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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. Just bought a 6 month supply; I'm a sucker for penis enlargement potions, what can I say....
  2. Excessive strain via exercise is primarily a (potential) detriment to your scar; once the grafts have really taken hold after ~week+, exercising shouldn't do them harm. I've never heard of it increasing shockloss, though if it did I can't see how it would be anything but temporary. Nor should sweating, though I placed a premium on keeping the area extremely clean as much as was possible when I began exercising -- and sweating -- post op. Re: exercising....be very cognizent of feelings of strain in your donor...definitely avoid doing neck-related exercises, or really anything where you happen to feel an unusual strain in that area. Personally, I found running and crunches/ab exercises to take the longest for me to be able to execute sans donor strain.
  3. Asides from going to an elite clinic, which you already have done, getting your hairs strengthened is the biggest thing I have come across that is in your control, which can curb off shockloss...that would be using non-surgical treatments like the minox and propecia....but, it generally takes upwards of 6+ months for those effects to really take hold, so given that you are already post-op I'm not sure if they would much for any immenent shockloss. Def keep the area super clean, though, regardless!
  4. Re: your last post...the doctors at the clinics can certaintly hook you up with a propecia/finasteride scrip; I'd estimate ~3500 grafts for you....you could be a "tricky" case because of your diffusion, but an elite doctor can absolutely give you a prognosis that is in your best interest and is most accurate.
  5. Simply put, it is worth traveling wherever wherever happens to be once you have researched and found a surgeon/clinic that agrees with you most; sure, if you narrow it down to more than one and are torn between them, factor in location, but it really shouldn't be a consideration at such an early juncture in your decision to pursue a HT. Also, looking at your pics, you do appear to be a diffuser...I would make sure you don't have Diffused Unpatterned Alopecia; I can't say for sure, but your sides and donor region looks like it has thinned in places, at least in my eyes. In any event, I would get at least 2 consultations (live or online) with really esteemed clinics -- starting with some Coalition docs is a good start.
  6. How many months post-op are you -- hopefully you still have plenty of time to heal...? Anyways, nobody is saying someone shouldn't be able to do an FUE-mega where their yield will suck compared to strip and/or they will be overquoted....but they should be informed as to the realiy of the situation. I would not go that route; perhaps you would...nobody is any position to decide what route someone takes...however, EVERYONE should be granted the transparency to make a truly informed decision. But the Armani machine puts out a tremendous amount of hype and often plain bull&$@(....difficult to not be confrontational when you see people being bamboozled and your very basic questions and inquiries go unanswered time and time and time and time again. Also far as I can tell, Alvi was treated quite well until he decided to flee the scene with reasoning and timing that is....conspicuous, at best. I agree though that he shouldn't be treated in such a brash manner if he were to have remained an active member in the forum and grace us with his answers to our questions.
  7. Wow, with a list of docs like you originally posted who needs enemies.... You seem to be on a great path now, at any rate; I'd personally suggest doing a consult (live or online) with at least two esteemed clinics -- a Coalition doc being a great starting point. Best of luck, I am sure you will choose well either way!
  8. Speaking of which, has anyone heard of a patient that Armani has actually turned down, and opted not to work on for a FUE-mega....
  9. I saw a cousin of mine recently who hasn't seen me since the extinction of my lion's mane, and the introduction of this fabled disease into my physical constitution....when he saw me wearing a hat, which I was notorious for refusing to wear in years past, he wondered what was wrong..I could but solemly espouse, hunched over: "Cousin's very sick...very sick...."
  10. I was like 18, sitting in AP Art History, right before class was to begin; a girl asked me out, and afterwards, my friend at the time laughed and said: "you better accept all the dates you can manage before your ass is slick bald -- your hair is lookin' thin in the front..." I thought he was completely full of shit at the time, as I had never even considered such a horror -- I mean, my hair was my favorite feature....having recently looked at pictures, though, of that time, I can see that my hair was thinning a bit in the frontal region, and it could be seen when styling my hair spikey with gel.
  11. What a bloodbath this thread has become for Armani...then again, what thread on an open forum isn't... Armani's main problem is that he is doing brute force FUE sessions, and he, nor anyone else, has been able to circumvent the inherent flaws in FUE mega's. Until that is resolved no one should really be even holding their breath for "pictures", because the results simply aren't going to be there. Of course, threads like this help hammer home the obvious.
