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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. Hmmm, I wondered this also recently. My guess would be "no", as the shedding is not actually "losing" hairs, like shockloss, but rather a reaction to the treatment taking effect.
  2. No prob....as for a chic (or anyone) rubbing your head....you should be fine -- in my experience I have no issue with this, and another big concealer guy a while back posted about having a first date and at one point the girl ran her fingers through his hair and he was OK. However, if your hair is really wet; or you apply the concealer to very damp hair or apply the concealer with a lot of water, it definitely can run if you touch it. It's key to make sure it is dry by the time you leave the house or are ready for action or w/e. But it really shouldn't rub off on someone's hand like makeup..I mean, I am sure SOME type of residue from it is present, but it not visible to the naked eye and could not be felt. To safeguard yourself further, you can: blowdry your hair, work a comb through your hair after application to make sure it is evenly spread and very set in place, and/or just make sure when you apply it to your head it is pretty dry. In my experience, the dermmatch can leave a mark more than nanogen; like if you go to bed with it on, you may very well see markings on your pillow casing depending on how you sleep....one thing to do for sure, though, is to spray some of the "holder" (it's not called this, but they sell it @ the nanogen website) on your hair once you finish applocation. This *really* holds it in place -- so harsh wind, rain, etc, won't displace it or anything....e.g., this morning I did a test to get the nanogen out of my hair...I rubbed a soaked towel through my hair and not only did VERY little come off onto the towel, but my hair looked totally find, save for losing some of the look along the first 1/2 inch of my hairline. And I attribute that to using the least amount of nano and "holding" spray on that area. Btw, I think it is called a "locking mist".
  3. Honestly, I'd prepare yourself for NW5dom, and beyond. I agree with Flyby that by no means are you destined to become a NW7, or even a NW6; but I think there is a very legit chance you go NW5+. This isn't to say you won't be fortunate and plateau at like NW4 or whatever. I also think it is way too premature to consider yourself as a forever non-candidate for a HT. And it could be a while before you reach even NW5 or NW6 -- especially with starting treatments at a very prime time. Your pattern as a whole looks pretty scary to me, but I think between catching it early & starting treatments...over the backdrop of future technologies and tecniques, you aren't in that shitty of a spot.
  4. Jupiter, concealers have literally saved my life and kept me from being a total hermit without a hat. Especially in the time period where I became real conscious about my MPB, to when I finally got a HT, I don't know what I'd have done without them, and how I'd have bridged that time period. A combo of dermmatch and nanogen = miracle. Even now, I'm less freaked out about my loss because I have a HT growing in, but I still won't go into a serious social setting without putting them to work. And they work ridiculously well when you get the right color and master the application. Looking at your pics, they could completely restore your crown -- at least give the illusion -- and also bolster the thinning areas of your hairline.
  5. As one who has stated that I feel Dr. Lindsey is deserving of "recommended" status, I think I should state my reasoning, as it relates to what *I* think the status entails, and perhaps the entire concept behind "recommended" & "coalition" docs -- or at least how *I* view it. Fundamentally, I feel that Lindsey gaining the status does a very good service to MPB-sufferers looking into a HT; particularly since the area he works in is so lacking in people approaching anything resembling quality, refined work. Even in that general region, not just the state of Virginia, there is but Dr. Vogel -- who is in Maryland. Based off of the work I have seen of Lindsey, I think he no doubt is capable of performing refined work; and I also feel he has a genuine concern for being a...progressive doc....that is to say, he is someone who will continue attempts at improving his work, and divulging it online. No doubt, it isn't a perfect science figuring out not only if someone can perform refined work, but also if they are consistent, which is of course extremely important; I don't think this holds *particularly* true for Dr. Lindsey, but for every doctor. Many of the recommended doctors on this site I myself could not give a knowing opinion on -- due to not doing a lot of research on them, but also just not seeing or hearing much about them on the forums. At the same time, by virtue of their recommended/coalition status, based off of a faith in Pat/Bill as well as a smorgasborg of work shown -- even if it is limited work that doesn't guarantee in and of itself great consistency -- I have a strong sense that they are legit places and should...*be looked into*. I don't think being a recommended doc (and to a lesser degree a coalition doc) means or says you 100% can and should go to Dr. X; moresoe, it is a tool of guidance for people looking into HTs to get a better sense of the fact that...standards do exist in the industry and there is an appreciable difference in quality from place to place....and that this would be a very sound starting point to look into and move forward on. I also think a level of credence should be given to the fact that Feller -- who by all accounts is an incredibly discriminating and ethical man -- has worked closely with Lindsey and publically endorsed him. Again, I think neither this nor any of the aforementioned should make Lindsey an indelible piece of the recommended pie; and if he were to gain Coalition status I feel much more work and patient experiences should be documented. To me, though, between what I feel to be a capability for ultra-refined work, a willingness to improve, the public endorsement of an esteemed doc, and the service his "recommended" status does to people looking at HTs in the area, I def feel it is a sound move. Depends on what we feel "recommended"/"coalition" should be and/or what it is. Whether members should have much a say -- or whether they do have much a say -- I'm really not sure; but I figure we have more say in STOPPING someone from getting admittence, than we do in getting someone admittence.
