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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. Hey, I've wondered similiar....but, do you mean buzzed down as in a #1 or 2, or actually shaved slick?
  2. There exists transparent facts; about physiology and about methadology. That is, e.g., collagen content in skin and a tool such as the Feller Punch that minimize the forces of torsion, traction, and compression. Dr. Feller, among others as mentioned, have dedicated themselves in exploring physiology and methadology, and have come to conclusions that have yet to be refuted by a single contrarian, dedicated to what could only be euphonically classified as "hype". Moreover, on the practical level of results, and despite years of waiting, there has yet to be compelling -- let alone irrefutable -- evidence to suggest otherwise.
  3. Wow, the plot thickens.... Honestly, though, I really don't believe this is the first (or even second) time that Bverotti has declared FUE as a universally viable treatment and/or that yield is virtually equivolent to strip. EDIT -- I think the time has come for (at the very least) positions to become crystalized. There are two primary matters that need an absolutely consistent, clear answer, which every FUE practioner and clinic needs to man up on. That is: whether every patient is an equally good candidate, and if not, why; secondly, whether or not torsion/traction/compression have been eliminated or profoundly minimized in the extraction process, and, if so, by what revolutionary tool or tecnique.
  4. You seem like a definite diffuse thinner; the question is how diffuse will you get. Personally, I was where you were at one point -- but my thinning did not stop, though it was contained to the general area that you are experiencing losses. Get on finasteride ASAP; also, start up minox ASAP if you don't mind the hassle. Get some consults w/ really good clinics -- live or onlin -- and see what they have to say. My guess is that they will want you to get on fin for ~9months before a HT. In the meantime, you may want to consider nanogen (and/or dermmatch) -- I think it could work wonders for you and would be pretty easy to attain.
  5. I agree principally that the location of a surgeon and clinic should have zero bearing on the quality of their work, respectively. It's all about the quality itself, and the consistency of the quality. Generally speaking it's tough to deny the extreme lack of quality+ work in UK; but this isn't to say that the Farjo's do poor work or that some other clinic won't end up producing stellar work in the UK. I do think that it would behoove any UK clinic to take an extra step in showing consistently positive work given the stigma -- about UK work as a whole.
  6. Fishman, it's funny that you talk about suspecting people of being "on the payroll" in this latest post of yours.
  7. Definitely get on the proscar ASAP and do what you can to bolster your crown and vertex. I'd also get some consults (prolly' online) w/ a few really reputable clinics and see what they have to say. Your hairloss is certaintly vicious, especially for your age -- but, it does seem relatively contained. I'd be shocked if propecia AND minox combined could give you meaingful regrowth in your frontal 1/3rd, but it could absolutely do wonders for your vertex and crown, which is imperative...especially if you decide to go the route of HTs at this age.
  8. Thx for the vid and pics; the more the merrier. *I did a ~6month update in the patient photo section, but haven't updated my weblog w/ it. But, when I do a 7month update I will. Enjoy the hair, man!
  9. Dermmatch and/or nanogen are optimal. I was/am a NW4 w/ a RIDICULOUSLY wrecked hairline and was able to achieve virtually flawless coverage and perceived density combining the two. It was a true life saver for me, and I heartily endorse it. I posted a lot of before/afters on this forum, which I subsequently took off, but if you are on the fence about trying out a concealer I'll shoot them over to you for inspiration. Seriously, I really do recommend at the very least trying them out. :lifesaver
  10. Bill makes a good point. Nonetheless, while a transparent pricing chart might not be a terribly effective service to many, I don't think it would hurt, and it can really only help some. I don't think there is anything nefarious going on w/ Cooley not posting his (though I am sure there *is* w/ many who do not). 2pennies.
  11. Baldie, To an extent it's a numbers game, and your density will be determined in large part by how many grafts you get moved, which is related to how many grafts can safely get moved, which has to do with your laxity (in large part). As a NW5, you should aim for as many as you can safely harvest; a recent 1year update of a NW5 w/ 3600 grafts shows that a tremendous change can occur. Granted, he still has a thin vertex/crown that needs to be addressed, but this was part of his overall plan that he devised w/ his doc. Assuming you wanted to leave your crown alone (unless, say, 4500+ got extracted), you should be able to achieve good density throughout your hairline, tapered back over the top. Ideally, IMO, you should go for 4k+. Generally -- and ultimately -- speaking, w/ a "good" donor, you should be able extract 6-7k overall; which, in turn, should be able to give you good coverage and solid density as a NW5. These donor #s, however, from all I can tell, really do vary, and it is all situational. Also, the caliber and charachtertistics of your hair will play a major roll in *perceived density*. Thick, wiry, slight curl....these are good things. So is a non-stark contrast between hair and scalp -- e.g. blonde hair, light-skinned scalp.
