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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. Hmmm, I kinda agree w/ what's already been said..... Your case looks similiar to a poster -- "Richie"....balding pattern strikes me as very similiar and I think he had somewhere in the low-mid 2's for grafts.....his result, not as matured as yours, definitely seems like he got better coverage if I'm remembering aright. Richie takes pretty brutal pics too...perhaps it is the way you are "styling" your hair? I'm at a relatively young 7.5months, but my hair can look good under most conditions, great under some, but it can also look *quite* thin if I want it to be that way....
  2. The weightlifting you did is absolutely not the culprit -- take that to the bank. Anyways, sucks to hear you are shedding like Great Dane in the middle of July. If anything, it is ultimately a good thing, however, and whatever drug-induced shedding you are experiencing could be coinciding with the natural shedding we all go through. Best bet is to do what you can to make a habit out of not getting anal about it, constantly scoping out how many hairs have fallen, etc. Also, if it gets real bad you can always use a sprinkle or two of nanogen and PRESTO.
  3. Hmmm....I think a few things are going on here: Fallenstar has a dramatic result, which draws the interest of many; his pictures aren't the best, and to be honest, I thought some of them looked a bit "off". This doesn't mean I think he is wearing concealer, it could easily be lighting, camera, etc etc, but it honestly crossed my mind before I read ANY of the posts. This isn't the first time I've thought this, and it goes with the territory of poor photography that is pretty common. Pound4Pound, Fallen's pics really aren't horrible. But in tandem w/ what is already an ENTICING transformation, it certaintly piqued my interest, as I think it did Spex and others. I am w/ PGP that when I read the thread, I initially inferred that Spex was trying to uncover deception on the part of Farjo/Fallenstar, and it got to be a bit Cat Vs. Mouse w/ Fallenstar, which it really shouldn't be. The cloud of rivalry....bashing....and past transgressions....invariably seems to infuse any Farjo-related inquiry w/ unecessary emotion on at least one person's part, which in turn fuels others'. Maybe Spex was too aggressive; maybe Fallenstar should have taken better pics and been more forward when Spex initially inquired into seeing him. I agree w/ PGP's analysis and sentiment that Fallenstar should be treated like any other patient and be given all benefits of doubt until showed otherwise; I think Spex was eager...perhaps too eager....to remove all doubt. EDIT -- Fallenstar, I also wanted to say that your documentation of results, as is, is to be commended, and if I or anyone else seems a bit "bloodthirsty" it really is more an issue of being "folliclethirsty"!
  4. He can definitely hook you up w/ fin; I get a "ProPack" from him, and it is an automatic shipment of a 3month supply, which is really convenient. GL!
  5. It would be nice to know -- or have a good idea -- whether the "top 20" docs in the world are virtually equivolent, but it's really speculation until you see clear, (somewhat) extensive documentation of results. I've spent lots of time on lots of forums, and, even including various word-of-mouth votes of confidence that carry tremendous weight I could probably only name half that number (10). This doesn't mean the "top 20" aren't virtually equivolent, but the burden of proof is the other way around and this is why it is the norm for people to sing the praises of the usual few (H&W, Epstein, Feller, Cooley, SMG, e.g.) I would bet that the top 20 (if not many more) could deliver a good result; but especially when you begin dealing with large sessions sizes, which may often be optimal for certain people, and which are relatively new, it's a new ballgame. So, specific to your posts (which I gave a vauge answer to in anothe thread), I would feel initially more inclined w/ Epstein Vs. Limmer due to Epstein's transparency of results, particularly with greater graft counts, which you may want. 2cents
  6. It's really impossible to say; your best bet is to do consults with both of them and ask lots of questions and see lots of clear results. Dr. Epstein, however, certaintly has greater transparency of results in presenting them to the e-world. I say this having seen (maybe) one Limmer documentation....not to say he isn't a good doc.
  7. I live in CT, as well; the only Dr. in CT I would remotely consider is Cohen, who actually has been my dermatologist for a while. In any event, being in CT you are most likely very close to some excellent clinics that are <2 if not <1 hour drive away. Don't pick a Dr. quickly -- take your time, research, do consults!
  8. Shame that even with a growing lion's mane I still can't swing a decent chic! ;0
  9. By good I mean it is very moderate and looks relatively good -- that is, it sucks ass you are balding, but it really could be much much worse. And, as I figured, you can already conceal it well. As for that site....I have to be up very early so I gotta go to sleep soon....but please....please....please....do not go to some quack clinic like the one you linked. There is a monumental discrepency in the refinement, artistry, CONSISTENCY, expertise, and follow-up care -- at worst, the discprency can be profoundly life altering...and not always for the better. Start doing some research on clinics; most if not all of the best ones will do a legit consult with you on the house and impart you with w/e wisdom and advice they have.