  6. Look at the "master list" of Armani's FUE "superstars" around HLH.....there are maybe a handful that look good, and they are ~2500+ grafts on NW2s...conversely, many range from incredibly murky pic quality, blatent overquoting, an (unsurprising) lack of updates not showing a fully grown result, or downright putrid yield that any naked eye could see. No one denies that there won't be growth, the question is how much growth, and how consistently -- and above all else, the answers to these questions should be CRYSTAL CLEAR to each and every patient. Then there is the fact that there should be a plethora of fully grown results *at this point*, as well as all the 5k+ cases or 10k total FUEs...yet every time people clamor for results it is met with "another month, another month"/"we'll get right on showing some of the multiple 10k+ cases we have done". Well, they did show one picture of a guy with ~10k FUE and it looked so horribly I think Shane stopped showing it after his excuses were quickly met with disbelief. ALSO, Armani could shut me and many others up if he did even but one of the following: explained what revolutionary tool he is using or what revolutionary tecnique he is using....which have both evaded the minds and ears of brilliant docs everywhere. If you answer that Armani simply has such a superhuman ability and feel for FUE, then I would ask how so many of his underlings can also perform FUE-megas so routinely. And if we are to grant that hype-machine incarnate that is Armani just so happens to be the one possessing such astounding ability, he should disclose the actual details of his practice -- not just for the sake of honest trasparency for patient benefits, but also to shut his detractors up and *truly* solidfy his standing as....The Master. Let alone were he to allow an objective source to watch him extract those precious, ever-delicate follicles, in which case the entire issue would be put to rest.... Again, above all else, each and every patient of Armani's should have a true understanding of the +s and -s of FUE, what they should expect, and how consistently their expectations should be met....this includes FUE trauma, donor viablity (no more bullshit above "average" donors that would equate to every single person basically getting guaranteed a NicNitro max extraction or even better), yield, and what tools are being used. Answers to these questions and concerns really coulda been easily handled long, long ago.....
  7. Best of luck; can definitely see the losses beginning to assault your crown. Catching it early, though, and there is a good shot that the 1-2 punch of fin-minox can at the very least halt further damage for quite a few years. Your pattern looks relatively clear to me, given your age (19).
  8. I think we need a rendition of the musical hit "Feller on the Roof", which initially was only released to an extremely select audience.
  9. I had some itching sensations earlier on, and some report them at around 2-3 days post-op but I remember them most at being 10-12 days out, right before I had my staples removed. Scabbing I recall having around the time you are at and it persisted for about 5 days; it was extremely minor, though, which I attribute to assiduous cleansing. Definitely follow Wong's instructions to a "T" regarding washing the donor and recipient -- don't be too nervous. Look forward to your pics!
  10. Don't sweat it too much, any hairs you lost (prematurely) from the dermmatch would have been very much on their way out. Also, I would suggest wetting the applicator just a bit, and delicately applying the dermmatch. I too noticed that when I used a dry applicator and rubbed my scalp "vigorously", I lost some hairs.
  11. After 2 weeks, and your staples/sutures are out, resume low-intensity cardio, but do it for moderate duration, and do it first thing in the morning on an empty stomache. And will yourself to not engorge on food; but doing low-intensity cardio 2x a day should help this.
  12. Yep, you must submit to the higher power, for being afflicted by the two-pronged disease is neither your fault nor in your control. Suffering from a very young age, I often forgoed eating lunch, instead bartering my sandwiches and Dunkeroo's for some pocket change that could one day equate to the ultimate fix -- "the graft".
  13. Yes, I have; and one thing to consider is the notion of "illusion" in one's hair....from different angles, in different lighting (among many things) hair can appear quite different. That your father has no hairloss, and neither does anyone else in your family really bodes well for you! Personally, I'd go to a dermatologist and get checked for miniaturization if you are feeling particularly anxious about any impending hairloss; and/or grow out your hair a bit which can add some "illusion" in your case; and, in the back of your mind, know that when you get a bit older, and your biological hair situation reveals itself further you could absolutely look into getting a highly effective surgery to bolster your hairline (FUE...most likely, if it is a simple hairline refinement...as opposed to FUT).
  14. Honestly, it looks more like a transformation to a "mature hairline", which isn't truly MPB. At the same time, I definitely see what you are saying, and why you'd be worried. I'd say I'm very critical in assessing people's hair, and yours is honestly quite good. Worrying exessively about it now will not do you any good, and you should just enjoy life. Growing your hair out longer and styling it might mask whatever recessions in the hairline have occured; as well, you can talk to a dermatologist about getting on propecia, and look into using Revita shampoo. You could also go to get checked for "miniaturization", which could better determine if you are in the beginning stages of MPB. EDIT -- you definitely aren't a candidate for a HT...however, as the years progress, and your hairloss divines itself further, you could always get a HT, perhaps a FUE session, to fill in your naturally high/narrow hairline.
