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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. I missed the "request", also, my first readthrough, like Adrian clearly did, and thought it sounded a bit tacky -- or backhanded as Adrian thought. Dr. Carmen is a stand-up guy, and it came as no surprise to see the "request" on 2nd notice, and his responses showed (predictable) poise and class.
  2. always, thx -- you will "catch up"... I was just scoping out NNs (NervousNellys) documentation and while he wasn't a quick grower he was what matters most when all is said and done -- a GOOD grower! And he isn't unique in that regard. I look forward to seeing your growth...hey, and I just realized....you are EXTREMELY young; I'm a good 6 weeks ahead of you, which at our time frame is a world of time. At 5 months I felt like I had little growth....then but 4 weeks later I was blown away....in the ~6 weeks since my growth seems to have slowed a bit, but I notice better density and maturation. It's a tumultuous cycle but if done right it will get you to where you should be.... FYI I will be having the good Dr. Feller do my 8month documentation to....assuage...the Richie's of the world with their PERFECTPERFECT pictures... Really, I look forward to it -- like I pre-warned, my last batch of pics weren't the best, but I thought a couple were legit and the rest were better than nothing.
  3. Make sure to report back w/ graft counts and what movies you watched while women worked their mitts over your head!
  4. Hahaha, what the....hahaha.....the backround looks like it was taken in Dr. Feller's office too -- weird...ya, let's remove that badboy! When I update my weblog I'll do the same..!
  5. Spex, stop harassing me to get pics taken! Richie, don't mind at all -- you are the maestro of pics, after all. That pic all the way on the left though isn't me...hmmm hahaha....it looks oddly familiar, though....weird.... Seriously, I will be making the trip to see Dr. Feller to get pics/vids...prolly' will make the call today to try to make an arrangement for Sept. 8th! I no longer have my digital camera so I've been relegated to using the iphone -- bleh. Wanthairs, thx man....I can't wait to see the (completion?) of your journey!!
  6. Excellent looking work on the crown from Rahal; I don't blame you for being ecstatic. Your hair caliber doesn't even seem that great...I think anyone would take your result (area/graft#) in a nanosecond.
  7. You are going to be lush like a forrest in the middle of July.
  8. Got any pics m8? Glad to hear it has gone so well so far!
  9. Haha, that's hilarious man -- and it would also be a great tradition! Magnums and BlueSteels....hahaha..... But ya, crowns are tricky, indeed; other than Shuffle, I've never seen a complete crown restoration that got back "great" density. It seems like it is an "illusions game" moresoe than ever. Combined w/ growing slowly the changes can be so gradual and subtle -- but they add up, of course, to a sweet outcome, which I'm sure will really compliment your look. I just snapped an outdoor shot moneyshot, btw, which I'll throw out now: http://img177.imageshack.us/my.php?image=miscpix2002cx5.jpg Also, the biggest thing I've noticed from month 6 to 7 is that my hair looks good in more circumstances...s8 out of the shower, towel dried, in the morning, etc etc. More consistently superior.
  10. HairClub4Men, Bosley, DHI, MHR, Ms. Sahj Khan. "it depends on what HT needs are" -- so true...especially w/ the crown, IMO, it seems like the Wild Wild West at times in securing a great result.
  11. I understand yer motivation, but honestly, id bet dollars to donuts that the remarks would have been identical if you hadn't concealed identities. If anything, I think there would have been additional hopeful praise. In any event, detailing your journey is crucial, and if things stay the course your end result may very well be a testament to the good work of this particular doctor. Whether or not a given individual goes to Hasson or Brett Bolton, MORE patients will end up going to both docs irregardless. So, we all wish every doctor to be performing the best work possible -- when I and others recommend certain docs over others, it is because we want anyone and everyone to have the best possible chance at receiving the best possible result.
  12. LOL balody. i am almost always....judicious () when i scan my pics to make sure there are no Blue Steels that found there way in. I think I know the pic you are thinking of though; I'd say it was more of the "huh, im a dumbass and am confused"-look of Zoolander as opposed to the all-powerful Blue Steel, but I could be wrong and there is a fineline indeed! hahaa....how are you coming along? dont grow too much hair or the jason statham references might stop!
  13. Interesting; why no DFU's in the crown, or is it "simply" because of the way the hair exits the scalp? Also, do you believe that the negatives and positives of DFUs are not clear cut? That is, it is never necessarily "BEST" to use or not use them and is totally conditional and dependent....relating to the specifc doctors' m.o. and the patient?
  14. Thx dude, it has truly changed my life. HTs change our looks, but they principally change our human interaction which fundmentally changes our personas and quality of life. Since the HT I am simply a much happier person, and I consider the price paid, the wait, the doubt, a very small price to pay, for sure. Since the 6-month mark I am outside a lot more in general, and I also started working out more and playing more sports again. The accumulation of even "small" improvements in daily living morphs into the power to make positive decisions and partake in positive experiences on the "bigger" things. This cycle has a snowballing effect. This is also why I am a rather big promoter of HTs in people who are more traditionally considered too young -- a person can only take so much and endure so much and live through so much before all those "small" and "big" things fundamentally change them. And, perhaps, not for the better.... But ya man, since I actually have started to GO OUT w/ my friends to bars, lounges, etc. etc. frequently it may be time to start stockpiling The Rise so I have the championship lasting power of The Ghost!