  10. Extremely, extremely early in the game; I would not recommend even starting to evaluate growth/denity/etc. until you are ~6months out. And, even then, you are STILL extremely early in the game!
  11. When you do your consults, ask them at what density they have successfully transplanted, and ideally receive some pics.
  12. Hmmmm...I'd say ~1500, but it really depends on the type (read: how bold) of a hairline you and your doctor decide upon. I'd do some consults (live or online) with a few super-reputable clinics; give them a variety of good photos and see what they have to say. Your hairloss is relatively good, btw, as far as I can tell.
  13. lolpitiful...I hope you had fun writing up that post because its potency is right next to and behind zero.
  14. A lot of it depends case by case; how many grafts to the given balding area. Nonetheless, 7 months is early regardless. As a rule, if you have a sick result by 7 months it most likely means your end result will rock; if you don't have a sick result by 7 months it doesn't mean you won't. It is always best to be a strong, swift grower, but the it's the end game that matters most irregardless. No doubt, really minimal growth by 7 months is NOT a good thing and it SHOULD raise some concerns IMO, but no major/final judgements should be made. 10 months+ is a diff ballgame...
  15. Age is somewhat overblown IMO insofar as it relates to what you are truly working with; it is one factor out of many and not necessarily the most important. Family history, actual amount of loss, any discernable pattern, stabilization/meds, rate of loss, hair charachteristics, donor supply, finances, mental state, goals, how strongly your feelings are, et. al. need to be considered in tandem. I can't say whether or not you are too young or too old, but the fact that you've posted here, inquiring, probably means it isn't some outlandish idea, and you should certaintly seek further information, as already stated. Do some consults with some reputable clinics (live or online) and see what's what. You could also post some pics here and get some honest feedback.
  16. Certaintly, you need a larger(*competent*) team for the very large sessions you are interested in. H&W decidedly have the largest staff out of the docs you've mentioned -- in fact, they may very well have the largest team period. As for questions....try to get as specific as possible on what the prognosis is that yer receiving, and seek good cases to compare this to; be sure to compare/contrast any differences between clinics and don't be shy to inquire as to *why* X is being recommended over Y.
  17. Pshhh...all this talk about "finite donor", "graft survival", "yield"...pshhhhh.....just hop in the chair, pick a logical # and double it for grafts, and get ready to take some vauge or studio-lighted photos. Badabing badaboom.
  18. Like Bill mentioned, try to check out some patient results in person; also, do your consults and assess the gameplans and prognoses that you receive!
  19. Don't roll the dice and play russian roulette with your precious locks; go to a doctor with excellent transparency, can show clear cases of excellent work, and who you know will have your back from start to finish. Such a doctor does not work for MHR to my knowledge or the knowledge of anyone else that I know. Cooley and Charles like Dewayne mentioned are on a different level than any MHR or chain doc.
  20. I don't consider the HT some great failure, and you are a bit of a tricky case, but it certaintly seems like additional work is needed....especially for your age, which is a huge factor that should always be held in account for your gameplan of past, present, and future. I was under the impression that Rahal was going to do this "touch up" totally on the house, though... I guess not..... EDIT -- also, and most importantly, what did Rahal end up saying about you and the HT he peformed when he had a chance to closely examine your case?
  21. I wouldn't hold your breath in this case for a couple reasons (unless...). If and when a true breakthrough occurs, there is a good chance, from what I understand, that the.....application....of the newfound (cloned, multiplied, etc.) follicles will be similiar if not the same to current tecniques. So, what is happening is that your donor is getting augmented, but the surgery itself will remain the same -- except you may not have to every get a "strip scar". The one exception to this would be a marvelous pill that doesn't just STOP hairloss, but somehow regrows lost/dead follicles..... At the same time, if we had a vast if not infinite donor supply AND we had a strip scar, I would think the strip scar could for sure be remedied 'post facto'.... Anyways, with the exception of an advent in the expansion of donor -- and this could come from a form of FUE, if not cloning/HM -- it seems the current methodology has reached a pinnacle of sorts. The biggest question (though I think it's a relative easy one) is whether to flock to a BHT/mondo-FUE clinic now, or to wait *that* out.....
  22. The 4th-5th week was huge for me. After ~5 weeks I was looking alright; by the 2nd month I was looking the same as I did pre-op and with concealers I got "flawless" coverage. After the staples went out and I buzzed my head I looked poor, but w/ the perfect application of concealers I didn't look like I just had a hair-augmentation, or even surgery. More like I had a really shitty buzzcut -- which I in fact did! I had some shockloss, but this was remedied with concealers. Overall, I had an insane recovery....which could be just luck, but I also took great aims to make sure I was in the best possible condition to get a speedy, swift recouperation. On another forum I've seen some cases where it took 4-5+ months before looking the same as pre-op so there is definitely a spectrum and you should be prepared for both ends.
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