  15. Don't feel uncomfortable at all, really; everyone here is sympathetic AND empathetic to hairloss. Btw, your pics didn't go through, I don't think. (?)
  16. I've used both products; I used toppik initially, and used for many months religiously (in tandem with dermmatch much of the time). However, I read some comparisons between toppik and nanogen that said nanogen was slightly favorable; that was enough to convince me to try it out. Having said that, my results with nanogen are simply superior; it seems to cling to my hairs much better, and produces a thicker look while also not appearing "sawdusty". Dermmatch + Nanogen = mindblowing results for me. Individually, also, the nanogen works better than the toppik.
  17. I agree -- Follica is where it is at...I have very little faith in Intercytex. Ideally, FUE/BHT makes an advanced within the next 5 years to augment our donor supply, possibly to a great degree, which will help bridge the gap for the ~15 years it will take to get something legit out of Follica/Intercytex.
  18. I should have clarified -- for sure most anyone can "rip out" (i.e. brute force) 5k FUE in a single day, but it is the yield that is important. And it proponents of FUE-megas seem to espouse more and more that it can be done: the more FUE you perform, the better you get at it, and in time you are capable of performing larger and larger sessions in a given day. That is their logic. The central question to me, is: does a "ceiling" exist (~2k...?) given the current generation of tools and tecniques that docs can utilize. Personally, my thought is that being able to perform what is truly *extrordinary* FUE session sizes (~3k+) on *most anyone* in a given day requires something akin to superhuman power; and, in turn, to believe such a thing requires a great deal of evidence. Not just in before/afters (which are important), but in actually explaining AND showing how the precious, delicate follicles are being extracted.
  19. Best wishes, man; enjoy the experience itself, as it is pretty cool and you are doing yourself a great service. Looking forward to your progress and any write-ups!
  20. Jason Statham is an *aberration*, imo...MPB has afflicted him to a vicious extent, and buzzing down it is apparent that his follicles have suffered great. Now, he completely pulls off the look, and I think he is the perfect example of a bald guy with a shaved head looking good; HOWEVER, 99% of people could not pull off that look with such a degree of baldness even if they are in good shape, and even if they have solid head shape. He is the perfect example, but this also makes him a total outlier. To a degree Bruce Willis is in a similiar category; his aura, which has accumulated through years of media exposure and slant, is that of a tough, reckless guy -- impervious to ridicule. It is his mystique and image; something with 99% of people simply can't have, regardless of whether they are tough or fit, because they are not celebrity superstars with a meticulously crafted image. At the same time, it is true that in and of itself, a shaved balded head is superior to the same mop grown out. But, it isn't a panacea that absolves one from being, and even looking, bald. The most opportune situation to shave a head is if you are young, have modest baldness, and are using the shaved head to put your MPB out of sight & out of mind until you can get a HT. Or, if you are a bit older, are fit and dress sharp -- in which case it comes off as cool, in a defiant way. Personally, I have looked better with a buzzed head than with brutalized hair grown out, especially when I was in very good shape; but, I still looked and felt bald, after an initial "honeymoon period" and I couldn't convince myself that it was truly a viable option for me. **A thinned, balded buzzed head at a young age still makes you an esthetic pariah. An unfortunate truth for those who are younger. It is indeed superior to having grown out hair, and can be a good compromise, but I don't view it as a viable, long-term solution for most, unless you fall under some of the aforementioned categories.
  21. FUE is all the rage these days, so I figure I'd start another topic about it. Many say that a surgeon can perform extrordinary session sizes (3k, 4k+) in a single day, not by virtue of any revolutionary tool, but by amassing tremendous experience and having great dedication to the craft; and, in time, they find themselves in such a position where they can successfuly perform such sizes without concern for poor yield. True or False? Fact or Fiction?
  22. FUE is all the rage these days, so I figure I'd start another topic about it. Many say that a surgeon can perform extrordinary session sizes (3k, 4k+) in a single day, not by virtue of any revolutionary tool, but by amassing tremendous experience and having great dedication to the craft; and, in time, they find themselves in such a position where they can successfuly perform such sizes without concern for poor yield. True or False? Fact or Fiction?
  23. Do a bunch of consultations, live or online, with some supremely reputable docs, experienced in repair -- you can't go wrong, and you will be given a wealth of valuable information. A lot can be done w/ "repairs" these days; you'd be surprised I bet.
  24. Look into dermmatch and/or nanogen, as well. Some don't find the results or application to be worth it, but for many the results are nothing short of magical. It could work especially well if you are a diffuse thinner.
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