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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. Completely normal. If you can resist the urges, don't critically start evaluating your hair until you are 5+ months out. Even then, it can be dicy. I personally felt I had little to no growth at 5 months; but, when I compared pics it was clear I had had solid growth, and in but another month the difference was undeniable. Keep on truckin'. If you have really nice growth at 6 or even 5 months it is awesome, but it really is not the norm, and if you aren't "blessed" it doesn't mean your end result won't be blessed.
  2. Game. Set. Match. Bill by 2nd round TKO. Etc etc etc.
  3. Man...I'm somewhat an...."automobilophile"....I can imagine how luscious that gray phantom must have looked -- and a perfect compliment to the mint GT-C! Too cool.... Any chance of the good Christina and Husband making one of those bad boys the official car of H&W?
  4. Total troll, as I surmised from his other spewage....these cheap ploys of spin get disgusting.
  5. I'd go for it, unless making the haul would make a legit impact in your work regime; but, I think I'd (ideally) wait till I was closer to 6 months. Maybe make a cool road trip out of it and figure out something interesting to check out in Cooley's area....?
  6. This reeks of a "troll"...IMO....excellent answers by all, however; you have more patience than I!
  7. Lookin' good man; as I've felt for a couple months now, you are right on track. The next three months should include some more growth and a good deal of thickening, and then some nice finishing touches in the subsequent couple.
  8. Actually, one question I wouldn't mind seeing an answer to is if dermmatch/nanogen *could* truly retard, if not destroy, growth in an "extreme" situation....say, you applied a moderate+ amount, left it in for 50 hours, washed it out, and repeated etc etc.
  9. Bald Man's Burden strikes again.....we need to get some hired PR reps to make headway in tearing down the walls of stigma and irrationale that plauge us even as we try to seek natural solutions to our woes.....
  10. I used concealers religiously; in fact, I wasn't always washing them out nightly, either, just whenever I'd happen to be showering. Got a bit paranoid at one point and started seeking out answers to questions just like yours and it took some digging, but the concensus I came to was that short of caking your scalp and leaving them in for days on end I'd be fine. For the health of your scalp in general, however, I def think you should wash them out nightly, ideally. As you plan to be diligent w/ washing them out nightly, you should be 100% OK, and I would be truly surprised if someone said different.
  11. Hey, Sorry I didn't respond to yer post above, btw, I never caught it. Anyways, I think you are looking very good, and it wouldn't surprise me if you weren't looking really solid @ the 6th month. Just a bit longer and it will soon start to become all gravy.
  12. Getting "called out" for suddenly having too-too luscious, flowing locks is a luxurious problem, indeed! HTs are among the most noble and natural forms of cosmetic surgery out there; if it wasn't for all the quacks and (partially...) antiquated methodology there would be virtually zero stigma, imo. How breast implants have become such a rampant, chic thing while we fret is a joke. Bald Man's Burden.....
  13. Curious, you are going all over the place now talking about less cutting, less invasive...."less trauma" You are also beckoning me to enter in to a debate of semantics over "facts" and "conclusions"; personally, I decline this offer, and my....conclusions.....will simply have to stay as is.
  14. PGP is making another good point, as well; if the evidence was compelling, let alone irrefutable, as evinced in results, it would be one thing to take mondo-FUE clinics at their word...or silence, in many instances. As things stand, however, mondo-FUE clinics have a tremendous amount of explaining to do w/ both results and explanation of methodology.
  15. Plz re-read; I did more than cite fact, I cited logic. EDIT -- ask w/e FUE clinic you are or will be considering for their specific positions on graft survival of strip vs. FUE; the variability of graft survival; and the forces of torsion, traction, and compression. See if they deny the validity of this; and, assuming they do not (and I have not once seen a doctor do so.....telling, no?) ask them as to how they address the aforementioned, and to what extent their measures succeed.
  16. Everyone knew he worked for the clinic; most did not know that he was an owner. There is an obvious difference, and the truth of the matter should be reflected within his signature so it is public knowledge, as it should be. Just like Bspot, Spex, Jotronic, et. al. Everyone doesn't have a problem with him being an owner; most have a problem with him being an owner but not knowing that he was an owner until now. Personally, it is in the bottom half of my FUE trepidations, but I understand completely why PGP (and others) are steamed. EDIT -- there are plenty of exceedingly legitimate FUE issues raised in this thread, which absolutely demand to be addressed. Bart's affiliation w/ his clinic, imo, while valid in its own right, I hope does not end up detracting from the initial discourse.
  17. I'd say 4-4500 grafts would suit you well. As for NW level...NW4ish w/ a NW5+ pattern. I'm not really adept at analyzing and assigning NW levels, though.
  18. Bill, I completely understand; and the answers you received do indeed seem impressive. Much of what Bverotti presents is! However, and I refer to this in my other posts, the lack of simple transparency astonishes me. This leads me to believe one of two things: services are being hyped and oversold to patients, and/or further issues exist in the methodology that are being cloaked.
  19. Precisely, this trade off in graft survival and indeterminate variability in quality of (FUE) donor is pivotal; BUT, and this includes Bverotti and his boys, this forthcoming information is *not* being presented by virtually all of the huge FUE-promoters, and the "compromise" you mention is apparently *not* being done at the specific, transparent request and acknowledement of the patient.... There has been a consistent shying away from, if not outright denial, of the variability in *how* appropriate FUE is (with regard, of course, to graft survival).
  20. Ya....extremely "fresh" and the scar, much like the locks themselves, really has to be evaluated on a similiarly lengthy time table. Donor quality -- I never got a numerical rating, but it's very good (i.e thick caliber, wiry, and a bit of a curl). As far as how many grafts I can strip myself out with.....I'd guess 8kish, but it wouldn't shock me if I got 10k or 7k.
  21. That's great to know; and I'm happy such an explanation has at last been laid out in the open, and it can be taken and examined for w/e it is worth by whomever so chooses. A seemingly reasonable answer such as this, however, really shouldn't be like pulling teeth from the clinics. Instead of acting as if FUE is a utopic procedure, "reservations" that are brought up should simply be handled in a cogent, clear manner; when they are not it leads many to believe that a clinic is cloaking itself in secrecacy and spin to spare itself from the scrutinity of others.
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