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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. 2100 and 2500 both seem to be in the appropriate ballpark. I would make sure that w/e # you go with, and w/e doc you choose, you are on the same page w/ regard to *WHAT* you want to end up achieving. That is to say, make sure the graft # -- and ensuing result -- will more likely than not give you enough density to sate you. From what I can tell, I see no reason why a doc would be particularly cautious with you; so, that they recco'd 2100 probably means that they really do believe you will end up with adequate (read: very good and appropriate to your native hair) density.
  2. Give it a whorl, but, to be honest, I doubt I would use concealers in your shoes at this point. Your crown is simply too barren. Hopefully, you got a good # of babies about to grow there, and once they hatch you will be in prime position to attain excellent coverage w/ concealers.
  3. A great night for our balded brethren! Good card(s) too; Fedor turns it on once again and makes a top tier opponent look like an amateur. Not even a hint of a "flukish strike" or lucky shot, either, just pure, systematic destruction. Arlovski-Fedor is my #1 HW matchup; Couture would be epic, and if there is anyone that I wouldn't mind beating The Emperor it would be him.
  4. To be honest, this post leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It seems so....promotional and superficial and loaded.....nonetheless, I'm happy you are very happy with your results, and it would be great if you or Dr. Bernstein could document them to some extent.
  5. Interesting read! FWIW, and I felt this *prior* to things becoming blatently heated, "lara" needs to chillax a bit and not be so antagonistic to members who post genuine "trip reports" that happen to differ from hers. I also agree that the golden rule is patient's first until proven otherwise; that said, "common" courtesies should transcend even this, and I believe it is the lack of this that is what various people have taken umbrage to on the account of "lara". My 2pennies - curious to see what gets laid out on the table when all is said and done and both sides have expressed themselves.
  6. I agree; and you've raised some very logical points that I hadn't considered prior. Shame some docs/reps/et.al. won't drop a note w/ their thoughts. I too think it is an important topic that prospective patients should have a solid idea about.
  7. Balody, I'm surprised UFC isn't airing this card for you, as it seems they have been trying to make definite inroads into the UK marketplace. UFC's card is surprisingly good, too, especially for a freebie.
  8. Mav, Good to hear that you have been so thorough in your research; you are setting yourself up for a great experience, and, most importantly, result! If you are still in the "seeking" mode, I would definitely send Spex, or even Dr. Feller himself, a PM on here -- they have both always been exceedingly available and thorough w/ me, and others that I know of when communicated through the forums and beyond.
  9. Little if not invisible scarring, and a faster recovery time are certaintly enticing. My greatest concern, yield aside, especially on sessions 2500+ is that it seems if you want to utlimately "max" yourself out (squeak out as many possible grafts as you can from your donor), it is optimal to go strip(s) followed by FUE(s). I'm not 100% certain on this, but I've seen it mentioned by some reputable people. That said, I've certaintly seem some very impressive FUE results, and I expect (and really do hope) to see quite a few more by the years end. whymewhy -- I would certaintly do some consults with notable clinics that perform FUE, and inquire further. Bverotti's, Feller, Rose, even Armani. There are some pretty juicy past threads on here where FUE is discussed in fair depth, also.
  10. Do a few consults, live or online, w/ some reputable places. Then compare and contrast their prognoeses, while also looking at clear examples of pre-op, post-op, and after pics.
  11. Very, very nice -- and not even totally matured, yet. Congrats!
  12. Sounds good. Dr. Feller is actually a pretty big bjj-buff, pretty cool; he actually mentioned doing work for a blackbelt fairly recently when I was @ his office for my consulation. Hulk/Rickson -- ya, that was sweet. I picked up on those breathing exercises right away. He's certaintly a legend, and a tremendous, pure fighter. My old instructor knew him fairly well -- they happen to be the same age -- and said his tecnique was "perfect". Being a jacked beast helps, too.
  13. Besh wishes, as well; going balded is unfortunate for anyone at any age, but for some, women included, it is certaintly more vicious and afflicting. Congrats on taking (wise) action!