  12. Ahhh I forgot....You are right Dewayne, he is the Gianatto patient who was going back for a free third session after a poor first two.... Having looked at the pics again, and knowing the reputation of Giannotto, I can't help but be inclined to think that such bleeding may very well be correlated to large incision tools...impossible to say for sure, of course, but while the blood obscures things a bit, the grafts also look quite large. Their spacing also seems..."off". Btw, Bill, I think all the photos showed were pre-ops to his recent 3rd surgery, taken after his first 2 ops had grown in; and the post-ops are of his recent, 3rd surgery, as well.
  13. Honestly, and perhaps (I hope) I am influenced by the amount of blood (those are the bloodiest HT photos I have ever seen...intra-op aside), but it really doesn't look too good to me....who was your doctor, and was it the same doc/clinic for all three ops?
  14. A broad I sorta-kinda dated throughout highschool had the most insane obsession with John Mayer...to the point that it often caused be great concern; as I would not have been surprised were she to run off, hitchhike to LA, to spend her hours snapping cellphone pix of him outside his local Starbucks as he went for coffee. So, I'm fairly biased in my view of John Mayer...but I've heard he is legit good from many sources.
  15. Interesting topic...I would love to hear the rationale behind using the supremely small tools (.6mm), as well as larger ones, and when they are appropriate -- if ever...as I understand it, some doctors (I *think* Feller is one) often use different sizes (the Feller Punch is .75mm if I remember aright), though they never exceed 1mm....I beleive that Bart using exclusively .6mm, or something very close to that. Then there are clinics which either refuse to clarify or shade over in murkyness the size of their tools....I would also like to know *why* they would be cloaking their practice in secrecy, and what their motivation would be for using the tools they use. I've assumed that the smaller tools can correspond to greater transection; while the larger tools leave greater scarring, and above 1mm can be tantamount to FUE-plugs. There has been a lot of FUE discussion of late; but as you mention, it has been somewhat futile and has surrounded growth.
  16. Personally, I'm a fan of a phantom "staph infection"....it gives you tons of leeway for having to lay on the low, and it can help you coverup any inquiries into your recipient area, or even donor..."Hey, your scalp is looking a little red"..."Hey, you have some marks on your scalp"...."Ya, just got over a staph infection that hit my scalp, still have some residual visuals." Anyways, I started working out after two weeks, once I had my staples removed....I did lighter weights for more repitions, did my cardio on the elliptical, stayed away from ab exercises where my neck was directly strained...and, of course, was cognizent of any tightness in my donor....a couple of times the first week or two of working out I felt some strain in my donor, so I just backed off....after 1 month I was working out "normally", except I still found that I couldn't run or do direct neck exercises...I also wasn't doing "max" lifts...one, for a bit of caution, but also just because my body regressed a bit and I was just building myself back up gradually. I was still working out hard, though, no doubt about it. Also, fwiw, after 4weeks I resumed brazilian jiu-jitsu training (submission wrestling, if you aren't familiar).
  17. Oh well....at least we weren't holding our breath for answers & results....
  18. It's still incromprehensible (to me) that: "he" has yet to answer the various theoretical -- err, practical... -- limitations of FUE megasessions, that have been systemtically addressed in various major threads on this site and others....and, despite a myriad of promises and instances were "he" was asked, there has yet to be but a handful of clear before and afters of fully-grown FUE megasessions..... No doubt Armani pitches a sweet rap...but where's the meat?
  19. Definitely not it's strong point...I was just happy to see the formerly-balded, HT-goodguy come out on top!
  20. Donnie W. is DEFINITELY ht.....also, nice "kill point" reference -- I liked that miniseries!
  21. Was this your first HT? And who was your doctor? I find it hard to beleive that 1200 grafts was maxing yourself out. Also, having another procedure after but 6months seems a bit early....at least to me.... I would post more pictures if you can -- before shots and immediately after, if you have them.
  22. Wow. So if your wife was a 10, but is now a 12...does that mean that existentially speaking, she is really an 11?
  23. From all I've read, True distanced himself from Elliot long ago; and has updated his methods with the times. Anyways, just read your blog....depressing, and I can only imagine....janitor placing your grafts....christ....I will say, though I know you have your reasons: be extremely cautious in who you are going to for your upcoming FUE session....there is so much deceit and hype in that sector....and in the wrong hands the trauma and results can be horrific. Just make sure the guy who is working on you is crystal-clear in his methods and has consistent results. That a doctor butchered you (and others) in the past has zero bearing on whether a "doctor" will butcher you in the future.....not trying to pick you apart, just want you to receive the best that you can get.
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