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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. Callin' us "gay" again, Richie? One more time and I'll act like the girlie-man you seem so keen on calling us and pull the hairs of that freshly-grown crown of yours!!!!
  2. Your coming along nicely, man! And w/ the dermmatch you really are quite the deceiver!
  3. Always, all of my pics are in this thread (6 and 7 months) and my weblog, which has some very early pix. Actually, I do have 4 month and/or 5 month floating around somewhere...I'll look into getting a hold of it and posting them here for ya! My 5month shots if I remember aright showed clear growth, and even in the outdoor shots I really had very good coverage. It was around this time that I ditched the concealer and went around "au naturale" haha.... Spex, careful now, I might just have to wear this badboy when I see The Man himself in a week!
  4. Your best bet is to consult w/ another doc or two -- see what they have to say. Personally, from looking at your pics I would absolutely get on propecia/rogaine as mentioned, and give it a year. Continue to do research in the meantime.
  5. Simpleton, go strike a double-bicep pose w/ your friends, your schtick is no good here.
  6. I don't doubt it; but, it also wouldn't be the first time a dude came 'a cryin' over too much density!
  7. Congrats and best of luck! Local anesthesia -- so you were out cold or you were just so doped up you don't remember anything? I thought "general anesthesia" was being actually KO'd and put to sleep, and local was just like drinking a dozen brews.... Either way, as Bill said, def do a weblog and/or post some pics when you can; I was really hesitant at first, but once you do the first few you realize what a facile process it is and it becomes something of a habit.
  8. It's 'a brewin', it's 'a brewin'... You should have a righteous result -- the best advice I could give you is to be PREPARED for extreme density so you don't come on her crying and Rahal gets deplored once again for giving disgustingly dense locks.
  9. I certaintly look forward to the photos; I just hope they don't portray Meshkin-invented micro-grafting!
  10. *sigh*....The Master Strikes Back: Episodes 1000048382....? You are still farly early in the grand scheme of things, though, so let's hope you are just a slow grower and this isn't the symptom of a much larger problem (i.e. your clinic and their methods/ethics). That said, regardless of how good your yield and result ends up being, you should get improved growth in the coming months.
  11. Looks great; excellent coverage for a modest # of grafts!
  12. Looks good; as said, this should boost your overall density in a modest but impactful manner and give you the look you want! Keep us posted, and I hope this 3rd op finishes off your lust for hair.
  13. Damn, dude, vsorry to hear.... Has it been discussed why the infection has come about and/or why it has become so powerful? Specifically, is this a result of something virtually unavoidable, or is there some sort of maltreatment -- intention or unintentional -- on your part or the clinics? Did the doctor identify what exactly this "infection" is? Has your dermatologist? What's done is, of course, done...at this point, all you can do, and all I can say, is to go see a good dermatologist ASAP and talk w/ your doctor ASAP and gather as much specific information as possible and make the best decision for treatment, which I assume is connected to the survival of your grafts.
  14. Glad to hear your HT went so well; pics would be great, nonetheless so they can be oggled by myself and others! Also, I haven't slept in a day and may have a rare form of ice-cream induced fuzziness, so don't take this judgement as absolute by any means, but "inventing micro grafts" doesn't seem like the greatest accolade -- at least not in this day and age -- and I'm not so sure how "current" it is. Meshkin has showns some clean work and I am sure he doesn't rely on micros/minis; but, if you are referring to micros as the current gold standard (i.e. "ultra-refined follicular units") it is new news to me that Meshkin invented 'em.
  15. Feeling bad b/c my last batch of pics weren't the best (not that they were all bad ), I couldn't resist taking some pics recently because it was so glaringly sunny..... N.B. I had just spent the past three hours in a dungeon of a boxing gym so possibly it wasn't really that sunny but more an issue of perspective....either way, damn, I couldn't help but grimace as I took one for the team when I just wanted to get inside my apartment. N.B.2 From the moneyshot angle you can tell where my hair is thinnest; it can fluctuate quite a bit "simply" depending on how I adept I style that region, and also the length of hair. N.B.3 Damn2, I keep re-occuring w/ this shirt in pics I take -- probably just forced myself into making a sub-conscious note to wear the same thing when I see Dr. Feller in a few weeks.
  16. Looks great and it will only get better; you've come an extremely long way! How do you find the density behind the hairline to be?
  17. Young-s, good to see you around. Anyways...my parents both know....and two friends -- one of whom actually was able to decipher I was going in for it (mainly because he himself had had a HT), and another I told because the nature of our relationship required a high degree of transparency. Plus, it felt good telling some trustworthy people and made the recovery period a lot more enjoyable. EDIT -- depending upon how things progress the next ~6months I may or may not be even more open about the HT. It has been such a positive; though, I figure I will always be rather secretive about it due to the stigmas associated with it.
  18. The war waged between truth and dishonesty is infinite. Niko and her company have the capacity to operate a computer so I doubt they actually believe these sporadic campaigns of smear and grime do much good; but, w/ forums like this, w/ such transparent patients and doctors paving the way for subsequent generations, what else can they really do but lash out like a wounded animal from time to time? If anyone wants to commit suicide I suggest they hold their breath waiting for the...breathtaking...photos....
  19. Have you been dilligent in cleansing/maintaining the area (per your doctor's instructions)? I'd snap a couple clear shots if it's convenient for you and post 'em here.
  20. Ya, I too was 22 when I had my HT. If you want to ever talk about the....."age-specific"....dillemas, concerns, factors, etc., that go along w/ it shoot me a PM and I'd be more than happy to discuss and share my thoughts and knowledge. FWIW, I obv chose Dr. Feller and would give you my opinions if asked, but I wouldn't push a doc simply for the sake of pushing a doc, and certaintly not if it wasn't relevant to w/e your query might be.
  21. Hah....Richie, reallyreally nice, man! The last series of photos and the prior pic really show off your result -- with the continued thickening you will receive your result will be mint. For "only" 2100 grafts, too, a crown result like this is def encouraging.
  22. Let's keep politics out of the picture, guys, before too much info is revealed and Dewayne ends up becoming my life-hero!
  23. Your researching well, Adam -- keep it up! Being only 22 it is even easier to fall prey to an inferior clinic and get duped. w/ HDC, like PGP mentioned, most (if not all) of the best work I've personally seen from them has been from Dr. Michaels (or Micheles, something like that).
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