  14. I believe The Master charges 14 bones per graft; personally, I would demand some sort of inverse compensation for him to work on me. How much? I'm not sure, but I would simply devise a schemata for what my individual grafts are worth to me and factor. As said, research -- and if you do decide to tango w/ The Master, def start a weblog of sorts to track your results. Clear, grownout results are seemingly hard to come by these days (and days past, actually ).
  15. Really depends; but, as far as I know, think a couple months.
  16. I started after 1 month; I was rather tentative, and eased my way into it. Well, as much as you can "ease" your way into a jitz class. I remember just tapping a lot, prematurely much of the time, in spots where I felt I was at a greater risk. I'd have to think that at 4months resuming jitz is a pretty safe bet for you. At the same time, do a personal evaluation of your scalp, and speak w/ your doctor if you are unsure about where you on your recovery. I myself was never terribly concerned about my scar -- at least in relation to how I was going to let it impact my exercise regime and lifestyle. I also recouperated pretty rapidly, and I figured there were enough variables where my scar could go awry even if I was 110% cautious. Don't get me wrong, I'd like as non-existant a scar as is possible, but given the aforementioned factors, and that FUE (BHT?) scar repairs looms in the present and future I made a choice, evaluating the risk-rewards as I saw them. Btw, I also suffer from fairly severe general anxiety and w/o exercise I'd be a wreck.
  17. I've noticed numerous docs like to employ a few hundred DFU's, particularly when working on the crown/vertex. It makes sense that this would be a boon towards increased density. What are the downsides, though? And if you are a proponent of selective DFUs, are virtually all cases of crown/vertex work a good fit to utilize DFUs? The most immediate concern would be "naturalness", but I've seen it stated that when blending in to the crown region this concern is nullefied.
  18. I've noticed numerous docs like to employ a few hundred DFU's, particularly when working on the crown/vertex. It makes sense that this would be a boon towards increased density. What are the downsides, though? And if you are a proponent of selective DFUs, are virtually all cases of crown/vertex work a good fit to utilize DFUs? The most immediate concern would be "naturalness", but I've seen it stated that when blending in to the crown region this concern is nullefied.
  19. Lookin' good! Scoped out your pre-ops for the first -- err, 100th -- time and it really is amazing. Out of all the "extreme makeover" cases I've seen I really think yours is the most dramatic, considering where you came from and how mammoth your crown is.
  20. Two things you should know, which may very well allay your concerns: -- what hair you do "SHED" is not actually you "lose(ing) more hair", as it is temporary and will regrow -- aforementioned shedding is actually a positive sign, that is a strong indicator that you are responding well to the medication, and as the hairs you do re-grow will be of a stronger, more terminal type No doubt, however, shedding is a major pain; I'm going through one myself right now from the foam.
  21. While I currently am not "plauged" by hairloss (no doubt "it" still occupies a place in my mind ), it consumed me for a good ~2 years in the worst of ways. I injected my soul and life w/ a much needed nitrous boost principally through one method -- devoting myself to a physical hobby. Exercise itself is monumental, IMO, for a sound mind (sound mind & sound body, as Shakespeare might say); combining physical exertion with a pursuit that distracts, occupies, challenges, and delivers satisfaction is a mighty weapon in getting through any difficult period of time, hairloss most notably included. Examples, which can ideally include socialization: raquet sports, golf, martial arts, etc.
  22. You can start a weblog, which can be featured within your profile and/or avatar box; like mine, which I actually need to update! I think using the tool bar ("Tools"), or going into your account manager from the toolbar choices you can start one.
  23. Do not let location play a major consideration in your decision -- even if you aren't getting a hairline job. I would do a few consults (live or online); compare and contrast the prognoses, and if there are differences between them this means you need to investigate further, pinpoint the disparities and decide which makes the most sense for you. You should also ask to see clear, grown out cases that approximate what you would be getting done -- ideally, see before/immed-postop/after pics.
  24. Absolutely. If you have the "required" density you can do as you please!
  25. I think I may have seen his latest results -- ridiculously lush hairline....good coverage all around, too, though slightly thin in places, at least compared to his hairline region. If he has had a subsequent op I'm a bit surprised since his hair really did look excellent.
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