  15. Ah, right, you actually asked some questions, I forgot admist the fury of seeing you name The Horrible Three! Questions....ask the docs you consult w/, and the ones Dewayne mentioned would be excellent starts, to analyze your hairloss, rate your hair charachteristics, and ask them about how many grafts you immediately would require, and your overall gameplan. FYI -- Don't be surprised if one or two turn you down (for a HT), but one thinks it is totally fine.
  16. God yes, please....for your sake...."STAY AWAY!"....no joke bro, you just listed the single worst clinics I could possibly think of...and you live in an area rich with talented places....that are worlds better in every facet AND less expensive.... Research a lot; this site is excellent, research other sites if you feel uncomfortable looking at just one source....though, this "source" is really an amalgamation of various people from various places on earth....
  17. Just reviewd the pics, which I intended to just "appear", as opposed to being "clickable"....I always forget how to do this right....but ya, some of the pics aren't so hot, but I think a bunch are pretty legit and they get progressively better. Not my finest work, but such is life.
  18. 7-7.5 month update time! I never planned out a true update for this time period, but had been taking some impromptu shots and figured something would be better than nothing. I hope...? I used my iphone for all these, not my usual camera, fyi, so that might account for a lack in what I usually consider to be high quality of pics. I'm not so sure how these pics will "transplant" onto the site, but here goes.... *a couple of the pics are taken right after waking up after going to sleep with no product in my hair and are from <7months appox; the rest are w/ a styling cream at 7.5months. I find if I had a bit of a wax to my hairline it markedly improves perceived thickness, but it gets a bit unwieldy and not worth it to me most of the time to go through the trouble. I rarely go out anyways, so..... **hair is so malleable; my hair looks good most of the time under most conditions; my hair looks quite good much of the time under the most important conditions; my hair can look quite thin under some. Even the notorious money-shot....if I style my hair forward and just push up the hairline my perceived density is almost flawless; when I style my hair by spiking up the top it looks better from most angles, but in the money-shot perceived density is weakened. Anyways: http://img168.imageshack.us/my.php?image=miscpics014xk1.jpg http://img168.imageshack.us/my.php?image=miscpics015qw6.jpg http://img182.imageshack.us/my.php?image=miscpics016xd1.jpg http://img168.imageshack.us/my.php?image=miscpics006sc0.jpg http://img168.imageshack.us/my.php?image=miscpics007uz4.jpg http://img168.imageshack.us/my.php?image=miscpics017rl5.jpg http://img168.imageshack.us/my.php?image=miscpics018vi4.jpg http://img182.imageshack.us/my.php?image=miscpics021ny1.jpg http://img168.imageshack.us/my.php?image=miscpics022yl5.jpg http://img149.imageshack.us/my.php?image=miscpics020il0.jpg For month 8, perhaps, and definitely month 9 I will do a mondo-update with all the fixings.....wet, dry, forward, backwards, to the left, to the right, zigzagged....and, of course, copious outdoor shots, which I know I promised. My main difficulty in getting good outdoor shots is that *nobody* knows my involvement in this e-arena, and I haven't yet come up with a good schtick for a.) asking someone to take pics of my hair in various angles under the sun, and b.) how I feel about someone looking at me snap shots of my mop like a solopsitic narcissist w/ a perverse fetish for hair!
  19. Ya, Shapiro utilizing DFU's is certaintly enticing....I started a thread a while ago specifically inquiring into the +s -s of DFUs, particularly when used in the crown region. Bill made some good points I hadn't prior considered, but, unfortunately, I don't recall any juicy info get divulged by a clinic who is pro or vs.
  20. Spex, I *love* that type of exercise! Good stuff.....a personal favorite of mine is doing sledgehammer swings onto a tractor tire.... AMAZING for your core, obliques, conditioning, and mental conditioning.
  21. Definitely looks like you have improved coverage and the wispy hairs that once dominated the region now look to be quite thick! At but four months you are moving along nicely, for sure, and in another few you could be sporting a true lion's mane!
  22. I've always interpreted The Ugly Duckling as when your growth has not yet become tangible, and you are left with some combination (if not all) of the following: -- a scar -- recipient redness -- shockloss to either or both recipient and donor areas So, basically, to varying degrees, you are/look worse off than you did prior to the HT. It also would be occuring after you shed your luscious grafts that grace you with their prescence in a fleeting, teasing manner.
  23. Emp, careful there buddy, with a little deductive, SAT-esque reasoning you might give yerself away! Coach, what kinda of graft count are you contemplating, and how did this match up with what the docs you have listed recommended, and how does that match up with the results of said session sizes that you have seen from the said docs?
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