  12. Wow...I remember when you *first* got your op done....you've come so far.....I'm really happy for you, your results are truly excellent, and speaking from someone who also had a completely wrecked frontal 1/3rd, I know how much this must mean for you! This was a great journey, and was done in a sound way -- your future looks even brighter!
  13. Bleach, You are going about things the right way, and with a sound mind. No doubt good things will come for you -- just allow yourself to accept them. Keep up w/ the treatments, be consistent, and consider fin; you can always get some consults (live or online) now, just to get an ethical, expert analysis of your overall situation. This new information may very well embolden you and make you feel more secure in knowing that your (follicular) future is in the works, and you will know where you stand. EDIT -- btw, I really doubt she is terribly superficial. No doubt she *is* superficial, in the same way we all are; but aesthetics are just one part of the layer that is superficiality. "Aura"...."Intangibles"....aka confidence personified is another. You have virtually full control over this lattermost layer, and still have a good deal of control over the other. And, thankfully, that lattermost layer is the most important -- ESPECIALLY if this is a girl you aren't looking at from the vantage of some serial-womanizer...
  14. Great advice in here; but Dewayne, cmon buddy, easy now w/ the narcissism. Btw, Bleach, most likely your hairloss isn't nearly as bad as you currently perceive it (~NW3dom). In fact, in the theoretical wagering booth that is life, I'd bet $ that if she was attractive to you in the past that she *still* would be attracted to you now, even if you have some moderate hairloss. The only thing that would make me rescind my bet is if you self-defeat yourself. Take that for what it's worth.
  15. I concur; also, look into nanogen and/or dermmatch.
  16. I'm sorry my logic is piercing your notions of what is and is not. Just know that you actually do have positive options, and can have a positive experience like many on this forum have been forunate to have had.
  17. Well, we are playing semantics on this point; I would say, along with many others, that like many things, it is an investment for your happiness and well-being. Furthermore, you could consider the boost in confidence to coorelate w/ a boost in overall productivity, which can help your bottomline more than any 401k. That said, the primary points still stands. And, personally, even if I knew HTs would merely sap my $ I would pay for them and most likely pay an even higher financial premium if need be. You can't put a price on contentedness-- or misery, for that matter.
  18. You asked, and basically every answer given by basically every poster has said your doctor is in the wrong on basically every count. You don't have to like the answers to your inquiries, but don't reflexively decry the very people who have taken the time to give you honest advice....advice that happens to be in YOUR best interest.....
  19. I'm not so sure that getting a HT(s) is mutually exclusive with "old age" financial security, for better or worse; it is a financial investment, much like the thousands that we make in our lifetimes. You aren't wrong, per say, since this is your subjective opinion. Nonetheless, you will find a variety of people (myself included) having undergone a variety of HTs who will adamantly disagree with you. Many consider their HTs "the best decision of their life". I'm sorry if you are feeling particularly depressed, or fatalistic. And, if you underwent a botched if not butchered procedure I truly feel for you. If this is the case, know that you have options, and a supportive community to help you reach whatever you decide upon.
  20. Have you been diagnosed by a doctor/specialist w/ having an exact condition? I would look into this, if you haven't already, and seek some medical opinions. Ideally, I'd imagine, you may "just" have a low tolerance for skin trauma, which prolly' doesn't rule you out, but certaintly makes it likely that you could incur a tremendous amount of swelling, which some people do. Btw, bit too much information in parts!
  21. I completely agree w/ what yer getting at. In my <6month update I shoved/spiked my hairline and frontal region up in the air for this express purpose. When I do my next update I think I'm going to borrow your que and take some shots right after getting out of bed, right out of the shower, totally spiked up, and then how I would style it if I was going out.
  22. If you do not care about going through the physical and psychological swings of the procedure, and going through it for a cosmetic result that will be minimal (at best), I can't think of too many reasons for you to not go back to Martinick. Assuming this isn't true, I strongly urge you to go elsewhere; in fact, I'd urge you to do *nothing* over going back, and go for Round Two when it is a round that you know you can and will win.
  23. Hmmm...your donor doesn't look too good to me, almost like DUPA (diffused unpatterned alopecia); plus, your crown looks to have a pretty extende pattern, which could indicate a very high ultimate NW level. On third look, though, this could simply be the pics angles. The naked eye can be very much mistaken in assessing the true quality of a donor region. In terms of grafts...max session....4k+ easy. Do some consults w/ docs; check out some local clinics that are recommended in these parts, and I'd also recommend doing some online consults w/ H&W, Feller, Shapiro, et. al. See what's what.
  24. Your hair looks pretty wet; that said, the only thing I see that looks a bit awry is your sides do look very thinned, but that could easily be attributed to the water. You got jobbed by DHI, but without a doubt you can get an excellent result -- just make sure you go to a top clinic this go around, which it seems you will. I'd guess ~4k grafts for you would be toptop.
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