional and diplomatic. That said, re-reading the quote above is disturbing and it's a cheap jab that smacks of something a political cronie would say to obscure truth and displace responsibility. Not something I, and I am sure many, would expect from not only a doctor but a doctor whose work Bill has taken the time to vouch for..... The last post could have just as easily contained the pics which the patient basically already gave his approbation on to be posted; the situation would have been diffused, and the community (Bill included) would have given a completely "objective opinion". Oh ya, and nobody would have really cared much if the patient or John Doe waxed poetic on Meshkin's credentials and pumped him up like a blimp. But the response that came out, and the quote in particular, is almost comical in that it is so far from the truth; but, in a field where truth is already assaulted from so many sources, there really cannot be much tolerance for anything that seeks to obscure it.
  9. "Bill, I have tried to have my clients more involved on this forum and I know pat wants the doctores and their clients to get more involved but unfortunetly you have made it difficult for other patients to come forward and share their experience." ..... For real?
  10. Congrats on your selection; I also got 3k grafts to my frontal 1/3rd (relatively recently). It's amazing to have an actual hairline and w/e "dark days" you *might* go through will be *well* worth it! You are going w/ an elite clinic that does great hairlines; you'll be in good hands. If you are really nervous that day ask him about giving you a valium or something. Other than that, just be giddy about the hugely positive step you are taking! The hard part will be post-op and you are counting the seconds till' you have a sweet doo.
  11. You basically want a doctor who can densepack at high levels and do large session sizes; when you talk to the doctors, ask them specifically at what density they can and would be willing to do w/ you.
  12. Hey, Propecia/Rogaine can cause a "shed" (you go through sheds w/o these too); the shed is actually a sign of positivity, as the the meds are doing their job to strengthen if not regrow your hair. How likely? Tough to say, but you should be prepared for it -- and it isn't too difficult to prepare. Just be aware that it is for the greater good and you are taking a positive step -- that said, it is only the rare shed that really causes someone grief. Propecia was officially tested w/ an efficacy for the crown and vertex; same for rogaine/minox, I believe. That said, this doesn't mean that growth elsehwere (including the hairline) is excluded; in fact, there is a good deal of evidence that, especially when combined, propecia/rogaine can regrow hair in the front. Def can take both at the same time, and it is recommended to boot. The cost of a HT is very relative -- all depends on the session size and doctor, if not *type* of procedure. It isn't one size fits all. Generally, though, you would be looking at 10k for a large but not gargantuan session. Australian docs -- I can personally only think of bad ones. IMO, be prepared to travel and make a nice vacation out of it while taking advantage of the US dollar!
  13. Unfortunately, I think for quite a few it is because they aren't fully satisfied w/ their results -- to a much lesser degree on this forum, but on a few other forums in particular it is no doubt because of dissatisfaction and a certain sense of shame in "copping" to making a poor decision. Most, though, just move on. In my opinion, there is a certain degree of superficiality that pervades this online arena. You have, of course, the aesthetic conquest that we all seek to sate -- a rather superficial thing in and of itself. To go a step further, our conquest is something that truly effects *us* and only "us", and it effects us each in a unique way. Perhaps, because of the aforementioned, I find there to be a prevailing theme of wanting *to get* as opposed to wanting *to give*. So, we (i.e. most) seek out to soak in as much information as possible to address our oft crippling ailment -- an ailment that really has a birth and life that hits us indvidually. What do we do one we make *the* decision that borders a cure? Move back into the realm of conventional reality, or stick around a stigmitized e-community where so many come to simply receive and take the time to actually give? The choice for most is clear.
  14. Baldness (in some cases) is a flaming physical abnormality that violates our God-given notion of self; it is out of our control much like a disease to boot. I'm not sure if I would actually call MPB a disease w/o some jest, but I don't see it as being too far off when you consider it's implications. Also, we have to define true baldness -- part of which is that a buzzed and even balded head is not in and of itself baldness as we classify it by MPB in an advanced form. The contours of a normal follicular state, let alone the trails of a legit hairline is NOT "baldness", and a guy w/ the aforementioned who just so happens to buzz/shave his head is NOT "bald".
  15. Consider our opinions, but use our particular information to make your own! Start doin' yer consults!
  16. lolBalody... Brian, lookin' solid and tis' a' brewin' -- keep keeping us posted!
  17. Never ceases to amaze me... If you could wait another year or two, I may be going from the outhouse to the penthouse and given my proclivity for charity would most likely pay your buy-in. Seriously (though I was serious), www.prosper.com is your (potential) salvation. Thank me later.
  18. Man, I really wish I coulda made the trip; I've been meaning to take a trip to Canada in general, to boot.... Always next year -- enjoy!
  19. The next three may be the hardest in terms of anticipation, but the best in that once done the gravy will start flowing!
  20. I'm guessing here, but I'd say you have extremely minimal hairloss and that combined with your age no good doctor would work on you at this point. That said, I'd post some clear pics here or do a consult with a clinic or two if you are really worried. They are generally free and the advice excellent. Also, as already mentioned, look into propecia/finasteride and rogaine/minox 5% foam.....ideally, you'd get on these ASAP, hope to stabalize your loss if not regrow your hair, and in a year's time re-evaluate your situation. 2cents
  21. IMO, you need to discuss this in detail with your doc and have him examine you; I get the sense you don't have full confidence in your doc (I may be wrong), in which case you can and maybe should consult w/ a different (100% trustworthy) clinic and see what they have to say. Otherwise, I'd really just do what you can to post some clear pics here. For determining which hair is HT hair....it'd be like shooting in the dark for me to comment, but I'd guess that at 10months some of the HT hairs still might have a certain "kinkiness"...possibly.....
  22. Easssssssy there, killer! Hey, I actually feel more anxiety now over my wardrobe for when I see Feller next week than how lush my temple points are!
  23. Not sure of him; that said, be very wary of going to anybody who isn't using totally modern, transparent tecniques. It may be optimal if you were to even wait on the HT if it meant you being able to travel to go to a good, trusting clinic/doc!
  24. Ugh, sorry to hear.....it sounds like your doc is basically saying that you suffered an extrordinary case of permanent shockloss, so much so that it basically nullefies every transplanted hair he gave you. I'm trying to imagine such a scenario and it isn't really adding up that well to me. I'd echo Spex's ?s....also, how many grafts did you get and how would you charachterize your loss and how much native hair you had in the region(s) where grafts got implanted?
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