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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. Could always be very "bold" in FUEing yerself out, accepting a thinner/thin look in the donor region...aka "moth-eaten".
  2. I'm generally not a fan of this advice, and it does run counter to your "dream" of luscious flowing locks, but....I'd seriously consider buzzing your head. With your hairloss pattern I think you could maintain a good outline, which is key for the buzzed/shaved head. Plus, your head shape seems pretty good for it. Your hairloss looks rather bold in those pics (albeit w/ flash) so I agree that you should do something. Getting a *quality* HT at this point doesn't seem to be too viable, however.
  3. Well every one knows its Peyton Manning! LOL I agree
  4. Hmmm, very sorry to hear -- I can relate, as well. Your best option may be switching the fin to EOD dosing; this has worked well for many people, and there is a fairly large faction of people that believe the efficacy still remains largely in tact (while the sides dissipate). My initial impression, to be honest, is that your hairloss is triggering and fueling the depression and anxiety, which, in turn, triggers a wacked libido. I no doubt believe you are experiencing these "symptons", but, the eye-bags aside, I'd be inclined to think hairloss -- not the fin itself -- is the culprit. You basically have two option for stopping the beast -- fin and minox. Actually, there is a third -- dutasteride. Dut is widely believes to be more potent than fin (it blocks more DTH); some have reported worse sides, but I also know some who couldn't tolerate fin but did fine on dut. Also, being or not being on fin (or dut) will not make or break whether you can get a HT. Being on the drug, and doing well on them, certaintly can bolster yourself and make the overall HT plan more solid, but IMO, it is not a dealbreaker.
  5. Don't start feeling too despondant; MANY of the brilliant results you mention seeing are OF "repair patients". I don't believe that because you had a botched HT you are relegated to, at best, simply getting something half-way decent. Jotronic is a notable repair patient who has had an amazing recovery; the recent BadHairUK whose latest results are around this forum is another. BadHairUK had just brutal minigrafts and a ravaged frontal 1/3rd -- he now has a REALLY sweet head of hair. You seem to have a really strong mentality, btw, all around, for dealing w/ your unfortunate HT-dilemma. I really wouldn't feel permananetly "meh", though, just because of it. I have seen some amazing repair jobs!
  6. ~1month if I remember correctly; really varies, though.
  7. Really, though, it would only make sense for satan's spawn to be afflicted by the dehumanizing disease of MPB.
  8. Talk to Bart (aka Bverotti) on the forums; I know he works w/ Ilter, and he may work w/ De Reys, as well (I know he used to work with both, at the very least). Just as a heads up, I'm pretty sure Ilter's clinic is solely FUE -- not 100% sure about De Reys.
  9. Fedor looked pretty bad when he beat Lindland -- even w/ the rope pulling aside. Two certified baldies, though, so tough to really be upset with any winner.
  10. Haha, nice pic! Great fight.... Make sure to check out the upcoming "Affliction" card -- features Fedor Vs. Tim Sylvia....Fedor hasn't fought a quality opponent in a LONG time; I'm a bit worried about how well he is going to perform, but he is a cyborg so my concerns are prolly' unfounded. Sidenote: I attended a seminar that Fedor and his Red Devil team hosted in Atlantic City a couple years back.....he truly is a machine. I had the pleasure of locking up with him at one point and he felt like "pliable iron".
  11. Ahhh, Marvelous Marvin -- a classic, and a true Bald Man's Champ as well! Seriously, Pavlick is a NW7 -- and is like 26. Even though he shaves it all off (most of the time) you can see his current pattern, especially in certain interviews when he hasn't shaved in a bit. Hey, now we just need Ricky Hatton to get struck by the disease. Somewhat tangental, but speaking of baldies, Donald Trump's sponsored leauge, "Affliction", looks to be pretty serious business -- possibly a true rival to UFC. Next card has Fedor, Arlovski, Tim Sylvia, Fedor's brother, et. al. Kinda funny that the UFC puts on a wicked good free card that same night, including Anderson Silva's move up to middleweight to fight James Irvin.....!
  12. Not a "vale tudo" fighter, but Kelly Pavlick -- aka The Bald People's Champion -- is a stud who I'd 100% pay to see.
  13. 1. Penn 2. GSP 3. Frankie Edgar 4. Lyota Machida *5. Fedor *5. Shogun
  14. Yes, please don't mistake my mumblings for that of a doctor, let alone the esteemed Dr. Feller -- I would hate to misdirect someone away from a fin script and they have a seizure. Though, Dr. Thanatopsis.....has a nice ring to it! If only I didn't drop out of school.
  15. I would seriously consider a session (if not sessionS) of FUE, if you do decide to try to fill in this peculiar area. Personally, I'm not sure I would brave anything else than FUE trying to rectify this situation.
  16. Not the best pics. That said.....3k seems about right; possibly a bit more depending on how strong your hairline is.
  17. Congrats! I agree -- let the hair mature a bit more, and enjoy it...greedy hair bastard.
  18. My immediate reaction was also "slap in the face to H&W", but even other clincs routinly pumping out 3k+ cases; after re-reading things, I still feel the same way. I do agree that extreme densepacking to the hairline is not prudent, but lumping that together w/ accusatory statements about "megasession doesn't take any of the truth from one statement and seep it into the other.
  19. Personally, it seems like most of my new hairs are quite thick (and a bit "kinky") @ 6month. Will be interesting to see what transpires in the next 6.
  20. I'll drop by, if it is indeed going on. Just gotta jump in the shower first.
  21. Hahaha, indeed -- 12 months from now you can buy the person a beer and fill them in!
  22. Ultimately, weigh the worth of what you perceive the toll will be on your "conscience", as opposed to how you would feel about divulging to this person about your HT. It sounds to me like you took a very defensible, and reasonable, reaction to someone inquiring into your personal life, in what happened to be a sensitive subject not meant for public consumption. Pure "honesty" is often irrespective of "right" and "wrong". I truly don't believe you did anything wrong here, and see no reason to dig yourself a hole when there really is no need, IMO.
  23. I'm glad the procedure was painless -- FUE, which DHI likes to employ. Again, keep us posted with your results as they come in!
  24. Sounds like FUE may very well be optimal for your situation if that is really the graft # appropriate for you; this might not jive as much with your concern of cost, however, as opposed to strip/FUT.
  25. Was this 3500 hairs or 3500 grafts? Unfortunately, I myself have really only heard poor things about DHI; I wish you the best, of course, in your growth, and hope that your doctor was the right person for you and that you update the forum as your results come in. I know nothing of the particular surgeon who happened to work on you, so possibly she hopefully she is a diamond in the rough.
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